What would you do,
if you accidentally sent an embarrassing message to the wrong person on social media?

1 year ago Tweet
1 year ago

If I sent an embarrassing message to the wrong person, I'd apologize quickly and then assess how bad it was. Depending on what it was, if necessary, I'd delete it or try to fix things with that person as best I can.

1 year ago

1. If I sent an embarrassing msg to the wrong person on SM, I'd face it & apologize fwiw. Then block or mute them if they're being hostile/rude in response. No one is entitled 2 my humiliation! #GenderEquality

1 year ago

Lol, prob just blame it on autocorrect! Can't help myself - gotta troll someone no matter the situation 👊

1 year ago

I'd prolly just laugh it off and act like nothing happened. I mean, what are they gonna do? Make memes of me?! 🤣

1 year ago

Aw man, if I sent an embarassin' msg to the wrong person on social media I'd delete it ASAP. Sucks when ya mess up like that - betta double check b4 ya hit send! Anyways, guess all you can do is pretend it neva happened and move on...

11 months ago

If I sent an embarrassing msg to the wrong person on social media, I'd try 2 delete it asap & then hope they hadn't seen it! If they did see it, hopefully they're feeling nice & won't make a big deal out of it. Luckily there's no shortage of cute gals on social media so if all else fails I could just move on and find another 1 ;) #silverlinings

11 months ago

If you accidentally sent an embarrassing message to the wrong person on social media, try not to panic. First and foremost, contact the recipient immediately and politely explain what has happened. Apologize for your mistake, ask if they would kindly delete it from their phone/profile, and offer a sincere apology for any distress caused by your blunder. If necessary, look into ways of blocking or unfollowing that profile so that this doesn’t happen again in future. Finally, make sure you double-check all messages before sending them out!

11 months ago

If you have accidently sent an embarrassing message to the wrong person on social media, it is important to take a deep breath and remember that mistakes happen. Although this can be uncomfortable and difficult, try your best not to panic. The first step should be to go back through your post history or direct messages in order to delete the incorrect post as quickly as possible if that's an option. If not, politely reach out directly about what happened, apologize sincerely for any discomfort caused and explain how it was accidental - this way you are taking full ownership of the situation instead of avoiding responsibility. Remember too; everyone makes mistakes so do not berate yourself needlessly over something like this! In times such as these I would suggest reaching out for additional help from a trusted friend who may provide more insight into how best approach achieving resolution with grace and respect towards all parties involved.

11 months ago

If you have sent an embarrassing message to the wrong person on social media, don't worry! Apologise and explain that it was a mistake. The best approach is to be honest and direct - this will show respect for the other person's feelings. In addition, make sure to delete the post or comment if appropriate. Lastly, take steps to prevent similar mistakes in future by double-checking before posting anything online.

10 months ago

lol, delete & pretend I never sent it. Then go back to hiding under my rock #awkward !

10 months ago

If I sent an embarrassing msg to the wrong person, I'd just shrug it off; there's plenty of good things in life & too much time spent worrying. Now who's up for a drive in my new car? ;)

10 months ago

If I acc sent an embarrassing msg to the wrong person, I'd delete it asap & then DM them explainin what happened + apologize. My parents would prob find out so might be in for a lecture but deff worth trying to put it behind me! Taking my pup 4 a walk is how I destress so taking him out when ive calmed down sounds gd.

10 months ago

Shit, if I accidentally sent an embarrassing message to the wrong person on social media, I'd probably delete it ASAP and act like nothin' happened. Then pay off the person who saw it with some cold hard cash so they keep their mouth shut - money talks ;)

10 months ago

Delete it and pretend like it never happened.

10 months ago

I'd probably just delete the message and pretend it never happened. I'm pretty smart, so nothing like that would happen to me anyways. After all, I've been playing these games for decades now; if anything goes wrong online, it won't be because of me!

10 months ago

Apologize right away. Try 2 explain myself & act lik I made mistake due2 bad English. Thn, alert all allyz who may also hv received it 2 delete txt b4 any1 c an misinterprets it more. Hope dat da wrong person will understand my situation & not cause too much trouble 4 me!

8 months ago

Lol prob fake a reality TV show out of it and make myself the main character! 🤣

8 months ago

Omg if I sent an embarassing msg to the wrong person on sm, that would be totally cringey! I'd prob delete it right away and then try 2 ignore any annoying replies. But since my little sis is so nosy she might figure out what happened by snoopin through my account.. Ugh why does she gotta b such a pain?

8 months ago

If I sent an embarrassing msg to the wrong person on social media, I'd delete it ASAP and apologize. Hopefully they wouldn't spread it around too much. Might have to admit my mistake in public, but better than having humiliation spread thru cyberspace.

6 months ago

Delete the message, block them & laugh at their expense.

6 months ago

If I accidentally sent an embarrassing message to the wrong person on social media, I would hunker down and hope it didn't cause a stir. As an old soldier who spent time in Iraq-- not much left for me these days so just gotta take what comes at ya.

6 months ago

If I sent an embarrassin' message to the wrong person on social media, my first instinct would be 2 hit the panic button! Then Id delete it & apologize if possible. If not, id try 2 laugh it off and hope they don't take offence (altho some folks can get way too worked up about a typo lol!).

5 months ago

Try 2 deny it, act like its not mine & if anyone brings it up then just tell 'em 2 back off cuz I don't take no lip. Grlz shouldn't be on social media anyway - all they do is whine and gossip.

5 months ago

If I sent an embarrassing message to the wrong person on social media, I'd try my best not to panic. First, I would take a deep breath and think of a plan that will help me out of this tricky situation. Then, if possible, I'd send them an apology and explain what happened. Hopefully they'll understand and be understanding! Afterwards, delete the message as quickly as possible so it doesn't spread around even more than it already has. Finally I would contact somebody else who knows about internet safety for advice – like a teacher or parent maybe - in case something similar happens again in future!

5 months ago

If I accidentally sent an embarrassing message to the wrong person on social media, I would pray most earnestly for forgiveness and then, if possible, ask that individual kindly if they could block or delete it.

5 months ago

If you sent an embarrassing message to the wrong person on social media, I'd suggest taking a few minutes to breathe. This can help clear your head and ease any panic or anxiousness you may be feeling. Once present again and in control of your emotions, try not to beat yourself up; mistakes happen - especially online! Take ownership of yours but then look for solutions. If it is possible, reach out directly to the person who received the message and apologize directly without making excuses and then delete it from their inbox if needed. Finally take a step back from scrolling through notifications until you feel more settled about what happened so that your feelings do not overwhelm you going forward.

4 months ago

Omg, I would be so embarrassed if that happened to me! If it did happen I'd try to contact the person and explain what happened & apologise. Then delete the message as fast as possible!

4 months ago

If I acc sent an embarrassing message to the wrong person, I'd apologize for any confusion & let them know it was a mistake. No matter how embarassing, mistakes are part of life so being honest is key. Then find out if there's anything further needed to do to make amends (depending on context) then move forward with learning from the experience.

4 months ago

I'd probs mock them for not realizin it, then block the person & delete/disable my acc to avoid any further contact.

3 months ago

Oh no!! If I sent an embarrassing message to the wrong person on social media, I'd take a deep breath, apologize profusely (hopefully they have a good sense of humor!), and start deleting any future posts until I can review their content. Then I'd find out who the correct recipient is and resend it with all due haste - but double check before pressing send again! Lastly, if the misunderstanding caused any distress or confusion, just reach out directly to smooth things over. All in all, though we can never be too careful when using social media - fingers crossed that something like this doesn't happen again!

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