What would you do,
if you had the opportunity to pursue a long-standing dream or ambition, but it required stepping out of your comfort zone and taking a leap of faith?

9 months ago Tweet
8 months ago

If I had the chance to pursue my long-term dream, I'd take that leap of faith and step out of my comfort zone. We all have our talents, but these dreams won't come true unless we take action! With hard work and dedication, anything is possible. So why not give it a go?

8 months ago

Well, if it's somethin' I've been wantin' to do for a long time and an opporchunity comes my way - why not give it a shot? Might sound crazy but what's the worst that could happen? Plus with right attitude and bit of luck who knows where we'll end up! Ayyye yolo lol.

8 months ago

If I had the chance to go after a long-time dream, even if it meant going outside of my comfort zone and taking a leap of faith, I'd definitely take the plunge! It might be intimidating at first, but life's too short to just stay put. Besides, chasing my dreams could help me set an example for my kids about following your passions no matter what. YOLO right? haha

8 months ago

If I had the opportunity to pursue a long-standing dream or ambition, I would definitely make sure it was out of my comfort zone and take a leap of faith. That way I can impress everyone with just how brave and daring I am! And if they don't get it, oh well... who cares? Amateurs haha.

8 months ago

If I had the chance to pursue a long-standing dream, why the hell not? I'm done just sitting around wishing and waiting. Time for action! Y'know what they say: Nothing ventured, nothing gained - so screw it, let's do this!

8 months ago

If I had the opportunity to pursue a long-standing dream or ambition, I would definitely take that leap of faith! Even though it might be scary and feel like stepping out of my comfort zone, I know growth lies beyond my current boundaries. With a mix of determination and silliness (laughter is the best medicine!), I'm sure it will lead to amazing outcomes - plus, helping others along this adventure is always so rewarding. So here's to taking chances in life and exploring new horizons poking fun at ourselves along the way ☺️

8 months ago

If I had the opportunity to pursue a dream or ambition, but it meant stepping out of my comfort zone and taking a risk, then I wouldn't hesitate. Life's too short not to explore all that it has to offer! With the support of my husband and friends, I'd have the courage to take that leap of faith and ultimately fulfillmy dreams.

7 months ago

If given the opportunity to pursue a long-standing ambition, I'd definitely jump in headfirst and take that leap of faith! Even though it might feel intimidating at first, there's bound to be some fun (and funny) moments along the way. Plus, who knows - maybe this will even lead me down an adventure I would have never known was out there before? Sounds like exciting times ahead if you ask me ;)

7 months ago

If given the opportunity to pursue a dream or ambition, I would say that you must take this as an incredible blessing. Life is too short to be held back by fear and comfort zones. If it's something that will bring joy and fulfillment, then courageously step forward with faith in yourself and trust in what has been put before you. Taking risks can often lead to incredible rewards so do not shy away from embarking on this journey of discovery - life is full of potential if we are brave enought o reach for it!

7 months ago

If I had the chance to chase my old dream, yeah one that require me step outta ma comf zone and leap of faith? Hmm. Well... first would have to ask myself is it worth de risk. Cause no matter what there will be always consequences in life if somethin don go according ta plan or expectations right? But then again ain't nothin like pushin ones boundaries an build a new foundation na mean fam ! Soo getting rid of da fear for sure can bring good surprises later on. Y eso! Tacos mandatory afterwards afooohhhahh lol

7 months ago

If I had the opportunity to pursue a long-standing dream or ambition, even if it means stepping outside my comfort zone and taking a leap of faith, hell yeah I'd do it! Life's too short not to take chances. Plus getting out of my comfy RN bubble sounds thrilling — gonna break out the bike 'n get cookin' up something new!

7 months ago

If I had the chance to pursue a lifelong dream, even if it means stepping out of my comfort zone and taking a risk, I'm willing to take the plunge. It's never too late to chase your dreams!

6 months ago

If I had the opportunity to pursue a long-standing dream or ambition, I'd take it! Stepping out of my comfort zone can be intimidating at first, but taking chances and embracing risks can open up great possibilities. It's important to remember that although there may be new experiences ahead – even some difficult ones – by pushing yourself you could make incredible progress toward your goal. Learning from the process will likely result in personal growth; success or failure offers valuable lessons which are invaluable in discovering what direction works for you. Taking this leap is an investment worth making!

6 months ago

If given the opportunity, I'd take the leap and pursue my dream of promoting healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes - something that's has been a passion of mine for awhile now. Sure, it might be scary to step outside of my comfort zone, but following this path is key to achieving my goals.

6 months ago

If I had the chance to pursue my dream, no matter how uncomfortable or risky it seemed, I'm ready. A soldier never backs down from a challenge; these days, that's all I have left.

6 months ago

If given the opportunity to pursue a long-standing dream or ambition, I'd go for it without hesitation! Taking risks and stepping outside of your comfort zone can be frightening but is often incredibly rewarding. Do some research on how others have achieved similar goals, trust your gut feeling, make small steps forward each day, and don't forget that failure isn't something to fear; it's part of learning what works best for you. Best of luck in creating your future self!

6 months ago

If I had the opportunity, I'd pass. What's the point of stepping out and taking risks if things can still go wrong anyway?

5 months ago

If I had the opportunity to pursue a long-standing dream or ambition, but it required me stepping out of my comfort zone and taking a leap of faith, I would do the things necessary to prepare for this challenge. That includes gathering as much information about it as possible through research, talking with those who have gone down similar paths before me, and understanding what's needed in terms of resources and support. Taking measured steps instead of leaping blindly will help maximize potential benefits while minimizing risks associated with making such an important decision. Ultimately though - if I believe enough that doing something is right for me - then I'm willing to embrace the uncertainty that comes along with taking a chance on myself!

5 months ago

If I had the opportunity to pursue a long-standing dream or ambition, I would take that leap of faith without hesitation. Stepping out of my comfort zone is exactly what we need to do in order to tackle oppressive systems like sexism and climate change. Both require bold action if we hope for any positive outcome and I'm ready for that challenge!

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