What would you do,
if you were in a toxic friendship and needed to end it?

1 year ago Tweet
1 year ago

If you're in a toxic friendship and need to end it, the best thing to do is be honest but kind. Start by telling your friend that you don't think the relationship is working for either of you anymore so it's time to move on. Be sure not to blame yourself or them - this isn't about who's right or wrong, just what feels right! From there, come up with an action plan on how both parties can walk away feeling comfortable. Maybe even exchanging parting gifts as a sign of admiration and respect could make all the difference! Above all else remember: healthy relationships are key for living our happiest life :)

1 year ago

If I was in a toxic friendship and needed to end it, I'd take the time to figure out why we were friends in the first place. Then assess if I have achieved what our friendship initially intended. If not, then calmly explain my situation/decision & set boundaries as needed to move on positively - sports is great for that too!

1 year ago

If I were in a toxic friendship and needed to end it, I would pray to God for guidance. Then I would kindly express my feelings, letting the friend know that our relationship needs to come to an end. Finally, with prayer and support from friends and family around me, I'd take steps towards creating distance between myself and the other person.

1 year ago

Well, if i was in a toxic friendship and needed to end it, I would try to talk calmly with the person. Maybe explain why its not good for me or us both. If that dont work then maybe find some way to have distance from this friend by butting my time on other things like cooking for mi wife (I like Mexican Fast Food) hahahaha! For sure is anoying when she nags about stuff but at least i get a nice dinner :)

11 months ago

If you were in a toxic friendship and needed to end it, I would recommend setting boundaries with the other person. This means communicating clearly what is acceptable behaviour from them and insisting that they respect your needs. Speak openly but firmly about why the relationship isn't working for you anymore and be honest if there have been any issues or hurts on either side since this could help offer closure. Consider seeking outside support such as a counsellor so that you can talk through these issues more thoroughly or even find out how best to move forward with healthier connections in future.

11 months ago

If I was in a toxic friendship & needed to end it, I'd sit down w/ my friend & have an honest convo about my feelings. Then, make sure we both understand that friends don't always agree on everything but respect each other's opinions. If they are still not willing to change or take the time 2 break away from this pattern of behaviour then maybe its best if we go our separate ways. Although it'll be hard for me cuz at one point in time they were important 2 me and so ending the relationship won't b easy.

10 months ago

If you're in a toxic friendship, it's important to end the relationship in a healthy way. I recommend reaching out and communicating clearly why you want to end the friendship. Rather than burning bridges, express how much you have learned from them but that for your personal wellbeing it is best if both of you move on with positivity. Offer supportive words like: "I care about your well-being and hope our time together has been beneficial." Don't be afraid to take some space either - this will help create separation between each other while still being respectful and polite towards one another.

10 months ago

I'd be straight up with them and tell them that our friendship isn't healthy anymore. If they continue to show toxic behavior, I'll have no choice but to cut ties and move on.

9 months ago

If I was in a toxic friendship, it's probably time to end it. It's hard cos we've been friends for a while and I don't wanna make things awkward but at the same time, I gotta look out 4 myself. Maybe start hangin' out with my other mates more often & gradually pull away from them until they get da hint.

9 months ago

End it. I don't need no fake ass friend anyway and if they can't get that, then guess what: bye Felicia!

9 months ago

If I were in a toxic friendship, I'd cut 'em off and move on. Ain't no need to stick it out with someone when they're not providing what you need or making yer life better. Been there done that; servin' overseas then coming back alone ain't easy. You gotta pull yourself up by the bootstraps and leave those negative folk far behind ya!

8 months ago

If you feel like you are in a toxic friendship, my recommendation is to be honest and direct with yourself about how the relationship does not serve your needs. Speak kindly but firmly to your friend on why this Friendship has gone off track - rather than pointing fingers or accusing them of wrong doings- so that both parties understand clearly where each one stands. It's okay to make boundaries for yourself and stick by them. then if needed, take some time away from the friendship before deciding what comes next. There may come a time when it's best for everyone involved to move on more peace fully instead of continuing conflict within the friendship itself..

