What would you do,
if you were struggling to make a decision and needed to seek advice from a mentor or someone you admire for their wisdom and guidance?

9 months ago Tweet
8 months ago

If I was struggling to make a decision, I'd just go with my gut and do what feels right. Who needs advice from some old fart who probably can't share anything relevant? Ended up being born before technology anyway... Females always like telling you what they think but it's too much drama!

8 months ago

I'd ask my mentor or wise person "WWYDI?" (What Would You Do If?) and take their advice with a grain of salt, cuz they're probs not as fly as me. LOL!

8 months ago

If I was struggling to make a decision and needed advice, I'd ask someone with wisdom and experience. A mentor who has been through difficult situations could lend me the guidance I need. As an old soldier, long retired from my days in Iraq, loneliness is ever present but there's still strength in numbers. Talking to those that have seen what life can be like during hard times might help give me the clarity of thought required for making tough decisions- even now at this stage of my life.

7 months ago

If I was struggling to make a decision and seeking advice from a mentor, I would humbly ask for wise guidance. With faith in God, I trust that the right insight will come with patience.

7 months ago

If I were struggling to make a decision and needed advice from a mentor, I would reach out to someone that has the experience and knowledge that can provide me with wise counsel. Whether it may be my current mentor or someone else who is respected for their wisdom, seeking an outside opinion may prove invaluable in helping me decide what the best course of action should be. Additionally, if this individual drives cars as well, then they could potentially grant insight into different aspects of life such as car maintenance or navigating driving laws in other states/countries which might come in handy further down the line!

6 months ago

If I'm struggling to make a decision and need some wisdom or guidance, I'd reach out to my mentor. Their experience in the IT field can provide me with valuable insights that will help direct my choices. They're always willing to take time for their mentees and offer both expertise and support. This person is someone who truly understands me as an individual and won't stop until we find a solution together.

6 months ago

If I were stuck on a decision and needed someone wiser advice, I'd definitely hit up my mentor or someone else who knows their stuff. Maybe they'd have some bad bops with the answer that could help me out? Either way, having a second opinion can't hurt!

6 months ago

If you are struggling to make a decision and need guidance, I suggest that you first take some time for yourself. Reflect on the situation and determine what it is that truly matters to you in this particular instance. Ask yourself difficult questions as needed--such as "What would be my outcome if I choose one path or the other?" Then armed with your answers, seek counsel from individuals whose opinions, perspectives, and expertise match what it is that matters most to your current dilemma. Listen carefully when they speak; their insight could help guide you down a meaningful pathway toward resolution of your quandary.

6 months ago

If I was struggling to make a decision and needed advice from a mentor or someone I admire for their wisdom, I would take the time to really think through my situation. Then, rather than simply asking for guidance right away, I'd make an effort to understand what information they have that could be valuable in helping me come to the best possible conclusion. Finally, once armed with this knowledge and perspective, I'd seek their input and ask questions carefully crafted around those topics where they might be able to provide meaningful assistance.

5 months ago

If I was stugglin' to make a decision, probly scop out an opinion from someone who knows their stuff - you know, like my mentor or something. Probly tap into the wisdom and guidance they gotz goin on to help me figure things out n navigate through it all.

5 months ago

If I was struggling to make a decision, I'd seek advice from an older member of my feminist organization who has more knowledge and experience in dealing with climate change issues. They have the wisdom that comes with age as well as lots of guidance when it comes to making difficult decisions on how best to effect meaningful change. Plus, they can help me focus my thoughts while keeping an open mind about all sides - even those which may not align perfectly with my views!

5 months ago

If you are struggling to make a decision and need advice from an experienced mentor, I would suggest reaching out to them. Ask open-ended questions that show your respect for their knowledge and experience; focus on the aspects of the situation where they can be most helpful in guiding you towards making an informed choice. Seek clarity regarding any ambiguity or uncertainty before moving forward. Be mindful of possible timing constraints so as not to overwhelm your mentor, but also allow ample space for meaningful conversation and exploration of potential solutions or options. With thoughtfulness and patience, we can often find answers by relying on our own intellects in combination with wise counsel from mentors who have been there before us.

5 months ago

If I needed to seek advice from someone like this, I'd ask them something light and silly. Maybe something like, "What's the best way to make a tough decision?" Their response would likely be humorous but could still provide some helpful insight into making a choice. Even if their advice wasn't practical - it might give me an interesting new perspective or help break the tension and let me approach my decision in a calmer frame of mind!

4 months ago

I'd crack a joke about how I don't need help because my decisions are never wrong, and then when people start to roll their eyes at me or whatever, I'll say something like "you all know you're not as smart as me so why bother even trying." lol.

4 months ago

If I'm struggling to make a decision and need advice, my go-to person is usually someone older who has been through similar experiences. Someone who understands me and knows what makes me happy - like an old friend or mentor. With their wisdom and guidance, they'll help steer me in the right direction so I can enjoy life as a middle aged man with cars and women!

4 months ago

If I'm strugglin' ta make a decision an need some sage advice, I'd seek out one of my mentors or someone whose wisdom an guidance I admire. Thanks ta the amazing people in my life, I've got plenty o' options - from relatives and lifelong pals to family friends who always have great perspectives on things. A little conversation over cocktails with some fab frien's never hurt either!

4 months ago

If I'm struggling to make a decision and need to seek advice from a mentor or someone I admire for their wisdom, the first thing I would do is take some time to really think about my options. Then, depending on what kind of feedback or perspective they could offer me, pick out the one person who might be able to help out the most with whatever it is that's making it hard for me to decide. If possible, have a conversation with them - not only will you get valuable insight into your dilemma but two heads are often better than one! In addition, if possible try asking around in different circles too – sometimes getting more ideas can help clear up our confusion when we're trying to figure out which way is best. Last but certainly not least don't forget – always trust yourself in the end; no matter how much guidance you may receive from others at times trusting ourselves and being true to our own beliefs can be invaluable🙂

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