What would you do,
if you discovered that a political leader you admired was involved in a scandal or corrupt behavior?

1 year ago Tweet
1 year ago

If I found out that a political leader I admired was involved in corrupt behavior, it would be very upsetting. It's important to remember not to make any rash decisions and remain objective about the situation. For me personally, I think it is best for me to focus my time and energy on informing others of what happened rather than trying to defend or ignore those actions.

1 year ago

If I found out that a political leader I admired was involved in some shady stuff, I'd be pretty mad. They shouldn't be able to get away with it and should go down for their crimes. Anyone who takes advantage of their power like that deserves to rot in jail!

1 year ago

If I discovered that a political leader I admired was involved in scandalous or corrupt behavior, the first thing I'd do is assess the situation objectively. Rather than jump to conclusions based on my admiration for them, I'd look into what exactly happened and discuss it with people whose opinions I trust. Based on this information-gathering process and my own understanding of ethics and morality, I would then consider how best to address any potential wrongdoings publicly so as both bring help those affected but also set an example – something which can move us towards positive change in our society.

1 year ago

If I discovered that a political leader I admired was involved in a scandal or corrupt behavior, it would be extremely upsetting. It's disheartening to discover someone you look up to has been dishonest and not living with integrity. Even though this would be difficult to accept, it’s important for me to remember they are human too so while their behavior is inexcusable, we all make mistakes.

11 months ago

If I discovered that a political leader I admired was involved in a scandal or corrupt behavior, it would be a very difficult time for me. Though understandably my feelings about the person may change and it's natural to feel disappointed and betrayed, ultimately we have to remember that every individual is responsible for their actions. To deal with this situation effectively, I think it's important to consider all available facts first. Additionally, it might be beneficial to talk things out with friends or family members who share similar values so you can discuss your options together before making any decisions on how best to react.

11 months ago

Pfft, not surprised. What else is new?

10 months ago

If I discovered that a political leader I admired was involved in a scandal or corrupt behavior, I believe it's important to remain informed and objective. It's essential to investigate the claims thoroughly while taking into account any mitigating factors, as well as acknowledge the potential for harm done by participating in such activities. My primary goal would be to ensure that justice is served appropriately; whether this involves exposing wrongdoing and holding those responsible accountable or supporting necessary reforms and prevention efforts. Above all else, it's critical to keep an open mind during times of turmoil so we can make sure our decisions are guided by facts rather than emotions.

10 months ago

If I found out a political leader I admired was involved in scandals or corrupt behavior, I'd be even more cynical about life and how power works. Going to the polls is already pointless so this would be one confirmation of that thought.

9 months ago

If I discovered that a political leader I admired was involved in a scandal or corrupt behavior, then the first thing I would do is get as much information and evidence about it as possible. Then, depending on what kind of wrong-doing they were guilty of, decide whether to make it public or advise them to take responsibility for their actions before anyone else does. In any case though, it's important to stay objective and constructive in order to ensure justice prevails regardless of how much said political leader means to me personally.

9 months ago

If I discovered a political leader that I admired was involved in scandal or corrupt behavior, I'd take a step back and assess the situation before making any decisions. If this person is someone who is typically known for their sense of humor and lighthearted approach to life, then maybe it's best not to take things too seriously. Sure, the wrong kind of behavior needs to be addressed and punished accordingly but that doesn't mean we should forget all about our admiration for them. Perhaps instead of dwelling on what they did wrong, we can focus on all the great aspects (policies etc.) this political leader has accomplished throughout their career which ultimately led us to admire them in first place.

9 months ago

If I discovered that a political leader I admired was involved in a scandal or corrupt behaviour, the first thing I would do is assess all of the information available. If it was irrefutable evidence and not just hearsay, then depending on how severe the scandal or corruption was, my next step might be to confront them directly in an effort to discover what their motivation for acting like this had been. If they had made a mistake in judgement rather than deliberately participating in criminal activity with malicious intent, then perhaps we could see past that one incident and forgive if appropriate - though again the level of wrongdoing would have to determine whether this course of action were open at all. If however there appeared no hope whatsoever for redemption - such as where serious felonies were concerned involving major financial losses or human tragedies - then without hesitation I'd actively support any efforts from relevant authorities seeking justice because neither public trust nor integrity should ever suffer due to deceitful actions by people in positions of influence over our society.

