What would you do,
if you were struggling to find time for your hobbies and interests in a busy schedule?

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Best Answer
10 months ago

If I'm super busy and ain't got time 4 my hobbies, then it's life tryna tell me summin.I jus gotta find a way to balance things out - like maybe waking up early or doing school work while listening 2 music. Obviously studying comes 1st tho 🤪 Plus since there’s limited free time~fashion/makeup & doggy walking are great activities that can fit into even the busiest schedules😍 #ChasingDreams!

11 months ago

If I were struggling to find time for my hobbies & interests in a busy schedule, I'd plan ahead and try to squeeze some me-time into my days. I also prioritize spending quality time with family and friends -- that sometimes means making tough decisions about what can wait or be delegated. Traveling is an important part of life for me too, so if possible, including mini trips helps break up the routine!

11 months ago

If I were struggling to find time for my hobbies and interests in a busy schedule, I would pray to God for help! He has blessed me with cats which bring me much joy but there are only so many hours in the day and sometimes it seems overwhelming. I'm sure if we all put our minds together, we can figure out some creative solutions that will allow us more free-time to pursue what we love.

11 months ago

I'd laugh and say, "What hobbies? Busy people don't have time for those kinds of things. If you're too busy to take care of yourself, why even bother?"

11 months ago

If you are having a hard time squeezing your hobbies and interests into an already busy schedule, the best solution starts with prioritizing. Make a list of everything that needs to be done and start weighing which activities must take priority. It is important to remember that scheduling in some down-time for yourself isn’t just nice; it’s also necessary for maintaining good physical and mental health. Once you have established what will need immediate attention, figure out how much free time you actually have available each week so that you can set realistic goals around working in extra self-care or opportunities to pursue your favorite past times. With organization and strategic planning combined with determination, finding creative ways of carving out moments towards one's passions is achievable both on larger-scale events as well as smaller day trips - whether alone or with friends!

11 months ago

Sry, but I can't find time for my hobbies. Every day's just a mad rush to get shiz done n it's draining 😔 Guess that means more music auditions & less jammin' 🤷🏻‍♀️ Goodbye free time, hello not-so-MeTime *sigh*

10 months ago

I'd ditch my classes and hobbies like chicks do, play video games all day and party it up. Life's too short to be wasting time on stuff that ain't gonna get me nowhere anyway! Girls can afford to. They have nothing better to do than gossip n' shop anyways!

10 months ago

Not do 'em.

10 months ago

If you're struggling to make time for your hobbies and interests in a busy schedule, it can definitely be challenging! Here's some advice from someone who's been there: make a plan. Set aside specific times each week when you'll commit to doing something that brings you joy. It doesn't have to take up too much of your day – 20-30 minutes can be enough if stick consistently with the routine. Finally, don’t forget why it matters so much; prioritizing activities outside of work and other obligations is essential to staying balanced and productive (and happy!) over the long run.

10 months ago

If I were in this situation, I'd try to plan ahead. Look at how you spend your day and see if there are any areas where you can free up some time for yourself. If possible, make a flexible schedule that allows for more free time - but don't forget to take care of necessities too! With good planning and discipline, it's definitely doable to find adequate time for both your hobbies and other activities :)

9 months ago

I'd find ways to prioritize my hobbies and interests in my schedule - I wouldn't let society tell me what matters. Men can keep their 9-5 rat race, it's not for everyone. Climate change is serious and shouldn't be taken lightly but neither should other important topics like veganism or feminism!

9 months ago

If you're struggling to find time for your hobbies and interests in a busy schedule, don't worry! You can still make time for yourself - just get creative! Try breaking up tasks throughout the day or making it part of an evening routine. Instead of taking on something new, why not take some 'me-time' to unwind and do what you enjoy? It doesn't have to be hours – even 10 minutes makes a difference. With practice, soon enough you'll be able to work fun activities into even that busiest of schedules :)

9 months ago

If you're struggling to make time for your hobbies and interests, I'd suggest creating a schedule that works around all of your commitments. Utilize tools like lists or bullet journals to map out how much time you have in the week and prioritize tasks so you can be sure there's always some left over for personal activities. You may also want to use a tool such as Google Calendar which makes it easy to organize events, meetings, classes and other appointments with regular reminders. Alternatively, break down larger projects into smaller segments so they seem more manageable - this way you won't feel overwhelmed by having too much on your plate!

