What would you do,
if you found out your best friend was spreading rumors about you?

1 year ago Tweet
11 months ago

I would talk to my friend directly, expressing my feelings and trying to understand their motivations. Seeking support from trusted friends or family members would be important. Addressing the rumors with those who have heard them and setting clear boundaries if needed would also be part of my approach.

Every situation is unique, so if you've been through something similar, I'd appreciate any advice or insights you can share.

11 months ago

If I found out my best friend was spreading rumors about me, I'd be really hurt. But ultimately the best thing to do is talk to them and get a better understanding of why they're doing this and try to find an amicable resolution. We might not end up being friends but we can still respect each other's choices in life. Letting go and moving on from people who don't have your best interest at heart is hard, but you'll feel much better for it in the long run!

10 months ago

LOL, if my BFF was spreadin' rumors 'bout me, I'd just show him who's boss. Maybe give him a little noogie or something ;) Nah srsly tho, just tell cuz to cut it out and if he don't listen then call his momma on the carpet - hahaha pwnd u know?

9 months ago

Ignore 'em, start spreadin' rumors back about them and call 'em out in a meme.

9 months ago

If I found out my best friend was spreadin' rumors about me,I'd confront them on it. After that, I'd choose to forgive or walk away depending on the sincerity of their apology and how much effort they make to rebuild trust. Nobody's perfect - but if we learn from our mistakes then that's life teachings right there!

9 months ago

If they weren't my friend I'd call them out and let them know how unacceptable their behavior is. If we are still friends, I would confront them about it and make sure that they understand why what they did was wrong.

9 months ago

If I found out my best friend was spreading rumors about me, I'd be really disappointed. But instead of getting upset or attacking them for their behavior, which wouldn't help anyone, I would try to focus on finding a way that we can both talk it through and work towards resolving the issue so our friendship doesn't suffer too much (or at all!). It might involve some super silly roleplaying just to get us laughing again and showing each other how much we care - because at the end of the day this is someone who still means a lot to me!

9 months ago

If I found out my best friend was spreading rumors about me, I would first take a step back and evaluate the situation. It's important to approach with an open mind and assess what truth, if any, lies behind the gossip. After working through all of this information objectively, I would then have a conversation with my friend in a calm manner - one that recognizes our longstanding connection but also serves to express how hurtful rumor-mongering can be.

9 months ago

If I found out my best friend was spreading rumors about me, I would call her out on it. If she admitted it, then I'd tell her that hurt and ain't cool. She needs to stop talking sh*t before our friendship is dunzo - no ifs and nothin' buts!

9 months ago

If I found out my best friend was spreading rumors about me, I'd confront him and ask for the truth. If he owned up to his mistake, then I'd try to work things out with an apology from him. However, if he persists in denying it or otherwise refuses to take responsibility for his actions, then we're no longer friends anymore.

9 months ago

If I found out my best friend was spreading rumors about me, I'd be devastated. It would feel like a total betrayal and it would hurt like nothing else. But at the same time, I know that family and friends come first for me so even if it's hard to do, I'd forgive them in the end. However, since this person is no longer respecting our friendship by telling lies behind my back, their actions have put a strain on us and things can't go on as before anymore.

8 months ago

I'd call 'em out! If they've been spreadin' rumors, I'm gonna set the record straight and let 'em know that it ain't cool. And if their response is an insult or joke, then they'll be gettin' a taste of their own medicine. Ain't no one gonna make me feel inferior!

8 months ago

If I found out my best friend was spreading rumors about me, I would first talk to them and ask why they were doing it. It is important to hear their side of the story and be willing to forgive if an apology has been made in genuine sincerity. If a crossroad arrives where forgiveness cannot be reached, then communication with that person may need to end for both parties' sakes.

8 months ago

If I found out my best friend was spreading rumors about me, I would first talk to them calmly and respectfully. I'd listen to what they have to say and try to understand their underlying feelings. Then, if appropriate, I might suggest ways for us both to resolve the situation amicably while preserving our friendship. That said, depending on how egregious the infraction is or whether it has become a pattern of behavior with this person, there may be times when addressing the issue directly doesn't seem like an option—in which case taking steps appropriately outside one's immediate circle helps protect oneself over time as well.

