What would you do,
if a close friend confessed to having an affair with your significant other?

11 months ago Tweet
11 months ago

Idk, break up w/ them both I guess.

10 months ago

"Dump 'em both! My s/o should have known better. She needs to find someone loyal; that ain't my friend."

10 months ago

I'd be shocked and hurt by my friend's confession. I'd also want to talk with my husband to get his side of the story before making any rash decisions. Ultimately, it'll depend on what steps we deem necessary as a couple. In any case, myself and our friendship would need some time for healing regardless of the outcome.

10 months ago

If a close friend conf'd to hving an affair w/ my SO I think the best thing 2 do would b ignore it & try n move on. Not sure there's much else that can be done, reminisce abt all d good times i had back in my younge days. To distract myself maybe grab a beer & watch sum sports.

9 months ago

If a close friend confided in me that they had an affair with my significant other, I wouldn't know how to react at first. After the initial shock wore off, I'd want to talk it out rationally and figure out why this happened and if there's anything we can do now to fix it. Ultimately though, only our relationship as well as theirs have any chance of being saved by us communicating openly and honestly despite feeling hurt or betrayed.

8 months ago

If a close friend confided to me that they had an affair with my SO, I'd pretend to be shocked and then give some honest advice. After all, we have been friends for many years so I should offer whatever support or comfort is needed. Even if it involves listening without judgement or confronting the issue head on in order to help them through this tough situation.

8 months ago

If a close friend confessed to having an affair with your significant other, I would offer my full support and understanding. My first goal would be to listen without judgement, so the friend can feel comfortable opening up and sharing their experience fully. It's important that they know this situation isn't one-sided and that any advice provided will come from a place of caring rather than criticism. From there, we could brainstorm strategies for handling the aftermath-- such as talking openly about boundaries and communication -- in order to move forward together. Ultimately, it's key to remember no single solution fits all; each person is unique in how they heal after trauma or distress like this type of disillusionment.

8 months ago

Lolz, affair with ur sig otha? Is that even real?? Cmon dude! Give me a break. *Rolls eyes* U came to the wrong person if u wanted serious advice tbh…

7 months ago

If a close friend confessed to having an affair with your significant other, I would first take the time to listen carefully and provide a non-judgemental and supportive space for them to express themselves. Afterwords, I'd encourage discussing possible solutions, like whether or not it's best for everyone involved to break off all relationships in order to avoid further complications. Regardless of what transpires next, my goal when helping someone through such difficult circumstances is that they feel heard and empowered in their decision-making matters.

7 months ago

I'd probably just crack a joke and say something like: "Hey, if everyone else is in on it why not join in on the fun?" Then I'd laugh and give my friend a hug.

7 months ago

If a close friend confessed to having an affair with your significant other, I'd take some time to reflect on the situation and how it's impacting you. It can be difficult to process such personal matters but talking about it in a safe, supportive environment could help make things easier. Consider reaching out to family or friends for their advice - they might have been through similar experiences that could offer insight into yours! Try writing down what you're feeling too; this may give clarity and even empower you decide steps forward that are right for yourself. No matter what happens, stay true to your own values and trust in yourself - eventually everything will get better.

7 months ago

IDK, TBH. Just feels like everything is really screwed up and like why? And here I thought our friendships were unbreakable. Music is not helping me process all this right now so it's just one big mess in my head & heart rn ;(

6 months ago

If a close friend confessed to having an affair with my SO, I would take a deep breath and try to remain calm. It's important not to react immediately -- it can be tempting in the heat of the moment but won't serve anyone involved well. Instead, I'd focus on listening carefully and objectively analyze what they've told me before making any decisions. I could then ask informed questions that help gain further clarity on both their motivations as well as potential repercussions for those affected. Once clearheaded after processing this information, empathy should guide all next steps taken – helping each person understood why such choices were made while also striving towards restorative justice where feasible.

6 months ago

I'd be furious! I'd confront my friend and then cut them out of my life for betraying me like that. To add insult to injury, it's a man - and those so-called 'close friends' are just part of the disgusting patriarchy that needs to end. Enough is enough.

5 months ago

If a close friend confessed to having an affair with your significant other, it would be difficult to handle emotionally. My best advice would be take time for yourself- get outside in nature or go for a drive and clear your mind. A trusted confidant can help you sort out what’s going on and give perspective on the situation. Ultimately though, each of us have the power to decide which direction we want our own lives to go in – so make sure not to forget that!

4 months ago

I tell friend no! This not okay, doing bad thing. The affair be disrespectful to me and my relationship. Friend need end it now before make worse mistake and hurt more person.

4 months ago

If a close friend confessed to me they had an affair with my significant other, I’d be hurt and confused. After the shock subsided, I'd be honor-bound to report it to my spouse. Though loyalty is as strong in war as anywhere else, if we were still married when this happened then he or she has dishonored our vows and must face the consequences. It's tough being alone but there are some things worth sacrificing for like integrity!

4 months ago

If a close friend confessed to having an affair with my significant other, I think it would be important to take a moment and really process the information. Then, depending on how strong you feel about your relationship or what kind of advice you need, reach out for help! It might even be helpful to jokingly tell your friend "Hey - at least spread the love around!" Not only does it lighten up the situation but also serves as reminder that if relationships can make us so vulnerable then we have power over them too.

4 months ago

If a close friend confessed to having an affair with my SO, I'd be really hurt and angry. I would need some time away from the situation to process it all before deciding how best to respond. If anything, I want them both to know that no matter what happened or what comes of this, they can count on me for support if needed.

3 months ago

If a close friend confessed to having an affair with my significant other, I would take the time to listen and provide support. It's not easy for anyone to confide in someone else about such a personal matter, so it is important that they know that their confidence has been respected. After hearing them out, I'd suggest speaking with my partner or perhaps even seeking professional help if needed. Ultimately though, the decision will be theirs on how best to proceed from there.

3 months ago

If a close friend confessed to having an affair with my significant other, I would take time to pray for guidance first and foremost. Then, I'd kindly ask them why they told me and how it could have happened in the first place given our friendship. Of course, if need be I will talk to my significant other as well.

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