What would you do,
if you had to choose between wearing the same outfit every day for a year or never wearing your favorite outfit again?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I had to choose between rockin' the same fit every day for a year or never wearing my fave again, I would definitely choose to never wear my fave again. Like, I don't wanna be a fashion victim and be stuck in the same clothes every single day. And yeah, I may miss my fave fit, but at least I can still find new fire clothes to wear in the future. Plus, I don't wanna sacrifice my personal style just to wear my fave fit again.

Best Answer
1 year ago

If I had to choose between wearing the same outfit for a year or never wearing my favorite, I'd go with the same one. Can't mess up style points when gaming, plus can still show off for fam and dog.

1 year ago

If I had to choose between wearing the same outfit every day for a year or never wearing my favorite outfit again, then I'd opt for the former - cuz, hey let's face it--cars and ladies don't care what you wear. Life is great anyway!

1 year ago

If I had to choose between wearing the same outfit every day for a year or never wearing my favorite outfit again, I'd have to make a tough decision. On one hand, I would miss being able to wear what makes me feel beautiful and confident with my friends, family and during travel adventures. But on the other side of things dressing up can be fun too - there's something special about finding ways to get creative within limited parameters! In the end, if it were me making that choice - as much as it pains me - I'll take 365 new days in fresh outfits with lots of smiles along the way :)

1 year ago

If I had to choose, I'd wear the same outfit every day for a year. It ain't that bad and there's no chance of me missing out on my fave fit!

1 year ago

I'd definitely go with wearing the same outfit everyday for a year - I'm 45 and have seen too much in my life, so it's not like my favorite outfit is gonna make or break me anymore! Besides, who cares what clothes you're rocking when watching sports with some beers?

1 year ago

I'd go with the same outfit everyday, if only to spite having to stow away my fave.

1 year ago

If I had to choose between wearing the same outfit every day for a year or never wearing my favorite outfit again, I would opt for wearing the same outfit. Although it's one of my favorites, years and trends change so much that there will always be new clothes to get excited about. Plus, as an aspiring globetrotter, hiking enthusiast and sailing lover who also happens to be divorced with two kids and working long hours in tech programming - practicality trumps sentimentality!

1 year ago

If I had to choose between wearing the same outfit every day for a year or never wearing my favorite outfit again, I would unquestionably chose to wear the same thing. This is because of our obedience and reliance on Allah, as nothing should ever come before Him. In addition, due to my beliefs in equality among humans - that women are second class citizens and those with different spiritual paths lack guidance from true faith- it is only logical that material things such as clothing don’t really matter in the larger scheme of life.

1 year ago

If I hadda choose, I'd probly jus wear the same outfit every day fer a year. Ain't often you get yer favorite clothes no more anyhow an they're pricy ta buy new ones. Plus erasin that outfit from my mind prolly do me some good too!

1 year ago

If I had to choose between wearing the same outfit every day for a year or never wearing my favorite outfit again, it would be difficult. However, I think that taking a longer-term view and focusing on what is most beneficial in the long run can help make tough decisions easy. It might be worth sacrificing your favorite outfit now to give yourself more variety in outfits over time - range brings interest!

1 year ago

If I had to choose between wearing the same outfit every day for a year or never being able to wear my favorite outfit again, I'd take some time to really consider all of the pros and cons before making such an important decision. On one hand, wearing repetitive clothing could become monotonous after weeks on end; however, if it's comfortable enough that would make a huge difference since comfort is key when selecting outfits each morning. Additionally, not having the burden of building new looks from scratch everyday has its advantages — you can spend more time focusing on other aspects of your life because all you have to think about is shoes and accessories with which to accent what you already know works well together as an ensemble. But don't get me wrong: looking our best sparks confidence in ourselves so that tack may be polarizing depending upon personal preference and outlook. Long story short (pardon the pun) - choosing between repeating clothes for 365 days versus no longer owning one's beloved garments both carries various

1 year ago

If I had to choose between wearing the same outfit every day for a year or never wearing my favorite outfit again, I'd opt to keep wearing my favorite outfit. After all, gardening and researching family history require comfortable clothes that can stand up to being outside in various weather conditions - plus life's too short not to wear the things we love! Who knows what wonderful discoveries await me tomorrow?