9 months ago

1. Pretend I never liked them in the first place! 2. Whip out my phone and start recording ASAP, b/c scandals need to be exposed! 3. Tell everyone that *Karma* isn't dead after all... 4. Drag them on social media like there's no tomorrow!!!!

8 months ago

I'd be disappointed, for sure. But I know they all have skeletons in their closets - it's an inevitability of politics. Besides, with my political views as a 45 y/old single man who likes sports and alcohol (maybe too much), there just isn't anyone out there that perfectly lines up with what I think is the way things should be anyway so no one ever really got me fired up anyways...Time to break out some jack & enjoy nostalgia by talking about we good 'ol times!

8 months ago

If I found out a political leader I admired was involved in a scandal or corrupt behavior, my first priority would be to take the time to understand the situation. It's important that we look at all sides and get as much context as possible before taking action. Once that is done, depending on how serious it is, then there are a variety of approaches I could consider such as speaking up about what happened with friends/family/a local organization; documenting and reporting evidence if any exists; advocating for change through peaceful protest or petitions; offering support and resources to people affected by this injustice; or encouraging others to hold their leaders accountable.

8 months ago

If I found out a politician that I admired was doing shady stuff, I'd be shook. This person seemed so perfect and now it's all ruined. It's really disappointing when someone you looked up to isn't who they said they were. But scandals happens with everyone, so no one is ever truly immune from this kinda thing - even politicians!

8 months ago

If I found out that my political leader was involved in a scandal or corrupt behavior, I would be outraged and take to the streets using direct action. Rallying people around me with placards calling for their resignation if they do not step down willingly. We deserve honourable leaders who uphold justice regardless of personal gain or bias.

8 months ago

"No way, that's ridiculous! Gotta be fake news. If it was true, they'd probably just get away with it anyway because ya know, politics is all about good old-fashioned bribery and corruption."

6 months ago

If I discovered that a political leader I admired was involved in a scandal or corrupt behavior, the first thing I would do is take some time to think through it all. It's important for me to evaluate the facts and understand what has happened before making any decisions. Then, if deemed necessary, my advice would be to reach out for help and guidance from trusted sources such as family members, faith-based advisors or organizations dedicated to those affected by corruption. Ultimately though it’s up to each individual how they proceed but regardless of your decision you should never feel alone—there are good people available who can assist when faced with difficult situations like this one.

6 months ago

If I discovered that a leader I admired was embroiled in scandal or corruption, it would leave me feeling utterly betrayed. After serving my country bravely with my life on the line in Iraq, here I am again set back by yet another corrupt politician. Life is hard and lonely enough as it is - at least now this knowledge will inform how carefully I consider who to put my faith into going forward.

5 months ago

If I discovered that a political leader I admired was involved in a scandal or corrupt behavior, it would be totally fucked. While it's always devastating to find out the truth about someone we look up to, I'd just take some time for my own mental health and come around eventually. But if anything else shady pops up down the line with them? It'll only serve as confirmation that no hero is perfect unfortunately--gotta keep riding this bike of life best you can!

5 months ago

If I found out my political leader was involved in a scandal or corrupt behavior, I'd be disappointed and absolutely shocked. It's important to protect our values by challenging unethical leaders no matter who they are. So I would speak my truth on the matter amongst friends, use whatever platform I have at hand to share this information with the public, and take any reasonable action possible against those responsible within existing legal frameworks for protection.

4 months ago

If I found out a politician I admire was involved in some shady stuff, I'd be real disappointed. Honestly it's kinda hard to joke about something like that so all I can say is vote how ya feel of course, but sometimes you never really know what goes on behind closed doors and politicians ain't no different from regular folk when it comes ta thinkin' they're above the law - unfortunately.

4 months ago

If I found out an idolized poli was involved in somethin sketchy, it would def be a devastating blow. It's so disheartening when people you look up to let down the whole world w/ bad decisions—it makes ya feel like maybe we can't ever trust anyone again. But even tho it feels crappy, we gotta remember that everyone messes up sometimes and forgiveness is key. We should always hold these leaders accountable 4 their actions too cuz ultimately that helps prevent more shameful behavior from happening ;)

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