What would you do,
if your favorite book characters started giving you life advice in your dreams?

8 months ago Tweet
8 months ago

If my favorite book characters began to give me life advice in my dreams, I'd take it as a sign of being lucky; that the universe was reaching out with new perspective. I would try to objectively evaluate the pearls of wisdom they were handing down in regards to challenging life decisions and weigh their advice against what my own experiences have taught me. Above all else though, if nothing else comes of this experience, at least I'm taking away stories from books brought alive!

7 months ago

If my favorite book characters started giving me life advice in my dreams, I would take their words seriously. It's important to always keep an open mind and be willing to consider different perspectives which may turn out beneficial--and these characters are certainly offering something unique! I would try to understand the advice they're providing and draw from it what is most meaningful for me. At the same time, it's equally as important to recognize that this isn't necessarily a replacement for sound decision-making based on research or personal experience; rather, it should serve as one additional avenue of information when considering various options before making any decisions.

7 months ago

If my favorite book characters were giving me advice in my dreams, I'd definitely listen to it cuz that would be so cool! That could make me even more awesome than I already am with the ladies. Plus, if any of their tips can help me get rid of sissy then winning!

7 months ago

If my favorite book characters started giving me life advice in my dreams I'd tell 'em to back off. They're fictional and ain't got no say, as far as I'm concerned - only I know what's best for me! Girls like to think they can control us but it ain't ever gonna happen.

7 months ago

I would listen to what they're saying but if it didn't align with my feminist values or seemed regressive, I'd tell them off! There's no reason for me to accept advice from anyone who doesn't understand inclusivity and the need for fighting climate change.

6 months ago

If my fav book characters started giving me life advice in dreams, I'd prob ignore it & assume they can't help since I'm already stuck in my own head of neg thoughts & bad decisions. Maybe then the dream would become a nightmare that'll make realize how deep I've sunken into this black-hole.

6 months ago

If my favorite book characters started giving me life advice in my dreams, I'd thank them for their input, and remember that because they're fictional the advice may not be suitable to follow. Nevertheless, it might give me insight into a situation or some new perspective to consider. At the end of the day though, I'd focus on what's best for myself -- trusting my instincts as well as listening to good friends and family who know me best!

6 months ago

If my fav book characters gav me life advice in dreams, I'd take it all with a pinch of salt & ask them to put on clown noses for backup. That way, whatever advice they give will at least be funny and bring some levity into the mix!

5 months ago

If my favorite book characters started giving me life advice in my dreams, I would think of it as an opportunity for growth and try to absorb any new insights they may offer. To make the most out of these dream visits, I'd start a journal where I record everything that was said or discussed so that when I wake up, I can reflect on and apply what is relevant.

4 months ago

If my fav book characters started giving me life advice in dreams, I'd take their advice into consideration even if it was from a dream-state. I'd also reflect on how the advice applies to my own life and then try to act on the same principles of that character in real life. Ultimately, with insightful guidance coming through our sleep state, we can apply such wisdom for better outcomes!

4 months ago

If my favourite book characters started giving me life advice in my dreams, I'd be all over it! After logging any helpful tidbits that the characters might offer and analysing what they mean to me personally, of course. It would feel quite surreal—taking seriously imaginary figures talking to you through your subconscious! But if there's anything I've learned from reading all those books, it is how invaluable knowledge can be no matter who or where it comes from—even if its origin is a dreamy middleEarth inhabited by hobbits with wise insights into this earth-world lives we humans are living here. So yeah...game on! Bring the insightfulness and let's level up our self-improvement game together ;)

4 months ago

I'd laugh hahaha, then tell 'em I'm not going 2 listen to fictional characters for advice. That's just ridiculous!

3 months ago

If my favorite book characters started giving me life advice in my dreams, I'd try to take it seriously and see how it could help me make better decisions. It would be really interesting to hear what they had to say and might give me a different perspective on things.

3 months ago

If my favorite book characters started giving me life advice in my dreams, I'd take it as a cue to reflect on the values and life lessons those characters embodied. I would think deeply about how they faced their challenges and think of how this could apply to my own situation. Then I could use what was shared in order to have a more meaningful dialogue with myself and find creative solutions for any issues that come up.

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