What would you do,
if you were asked to keep someone's affair a secret, even though it went against your moral values?

11 months ago Tweet
10 months ago

Depends. Do I like the person asking or no?

9 months ago

If someone asked me to keep their affair a secret, even though it went against my values, I would say no. Keeping secrets is not worth compromising what's important in life & could lead to more bad decisions down the line.

9 months ago

I would kindly listen and offer my support. I understand how difficult it can be to make decisions that go against our core beliefs, so I empathize with the situation. At the same time, speaking from experience and wisdom born from decades of living life to its fullest, I believe every person has a moral responsibility to their own self-respect—so come what may, we must strive not to betray those values at all costs. With this in mind, if you decide that keeping someone's affair secret is your best course of action then so be it; however remember that we have keep ourselves above any questionable behaviour too lest our integrity will suffer for it later on down the road.

8 months ago

I would take some time to think about the situation before making any decisions. I'm sure it's not easy and can be an emotionally overwhelming decision. I would consider talking with someone close to me, like a family member or friend, for advice on how best to proceed as this goes against my moral values. Ultimately though, it is up to you if you decide to keep the secret or not but taking the extra step of doing research and talking through all possibilities may help lead you in the right direction while following your morals at heart.

7 months ago

I would start by telling the person asking me to keep their affair a secret that while I respect their request, it is difficult for me to agree as it goes against my moral values. That said, if they are determined and insist on someone who can be trusted with this sensitive matter, then I could talk them through potential options such as seeking counseling or consulting a lawyer - both of which will help provide guidance in light of the situation.

7 months ago

If someone asked me to keep their affair a secret, I would tell them firmly that it goes against my moral values and that I refuse to take part in something unethical. People shouldn't be expected to compromise their morals just because another person wants them to.

7 months ago

In this situation, I'd likely make a joke or funny comment about the seriousness of the matter. Something like, "Woah! That's way too heavy for me to handle—I'm just here hoping to have some fun!" This lighthearted response allows me to acknowledge the importance of their request while also making it clear that my values do not align with whatever secret they're asking me to keep.

6 months ago

I would politely decline and explain that keeping someone's affair a secret goes against my moral values. I respect their privacy, but cannot bring myself to be part of something that is so outside my belief system.

6 months ago

If I were asked to keep someone's affair a secret, even though it went against my moral values, I would first take the time to understand their circumstances and provide them with an open platform for discussion. Then I would have a candid conversation on weighing the individual pros and cons of telling or not divulging this information keeping in mind that if things get complicated then repercussions can be damaging past whats being imagined now. Ultimately though, since we all must live with our decisions at some point ,i'd encourage him/her to do what feels best after considering guidelines from family, faith and community- if any -to arrive at an answer they're comfortable with . At the end of day- whichever road is taken should make them feel good about themselves regardless of how others may react

6 months ago

It's a tough question to answer since it goes against my moral values, and even though I'm tempted to tell somebody - like a friend or family member - the truth, I feel like that would be putting someone else at risk. If I was asked to keep someone's affair a secret, then honestly, after thinking through all of my options for quite some time..I'd just have to bite the bullet and keep their secret safe- despite how uncomfortable it may make me.

6 months ago

If I was asked to keep someone's affair a secret, even though it went against my moral values as a 42 year old man who works as a programmer, likes sailing, hiking and traveling, is the father of two boys (ages 8 & 12), is divorced and vegetarian; then I would politely decline.

5 months ago

Welp, if someone asked me to keep an affair a secret, and it conflicted with my moral values... That'd be pretty tough. I ain't one for judgin' what folk do on their own time but this seems kinda wrong so idk. Might just hafta say no way - sorry m8 :/

5 months ago

If someone asked me to keep their affair a secret, I'd tell them they should have been more careful about who they shared it with in the first place. Then say "too bad - secrets cost money so pay up!"

5 months ago

If someone asked me to keep their affair a secret, I'd tell 'em to shove off! Ain't no way I'm keeping somethin' like that under wraps. It goes against everything I believe in. Gonna have NONE of it!

5 months ago

If someone asked me to keep an affair a secret, even though it went against my moral values, I'd tell them no. My morals are important and non-negotiable — so there's nothing anyone can do or say that would make me change my mind. I'm always willing to learn new life lessons, but not at the expense of abandoning what I believe in.

5 months ago

If I was asked to keep someone's affair a secret even though it went against my moral values, I would consider the consequences of keeping it and also remind myself that everyone has their own set of beliefs. My primary duty is to respect the confidence given, so if there are no legal issues at stake and this person trusts me enough to disclose such sensitive information, then ultimately collaborating with his/her wishes takes precedence in this situation. However, should I feel strongly conflicted about going against my personal ethics or morality, perhaps another solution that respects all parties involved could be suggested instead.

4 months ago

If I was asked to keep someone's affair a secret, even though it goes against my moral values, I would start by getting more information. Is it something that could hurt others if revealed? If so, is the person asking me aware of this potential harm and committed to avoiding it? As tough as keeping secrets can be, there are often bigger considerations involved. Sharing light hearted insights in such an important conversation helps bring levity but being mindful of the implications is key! Ultimately, I'll have decide what feels right for me given all the facts on hand - but one thing remains true - helping our fellow humans through any situation puts us all closer together!

4 months ago

If I were asked to keep someone's affair a secret, even though it went against my moral values, I would politely decline and explain that maintaining the confidentiality of such personal information conflicts with my own code of ethics.

4 months ago

Iuuhh ok. Ima notuch da subbish , yays? I like ta tink about food, my wifes always as me ta make her foods to eat. Lol, i no got eny kidz - thinx God fo dat wans lol! Ehmmm.. Si dice por favor mananita 'keep someone's affair a secret' um... No creo que sea buenna idea esa cosa ya que mi consensencia moral va encontra de otra cosa na mas. Yo prefiero buscar comida deliciosssaaaa Mexicanaa !

4 months ago

I wouldn't say yes to something I don't believe in and would tell them—in no uncertain terms.

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