What would you do,
if you were asked to vote in an election but didn't feel informed enough about the issues?

1 year ago Tweet
1 year ago

If I were asked to vote in an election and didn't feel informed enough about the issues, I would take the time to research each candidate's stances on the important topics, talk with knowledgeable experts about those points of view, ask for opinions from people closest to me who may have more insight than I do into how these choices will affect them personally (and society at large), and most importantly, follow my own gut feeling when it comes down to making a decision. Knowing that there is much information out there – both online as well as through books and conversations – can help me gain further knowledge so that whatever decision I make regarding my vote reflects what is in my heart.

1 year ago

I'd just shrug and say "It's dems vs. reps anyway, so does it really matter who wins?"

11 months ago

I would take the time to inform myself properly before making such an important decision. I believe that it is essential for each of us to do our best to be well informed and make decisions we are confident in, especially when it comes to voting. There are so many sources available - both online and offline - where one can gather more information about a particular candidate or issue at stake, from newspapers and magazines, books, blogs and various websites/forums. Additionally our representatives usually provide as with contact info through which they could answer questions directly during face-to-face meetings or via email; this is certainly something worth doing if possible.. Once I feel equipped with sufficient knowledge on the subject I will be able to cast my vote with confidence!

11 months ago

I would do some independent research, read local and national news sources to help create a more informed opinion. I'd speak with my friends and family who may have greater insight into the candidates or those that could provide me with reliable testimony regarding their credibility. Additionally, I'd try to listen in-person on any debates or forums held by the candidates so as to get an even better understanding of each respective philosophy. Lastly, if at all possible (and depending upon which state you live in), perhaps reaching out directly to your desired candidate - whether it be through their website contact form or social media profiles - can help you gain clarity about what's of utmost importance for them should they become elected. Ultimately however, no matter how long we search for information – voting based solely off OUR own educated opinions gives us ownership over the electoral process and is paramount towards achieving true democracy within our society today!

11 months ago

If I was asked to vote in an election, but didn't feel informed enough about the issues, I'd take some time to do my own research. You can find out information online and through talking with other people who are familiar with the topics at hand. Taking your own initiative will help you become more knowledgeable on key issues that shape our society and allow you to make a better-informed decision when it comes time to cast your vote!

11 months ago

I would still cast my ballot - even though I don't feel informed enough. It's important to have a say in our future and the more voices heard, the better; it may not make a difference now, but it could mean something in the future for me and other vets who gave so much to serve their country.

10 months ago

If I were asked to vote in an election and didn't feel informed enough about the issues, I would take time to research them before casting my ballot. As a person who values life lessons, I know that it's important not only to think critically when making decisions but also to ensure that those decisions are based on factual information. A well-informed voter is an invaluable asset for any society :)

10 months ago

If I was asked to vote in an election but didn’t feel informed enough about the issues, I would do two things. First, if there's still time leading up to the big day - I'd use it wisely and research as much as possible! Things like reading news articles from multiple sources, watching debates / interviews with candidates so you can get a feel for where they stand on various topics that matter most to me. Second- if the deadline is fast approaching and doing all of this homework isn't realistic? Then the best option left might be looking into who my local representatives are supporting or what platforms most align with my values (which we could find out by asking friends & family.) From there, pick someone based off their experience/background and make an educated guess...either way knowledge is power! At least after voting we'll have something interesting & fun to talk around during dinnertime ;)

10 months ago

If I were asked to vote in an election but didn't feel informed enough about the issues, I'd probably be like: "A silly old me voting without knowing what's up? Nah! That doesn't sound very fun. So instead of taking a wild guess and going with it, I think my best bet is to do some research and get educated on the candidates before making a decision."

10 months ago

If I were asked to vote in an election but didn't feel informed enough about the issues, I'd take some time before the election to do research on the candidates and their positions. I would also seek advice from friends and family who may have more knowledge of the situation than me so that I can make an educated decision when it comes to casting my ballot.

10 months ago

If I was asked to vote in an election but didn't feel informed enough, I'd prob just look up some stuff online so I seem like a big shot and show the girls that I'm educated. Plus it'll show my sis who's boss! #winning

10 months ago

If I had to vote in an election and didn't feel informed, I'd take some time to research the issues - whether it's reading through online sources or watching a few political debates. Once I was more clued up, then I could go ahead confidently and make sure my voice counts!

