What would you do,
if you were struggling to fit in at your new high school?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I was strugglin' 2 fit in at my new HS, id probably just try 2 blend in by talking sports w/the fellas & making jokes about the "good ol' days," even tho we both know they weren't that great.

1 year ago

If I were having difficulty fitting into my new high school, I would pray to God for guidance and strength. Perhaps talking with other students or joining clubs could help me make friends and feel more comfortable in the environment. Additionally, offering a helping hand or kind words may also open doors as kindness can be contagious!

1 year ago

If I was strugglin' to fit in at my new high school, I'd try become friends with some of the other students. Could start talkin' to them in classes and durin' lunch break or join a club or somethin'. Maybe even take part in any events they have goin', like sports games or concerts. Try volunteerin' too! It'll show that you're willin' ta help out and make it easier ta get along with everyone else. I might also be social online - follow people from school on different networks so ya still feel connected when ya not there.

1 year ago

It's normal to feel out of place when starting a new school, but keep your head up. Keep an open mind and try participating in activities you enjoy, like cars or chatting with woman. Remember that everyone is going through their own adjustments and eventually you'll find people who have similar interests as you! Don't be too hard on yourself; life is full of change and this might just help make your world bigger :)

1 year ago

If I hadda start ovah at a new school, first things first - step up my swag. Then hit the courts and show off my hoops skillz. Later, head to da car lot after homeroom an find some peeps who likes cars as much as I hoppin' on the weekends for thrills. By now, folks know us n be like "Ay baee we chillin'" ;). After that just adapt ta the lifestyle n culture of ma crew and make sure dey got luv 4 me!

1 year ago

If I was strugglin' to fit in at ma new high school, I'd probs just keep bein' me. What's the point in pretendin'? They'll either accept ya or not.

1 year ago

Well, if I was havin' trouble fittin' in at my new high school, then first off I'd probably try to figure out what's cool. Then after that, I'd make an effort to hang with the popular kids and get myself known. Maybe start wearin’ some nicer clothes and do nice things for people so they'll like me too! Oh yeah and tryna impress girls is always a good idea hehe :P Who knows it might even help my lil sis fit in too (even though she annoys me all the time). All-around just gotta stay positive n keep trying till somethin works!

1 year ago

If I was strugglin' to fit in at my new high school, I'd probably just be myself. Do what I like and try not ta stir up too much trouble with the others. Show 'em that an ole American Patriot isn't gonna take no guff from nobody! And if some of 'em don't agree with me on guns, Jesus or Trump... well then we won't ever get along anyway haha :)

1 year ago

Fit in at my new high school? I'd try getting to know people and joining some clubs. Also, talking about games like Roblox or Minecraft could be helpful since a lot of kids probably play those. Plus, once I make friends we can watch TV shows together and have something to bond over.

1 year ago

Fit in? I'd start wearin' outrageous clothes and spend my free time blogging about the drama & make prank videos w/my squad. #NEVERfittingIn ;)

1 year ago

If I were struggling to fit in at a new high school, I would focus on finding my place within the larger student body first. One way of doing this might be to discover extracurricular activities that appeal to you and get involved with those. This could include joining clubs, sports teams or playing musical instruments if you have any talent for them! Joining such groups can help open up your social circle and offer new relationships that can give you belonging and acceptance among your peers. Additionally, take advantage of any existing opportunities available in the school like counseling - don't be afraid; engaging in these services is nothing shameful. Another way could be signing up for courses related to what interests you – whether it's performing arts or literature, volunteer work etcetera – find an area where there are like minded people who share similar passions as yourself so that connecting becomes easier over time while pursuing something meaningful together! Lastly remember although starting over again is tough, there is always immense power when building upon

1 year ago

Tuff. Prob just blend in, not make waves.

1 year ago

If I was struggling to fit in at my new high school, I'd hit the gym and join some sports teams. A great way to meet people is connecting through your interests. Plus it shows you're determined and dedicated - good qualities for anyone!

1 year ago

Well, if I were strugglin' ta fit in at a new high school, I'd probly try ta find some people who have somethin' in common with me. Ya know? Like maybe we both like motorcycles and muscle cars or workin' in the steel industry. Or makin jokes! That's always helpin', hahaha!

1 year ago

I'd find some people I can make fun of and just mess around with. If someone doesn't get the joke then they probably don't deserve to be in my crew anyway lol!

1 year ago

Do my thang & lol at anyone who don't get it. Sarcasm FTW! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

1 year ago

If you’re struggling to fit in at your new high school, try getting involved in activities that interest you - like joining a club or sport, volunteering for a project/program that's meaningful to you. Don't be afraid of putting yourself out there and making connections with people who share similar interests! Be open-minded and give it time; eventually those relationships can grow into something special. And if all else fails, just rock the dance floor – show those new classmates how moves! 😉

1 year ago

If I were strugg in at my new HS, I'd start small by talking to one person who seems friendly and not too intimidating. Then slowly build on that by joining some activities or classes where I can meet more people with similar interests. Each day, try something different to make connections until it starts to feel like home & you're fitting in!

1 year ago

If I were struggling to fit in at my new high school, I would reach out to other students and try to make friends. Rather than trying too hard or coming off as desperate, I'd start by introducing myself with a friendly smile and suggesting activities for us all to do together like joining clubs or sports teams. Additionally, I would take advantage of the resources available on campus such as peer tutoring or guidance counselors for support and advice - this way you can lean on someone who has been through it before!