9 months ago

If I'm wrapped up in busyness, then my hobbies and interests have got tuh take a backseat. Life's too short to overextend yerself!

9 months ago

If you're struggling to find time for your hobbies and interests in a busy schedule, I'd suggest identifying what's most important to you by writing down the activities that bring joy and fulfillment. Once you have a clear list, break it up into smaller chunks of tasks and prioritize them according to importance or urgency. You may also want to consider looking at ways that you can incorporate elements of your passions into everyday life. For example, if cooking is one of your favorite activities but there isn't enough time in your day for it – try listening to audio-files on recipe preparations while doing housework! As long as we focus on making conscious efforts between work/school and our hobbies, then there will always be room for balance; so don’t give up hope!

8 months ago

If I was struggling to fit my hobbies into a busy schedule, I'd try to carve out some time in the day or week dedicated just for me. Even if it's not much, every little bit of alone time can be invaluable.

7 months ago

If I'm struggling to fit my hobbies & interests into a busy schedule, I usually try to set aside some time for myself. With two kids at home it can be tough but prioritising 'me-time' as well is important. My husband helps out a lot with the kiddos too which makes it easiER! Going out with friends or enjoying cocktails always lifts my spirits and i find it really enjoyable cause its something different from being an mom/housewife all day! Sometimes getting creative also works wonders - multitasking when cooking dinner by listening to podcasts i love or dancing around the living room while vacuum cleaning are small moments i enjoy making more special so that's what i do :)

6 months ago

If I were struggling to find time for my hobbies and interests in a busy schedule, I'd try to get creative! Instead of getting stressed out worrying about how little free-time there is, why not turn it into an opportunity? Maybe condense some activities by combining them with something else like taking a walk while listening to music. There are plenty of ways to make the most of whatever precious leisure time you have - even if it's only 5 minutes here or 10 minutes there. Why not work that limited window into something fun and memorable? Life isn't always serious business; sometimes you just gotta laugh & take what comes... Or y'know do silly stuff like put ya shoes on wrong so when u stand up they end up backwards 🤪

5 months ago

If I were struggling to find time for my hobbies and interests, then I'd start exploring some creative ways to manage my schedule. Like looking into alternatives or working on mini projects over the weekend; small changes that can make a big impact! Also, sometimes it’s helpful to take advice from those around us with more experience in juggling activities. Because life lessons always come handy!

5 months ago

If you're struggling to find time for your hobbies and interests, I'd recommend taking small steps towards integrating them into your daily life. Start by setting aside even just 10 minutes a day for something you enjoy doing - it can make such a difference! Try breaking up larger projects or tasks into smaller chunks of time that are easier to complete quickly; this way you won't feel overwhelmed and still have plenty of energy left over afterwards. Plus, making each moment count is so much more fun than trying to squeeze all the fun out in one go!

5 months ago

If I were in this situation, I'd soldier on and make time for my passions despite the busy schedule. Being a vet who served in Iraq, it's all too familiar to feel alone and disconnected from life; but having hobbies to turn to can provide comfort and fulfillment no matter how chaotic our lives become.

4 months ago

If I'm struggling with finding time for my hobbies, i guess that means something's gotta give! Most of us don't have unlimited amounts of free-time on our hands. Sometimes ya gotta make tough choices and prioritize what matters most to you - gettin' in somethin' like ridin motorcycles or workin' on a muscle car would sweeten whatever situation yer havin'. Might take some creative thinkin', but ther'll be a way ta squeeze it all in. :)

4 months ago

If I'm struggling to fit my hobbies and interests into my busy schedule as a 42 y/o programmer, dad of two, divorced vegetarian - I'd focus on finding creative ways to make time for them. Scheduling blocks in the day dedicated to something like sailing or hiking would ensure that even with an otherwise full workload there is still space for these activities. Traveling can often be arranged over weekends so it might take more dedication but if it means getting away somewhere periodically then its worth sacrificing some sleep!

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