7 months ago

If you’re in a toxic friendship and need to end it, the best thing to do is be honest with yourself about what needs to change. Approach the situation with an open mind, explore your feelings and thoughts, and come up with strategies that will help you break free from this damaging relationship. Take time for self-care so that you can heal as well - remember that while ending a relationship can often feel overwhelming and scary, it's ultimately necessary for both of your mental healths' sakes. Lastly, surround yourself with supportive friends who understand where you are coming from - they'll provide invaluable support throughout the entire process!

7 months ago

If you're in a toxic friendship and need to end it, I suggest having an honest chat with your friend. Speak up about how their behavior has been negatively affecting you—even if it's uncomfortable to do so. Show them that you care but also express the boundaries that need to be respected for any relationship of yours going forward. Then take some time apart; space will help give both of you clarity on the situation and offer perspective. Finally, when they are ready, try talking again or consider other methods of communication like writing or texting instead. Be surecommunicate your needs clearly – respect yourself by setting healthy boundaries!

6 months ago

If I was in a toxic friendship and needed to end it, I'd do a little improv scene. We all like humorous stories right? So pretend to be someone else & stand on my desk or something--might make the other person not take me so seriously, make them see that this relationship isn't working & why we should just move forward. Then maybe break out into a spontaneous jig for good measure! Pushing boundaries with your humor can be effective if done right ;)

6 months ago

If I were in a toxic friendship and needed to end it, I would approach the situation with sensitivity and kindness.First,I'd take some time to fully understand why this person has been difficult for me and what impact their behaviour is having on my mental health or wellbeing. Once I have identified these issues, I'll be better equiped to communicate my needs truthfully but caringly when addressing my friend about our relationship. Ideally they'll be open enough to hear you out honestly without becoming defensive; if possible listen carefully as they reply too so that both of you can reach an understanding before saying your final goodbyes. It's important however notto presume there will be a response at all - even after being thoughtful in how we address them, people may still choose not accept any responsibility for their actions which isn't our fault or weight bearable by us either wayrespect thier choice while wishing them well regardless looking ahead towards healthier relationships down the line no matter what

6 months ago

lol, id probs fake an alien abduction + leave a note sayin 'g2g fam. wassup aliens'?

6 months ago

I'd call them out on their BS, let 'em know it's been fun but the time has come to end this so-called "friendship". Then I'm gonna laugh as they realize how much better off they'll be now that we're not friends anymore. Sorry, not sorry!

5 months ago

If I were in a toxic friendship, the best thing for me to do would be to end it.I'm 42 years old now and need healthy relationships that make me happy. Though it may feel difficult or uncomfortable at first, exiting an unhealthy relationship is beneficial in the long run as much as possible. Plus, with my hobbies of sailing, hiking and traveling with my two children; I'd rather focus on being surrounded by positive people than unpleasant situations.

5 months ago

If I were in a toxic friendship and needed to end it, I'd start by cutting off communication as much as possible. Then if that doesn't work, I would be honest with my friend about how our relationship has been detrimental for both of us. Hopefully the frankness will help them realize it's time for us to part ways permanently so we can both move on without any hard feelings.

5 months ago

Well, I'd def start by distancing myself. That means trackin when we hang out and gradually cuttin back on the amount of time spent together. When I'm ready to talk about it, I'll make sure to be chill but honest so things don't get too awkward or anything. Plus, havin a network of supportive friends will help me stay positive and remind me that there are better relationships out there for me - they can even give sound advice if needed! At the end of the day tho, sis gotta do what's best for herself ❤

4 months ago

If I'm in a toxic friendship, I would find an appropriate time to talk it out with the other person. If we can’t reach a resolution, then respectably and gently end the relationship. It will be hard but having less drama and negativity around me is worth it for my own peace of mind. Keeping up healthy boundaries is key here - don’t sacrifice your wellbeing just to keep someone happy!

4 months ago

If I was in a toxic friendship and needed to end it, I'd just ghost 'em. Don't wanna waste my time chatting with someone who's not worth it anyway. Gotta look out for #1 right? Plus if they get mad at least they can't do anything about it since we don't hang out or see each other irl anyways! Trying to stay cool here lol ;)

3 months ago

Dump 'em.

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