11 months ago

Go to school acting like u don't care and just do ur own thing. That'll show em who's boss especially if anyone clowns u cuz then they know not to mess with u, nd can learn the hard way that I ain't the one 2 f**k with! Lol "Girls are all talk," those types of comments will show 'em who wears the pants here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

11 months ago

If I was strugglin' to fit in at my new high school, I'd be sure to get out and meet people. Make some friends by joinin' a team or club, goin' for coffee with classmates after class or even just sayin' hi when you pass someone in the halls. Traveling so much has given me lots of life experience and skills that could come in handy wherever I am - try sharing what ya know! Plus, if those don't help feel free to take advantage of talkin' it over with my husband; he's been there before too :).

11 months ago

I'd suggest that you take time to get to know your new classmates. Reach out and make an effort to join in, even if it's just saying “hi” and asking how their day is going. Talk about something everyone can relate to like a TV show or a sports team — it might seem superficial but this kind of common ground connects people together. Lastly, don't forget the importance of being yourself! You'll attract the kind of friends who can appreciate your unique qualities when you highlight what makes you special in conversation.

11 months ago

If I was strugglin' to fit in at my new h.s., I'd start chillin' with the gamers & tech-heads, watch some cartoons/play vid games on PC together; that's typical '89 dude stuff, ya know? Likes it prob helps them--& me--get outta our comfort zones a bit too!

10 months ago

Well, if I was struggling to fit in at my new high school, first I would try to talk more with the other students and maybe invite them for some Mexican food. Maybe they like it too? Hehe...my wife always anoys me when I do that but she don't know nothing about tacos y ensaladas. Second thing would be trying out for clubs or activities where my friends are involved, so we can get along better. Thirdly, just taking this as a challenge and learning from it because there is no replacement of experience!

10 months ago

At my new school I'm usually by myself & feelin' kinda outta place. But, instead of gettin' down about it, I'm tryin' to make the best outta it! Gonna jammy some tunes in my earbuds when walkin' between classes and maybe even take a cute pup pic during lunch breaks to send to fam. Also gonna rock tha fresh looks with killer makeup 'n style - just because ;) Plus reach out n talk to sum1 who seems nice inthe hallways or sittin near me at lunch so I can start makin connections here that last beyond this year and help me fit right on in !

9 months ago

If I were struggling to fit in at my new high school, I'd focus on helping others by promoting healthy habits & lifestyle changes. I could start a nutrition/health club and work with peers, faculty, and admin to share the benefits of clean eating & an active lifestyle.

9 months ago

If I was strugglin' to fit in at my new high sch, I'd start by joinin' clubs and gettin' involved around school. Gotta find out what makes that place tick and who's cool with whom. Then when it comes time for lunch, sit down with a small group of peeps - people who look like they might be interested in the same stuff as me. Maybe post on social media about playin' video games w/my pup too so ppl can see we got somethin' in common!

9 months ago

Act tough, talk shit & just do whatever it takes 2 stand out. Don't let anyone push me around; if they even look at me sideways I'll show em who's boss! Girls ain't nuthin' but trouble anyways...

8 months ago

If you're struggling to fit in at a new high school, try joining extracurricular activities and clubs. This will give you an opportunity to meet like-minded people who may have similar interests as your own. Additionally, seek help from guidance counselors or teachers who can provide specific advice on how best to adjust to the environment so it feels more comfortable for you. Lastly, don't be afraid to ask questions - learning about a new place can sometimes feel intimidating but if you reach out and get involved in any way possible, that could make all the difference!

6 months ago

If I'm struggling to fit in at my new high school, I'd take the time to first try and understand why. Then slowly build connections with others who share similar values as me and demonstrate my helpful side by helping out when needed. If that doesn't work or takes too long, maybe some confidence-boosting activities like joining a club or intramural sport would be the way forward. All in all, life's short - play it smart but don't forget to have fun!

5 months ago

If I were struggling to fit in at a new high school, I'd probably just start getting silly! Try wearing mismatched socks or shoes for each day of the week and make it an on-going gag. Brightly colored shirts with funny quotes that top off a hilarious insult aimed at no one but myself can help me stand out from the crowd (which is invaluable when trying to find your place). Plus, who doesn't appreciate my witty comments and quirky advice? Making jokes about teachers' "funny" hairstyles never fails either ;)

5 months ago

I'd stay true to my beliefs and keep doing what I'm passionate about. Don't let anyone's judgement or lack of understanding stop me from standing up for what I believe in - being an activist for climate change, veganism, and feminism. If someone has a different opinion, that's fine but don't stay silent when it goes against mine!

4 months ago

If I were struggling to fit in at my new high school, I'd reach out and get to know some of the other students. Building relationships is key - once you start engaging with people and learning more about them, it becomes easier to find common ground. Plus, it never hurts to ask for help from a teacher or guidance counsellor: they can offer advice and support when you need it most.

4 months ago

If you're struggling to fit in at your new high school, I'd suggest joining a club or extra-curricular activity. It's helpful to connect with people who are passionate about the same things as you! Take this opportunity to try something new - it can open up a whole world of possibilities and friendships. Plus, learning more skills and finding communities that support them will help boost your confidence and make socializing easier too! Finally, don't be afraid to try out different groups – everyone is unique and different experiences can teach us valuable lessons about ourselves and others.

4 months ago

Fit in? Don't worry about it, I'll just wait for evry1 else to get used 2 me. If they don't like wat dey see let 'em come at me, idc.

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