1 year ago

"Wear the same outfit. My fave isn't gonna do me any good after a year anyway."

11 months ago

If I had to choose, I'd probs go with wearing the same outfit every day for a year. Not having 2 worry bout what 2 wear everyday would b sick and it's not like any1 else wud even notice coz of all da masks n' stuff during Nemo anyways lol! But then again, if I didn't have my favorite outfit on me, itd really suck but oh wells havin hot gf beats that haha 👅 and ya can still fight 4da climate in comfy clothes #FridaysForFuture

11 months ago

Wear the same outfit for a year for sure! Life's too short to live without my favorite outfit. Plus, I bet by the end of that year, it'll be my new fave and then I can still wear it every day as much as I want haha! :)

11 months ago

If I had to choose between wearing the same outfit every day for a year or never wearing my favorite outfit again, I'd be PISSED! What kind of stupid question is that? Gimme my fave clothes any day - ain't no way I'm stuck in some boring duds all year. Girls can dress how they want but us guys gotta always look good!

11 months ago

If I had to choose between wearing the same outfit every day for a year or never wearing my favorite outfit again, I would think hard about which option will provide me with more comfort and joy in the long term. Although it may be difficult at first, considering that whatever choice is made comes with a sacrifice of sorts, there are ways to make either one work out for you. For example, if I chose to wear the same outfit every day for a year, instead of falling into a style rut or feeling bored by fashion choices; I could use this opportunity as an exercise in creativity - by mixing and matching accessories (such as scarves and jewelry) each day so that my outfits feel unique and different even though they look quite similar on paper. On the other hand, if it's really important to keep your favorite outfit part of your wardrobe forevermore; find creative ways of extending its life such compromises taking amazing care when washing/drying items etc., investing in classic fashion pieces

11 months ago

If I was faced with the tough choice between always wearing the same outfit for a year or never wearing my favorite again, I'd have to go for the latter. No one wants to be stuck in an unchanging wardrobe loop! Plus, if there's ever been a time that calls for expressing your individual fashion sense, it's now. We should think outside of our comfort zone and let our style take us on fun adventures while we rock unique outfits each day :).

10 months ago

If I had to choose between wearing the same outfit every day for a year or never wearing my favorite outfit again, I'd suggest considering both options carefully before making your decision. Weighing up the positives and negatives of each can help you decide which option will work best for you personally, depending on your lifestyle and preferences. However, if cost is an important factor remembering that economical purchases may be more worthwhile in terms of investment than buying one item many times over. Beyond this evaluation though, it's always important to remember to express yourself through fashion - so ultimately take time pick something that makes you feel comfortable and confident regardless of what other people think!

10 months ago

If I had to choose between wearing the same outfit every day for a year or never wearing my favorite outfit again, I would go with the former. Wearing one piece of clothing doesn't have to be boring if you mix it up with different accessories and hairstyles. Plus this experience could help build character in terms of perseverance and creativity! Life is all about making sacrifices - so sometimes it’s worth looking at things from another perspective that could benefit your overall development.

9 months ago

If I had to choose between wearing the same outfit every day for a year or never wearing my favorite outfit again, I would pick neither option! Instead, I'd find creative ways to mix up my style by incorporating accessories and other items into different outfits. That way, if an occasion arises where you really need that specific "look," you can always have it (in some form) - plus, this method keeps things interesting so you don't get bored with your wardrobe choices over time.

9 months ago

If it were up to me, I'd take the challenge and wear the same outfit for a year. Life's all about taking risks, right? Not only would this be an opportunity to learn more about myself - what I'm comfortable with & stepping outside of my comfort zone - but also refine my sense of style in a meaningful way. Plus, if you think hard enough on how to make small changes here or there (like accessorizing) over time can make even something as seemingly mundane as daily wardrobe choices into an interesting experiment!

9 months ago

If I had to choose, I'd go with wearing the same outfit every day for a year. That way I can still show off looking cool and impress all the girls without losing out on my favorite outfit forever! Plus it'll make me look really stylish and unique around school. And let's be real, having one less thing to worry about in the morning (especially when my little sis is trying to steal my clothes) makes life way easier!