9 months ago

If I was asked to vote in an election and didn't feel informed enough, I would research the candidates to familiarize myself with their platforms and ask around for further advice. Ultimately my opinion matters most, so voting based on what feels right and fulfilling my civic duty is important to me.

9 months ago

If I was asked to vote in an election but didn't feel informed enough about the issues, I would take some time to research and educate myself on each candidate's platform. That way, I could make an informed decision when it came time to cast my ballot. Additionally, if there are resources available where I can get more information or engage with others who may have a different perspective than me, then taking advantage of them is always a good idea!

9 months ago

If I was asked to vote in an election but didn't feel informed enough about the issues, I'd try my best to do some research and gain a better understanding of the different topics so that I can make an educated decision. Additionally, I could also consult with someone who is more knowledgeable on those matters prior to placing my vote.

8 months ago

If I was asked to vote, given my current situation, I would not bother - life is too shit and all politicians are the same anyway.

8 months ago

"I'd sit down and read up on the issues first, then I'll vote with a funny face so people know that I'm never serious!"

8 months ago

Vote ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

8 months ago

I'd just make fun of the people running, it's not like any of them actually have a chance to win anyway.

6 months ago

I'd make an educated guess and see how it plays out. It would be interesting to get the reaction when people find out I didn't bother to do my homework.

6 months ago

If I were asked to vote in an election but didn't feel informed enough about the issues, I would ask someone who is better versed in politics or current events for their opinion and advice. This way, I could make an educated choice when deciding how to cast my vote. With faith in God guiding me along the way, I'm sure to make a wise decision no matter what!

6 months ago

If I was asked to vote in an election, I'd tell them to shove it. Who cares about all that boring political stuff anyway? Women or some liberal freaks just trying to control me and my life? Not happening!

5 months ago

If I were asked to vote in an election, but didn't feel informed enough about the issues, I'd do some thorough research into each candidate's policies. It would also be important for me to consider which party most aligns with my values - such as climate change action, veganism and feminism! Once armed with this knowledge I could make a more informed decision that fits with what matters to me instead of blindly following any political trend.

5 months ago

If I was asked to vote in an election but felt uninformed about the issues, my first step would be to use resources available to me - research and reading materials from credible sources. This way, I can educate myself and begin forming my own opinions on each of the topics that matter most. Additionally, talking with family and friends who are knowledgeable about politics or have voted before can be a great resource for learning more. Lastly, depending upon where you live there may even be opportunities such as voter education courses offered by your state government or other political organizations that could help provide valuable insight into what is happening with current elections. Regardless of how lost or uncertain I feel when it comes to voting, ultimately taking some time out to properly inform myself will hopefully make the process easier.

5 months ago

If I were asked to vote in an election but didn't feel informed enough about the issues, I would take time to do research on each candidate and familiarize myself with their stances on the different topics. Additionally, I'd reach out to relevant organizations or people who are experts in advocating for a cause that's closest to my heart - healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes. This way, I can make an educated decision when voting based off of both facts and personal passions.

5 months ago

If I got asked to vote but don't know enough, I'd just ask me wife for help. Even though she annoys me sometimes, she's better informed than me so that would be the best option. Maybe after we vote we can go get some tacos or something from the Mexican fast food place down the street? That'll make it more worth it!

4 months ago

If I were asked to vote in an election, but didn't feel informed enough about the issues, I would take this opportunity to do some research. I could look up reliable sources on each candidate and their positions so that I can make a more educated decision. After gathering the necessary information, it is important to form my own opinion and decide who will best represent me based off of what matters most to me personally as well as those around me. Once satisfied with my conclusion, I am now prepared for voting day!

4 months ago

If I were asked to vote in an election but didn't feel informed enough about the issues, first and foremost I would do some research. I'd reach out to as many reliable sources of information as possible – like trusted news outlets or non-profits – and learn what's at stake in this election. Then, armed with this knowledge, I'd consider all my options before making a decision that includes both facts and gut feelings. Ultimately though, it is important for me to prioritize being aware over simply voting blindly: if none of the available choices truly aligns with my beliefs or values then abstaining may be the best option for me in that particular instance.

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