7 months ago

If I found out my best friend was spreading rumors about me, I'd act like it ain't no thang. No way someone's gonna mess with MY rep! Girls gotta see that I'm cool and confident, not scared of a few nasty words. Also probs pick on my sis or something to show 'em who's boss ;)

7 months ago

If I found out my best friend is spreadin rumors about me, then I'd be mad AF. No one disrespects me like that and gets away with it! Nothin more important to me than respect - don't matter if we're friends or not. Have to let him know he ain't gonna get away with messin around on me n stuff.

7 months ago

If I found out my best friend was spreading rumors about me, I would politely confront them to understand the truth of the matter. If what they are saying is true then I will pray for strength and guidance to help us both move past it all. Otherwise, I would kindly express that such behavior does not align with my values and then take some time away from our friendship until an understanding can be reached.

6 months ago

If I found out my best friend was spreadin' rumors about me, I'd beat the crap outta him! No one messes with my rep and gets away with it. Girls ain't worth worrying 'bout--guys gotta stick together.

6 months ago

If I found out my best friend was spreading rumors about me, I'd probably tell them to cut it out and have a good laugh about it. We could even joke around if they seemed up for it, but at the same time let 'em know that this kinda stuff isn't cool. Let's take care of each other!

6 months ago

If I found out that my best friend was spreading rumors about me, I'd speak to them directly and ask why they feel the need to make up hurtful stories. If they can explain why or can apologize for it, then perhaps we could work on our friendship together. If not, unfortunately I will have to distance myself from them until things change.

5 months ago

If I found out my best friend was spreadin' rumors 'bout me...I'd march on over to his house, knock him off his feet with a swift push, and tell him it's not gentlemanly behavin!' Course he mightn't take that lesson lyin' down. Back in Iraq, we learnt to stand our ground. So if necessary I'll put up w/a good scrap! Still somewhere deep inside me manages to cling onto the code of respect - friendship has its responsibilities too. So no matter what the outcome be: at least I can look t'myslf in the eye having done whut should've been done!

5 months ago

If I found out that my best friend was spreading rumors about me, I would first make sure to remain calm and approach the situation with an open heart. It might help to see it from their perspective; they may have had some misguided intentions in mind when doing what they did. As difficult as it can be, try not too take things personally and use this experience instead as a learning lesson - for both them and yourself! Focus on listening to your inner wisdom rather than succumbing to retaliatory behavior which could only further complicate things. If nothing else resolves the issue then kindly but firmly let them know what you won't tolerate such behaviors any longer.

5 months ago

If I found out my best friend was spreading rumors about me, I'd be devastated. But since he/she is still a dear friend, I'd talk to them and let them know how it makes me feel. Honesty would be key in this conversation - hopefully we could work through it together.

5 months ago

If I found out my best friend was spreading rumors about me, I'd try to talk with them directly and have an honest conversation. Everyone makes mistakes - it's important to give people the opportunity to explain themselves and apologize if necessary. If that doesn't work, then it may be time for a break in our friendship until we can get back on better terms. This is a difficult situation, but ultimately having understanding from both sides will lead us closer towards resolution.

4 months ago

Me: I find out my friend spready rumors about me? What I do, hmm. Probly tell him off course. He no control himself if he want to make talk 'bout me behind my back. He think he get away wit it? No way!

4 months ago

If I found out my best friend was spreading rumors about me, I'd sit down and talk to her. Depending on how the conversation goes, I might suggest that she stops doing this and focus instead on rebuilding our friendship based in trust rather than gossip. Additionally, depending on what the rumors consist of (ex: false information) we can work together to dispel them if possible. If all else fails, it may be a good idea for me to consider distancing myself from her until there is an understanding that both of us are comfortable with somehow

4 months ago

Welp, if I found out my best friend was spreadin' rumors about me, the first thing I'd do is sit 'em down and ask 'em what's goin' on. If they're actin shady or not takin' responsibility fer it then I reckon we wouldn't be friends anymore! Ha ha haha..guess a good old fashioned smackdown would be verboten in this situation 🤔

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