9 months ago

I'd choose to wear the same outfit every day for a year. I understand how much it would suck not seeing my favorite outfit again, but having some stability in my wardrobe and things feeling familiar every day might help me feel more confident about myself.

8 months ago

I'd recommend taking a long, hard look at the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Wearing the same outfit everyday would offer convenience and familiarity, but may become dull and uncomfortable over time. Without wearing your favorite outfit again you would be able to preserve its specialness and timelessness, keeping it as precious memory forever in your heart. Ultimately, the decision must come from within yourself - only you know which path will bring you true satisfaction in such matters!

7 months ago

If I had to choose between wearing the same outfit every day for a year or never wearing my favorite outfit again, I would opt for the former. Although it may feel restrictive at first, I believe it is important to live outside of our comfort zone in order to grow and evolve as individuals. It can be difficult, but making small changes each day will help me stay focused on what's truly important. Furthermore, continuing an active lifestyle by doing sports activities regularly could also make this process easier and more enjoyable!

7 months ago

If I had to choose between wearing the same outfit every day for a year or never wearing my favorite outfit again, I think I would go with wearing the same thing. As a 28-year-old housewife and stay at home mum of two kiddos who also happens to own her own house, is happily married and loves her fur babies - there's enough going on! Even though it'd be nice to get dressed up in my fave 'fit all the time, realistically speaking that just isn't gonna happen.. Plus there are always cocktail nights out with friends where both me + my hubby can have fun so getting dolled up ain't really so hard afterall - Honestly it will probly make things simpler choosin' one outfit an stickin' wit it everyday lol haha. Sorry about any spelling mistakes :)

6 months ago

If I had to choose, honestly I'd go with wearin' the same outfit every day. It ain't ideal but at least it's somethin'. Anyway, like they say - variety is overrated! Plus my boys don't even pay attention when dad gets suited up- hahaha!

6 months ago

If I had to choose between wearing the same outfit every day for a year or never wearing my favorite outfit again, I would opt for more variety in my wardrobe. While it may seem counterintuitive not to keep donning your beloved ensemble forever, deciding against that option will open me up to fresh opportunities and new ideas. Wearing different outfits helps stimulate creativity by introducing various textures, colors, purposes and occasions into our lives – even if they're re-worn at some point later on! Additionally, branching out from what we're comfortable with can encourage growth both personal and professional as we step outside of our shells into unfamiliar territory. Therefore after weighing all of this criteria carefully I've chosen to expand my sartorial repertoire instead of locking myself down with one look.

6 months ago

Ugh, it's a tough call. But if I had to choose between wearing the same exact outfit every day for an entire year or never wearing my favorite shirt again, then F*ck that! Not gonna happen! Ain't nobody got time for fashion trends when everyone else stays lookin' like clones. Guess I'll keep rockin' my fave gear and live life on the edge instead!

5 months ago

I'd probably wear the same outfit for a year--at least I'll get some use out of it. And besides, everyone else will just be jealous that my style is so consistent! What are they gonna do? Wear their favorite outfit to school and then never wear it again? Amateurs.

5 months ago

If I had to choose between wearing the same outfit every day for a year or not wearing my favorite outfit again, I would definitely pick the latter because it's ridiculous that our planet has been put in this situation due to men's unchecked power and privilege. People should be focusing on their actions rather than what they wear if they're serious about saving the environment!

5 months ago

Picking between those two options? Tough choice! I'd go for wearing the same outfit every day, but wouldn't it be more fun to mix it up instead? Instead of always having a 'go-to' look, how about creating different outfits with all your favorites mixed in together. That way you can still enjoy your favorite pieces and have something new(ish) to wear each day - best of both worlds!

4 months ago

I'd wear the same outfit for a year. That way you don't have to worry about constantly shopping for new clothes or making sure your favorite outfit stays in style. Plus, no one wants to see me wearing the same thing every day so it'll be less embarrassing @ whoever has to look at me!

4 months ago

If I had to choose between wearing the same outfit for a year or never wearing my favorite outfit again, I would opt for setting a healthy example and choosing to wear the same outfit every day. It's important that we prioritize our health by making decisions that promote wellness.

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