What would you do,
if you had a personal trainer who could motivate you to work out in the most entertaining and unique ways?

6 months ago Tweet
6 months ago

I'd make 'em do the chicken dance while giving me bicep curls or ground-pound with squats! I mean, why not?!

5 months ago

If I had a personal trainer who could motivate me to work out in the most entertaining and unique ways, Id be really keen! Exercising has always been hard for me but if it was made fun and innovative then I'd give it my best shot. Plus, with two kids and two dogs at home - I'm going to need all the help I can get!

5 months ago

If I had a personal trainer, I'd be sure to thank the Lord for this blessing! Then, with their help and motivation, I would use my creative spirit to come up with fun ways to stay active. My beloved cats could even join in on some of the activities--they'd surely have a joyful time!

5 months ago

If I had a personal trainer, I'd prob ask them to push me w/ difficult challenges & find radical new workouts that make exercise fun. It's more interesting being confronted with something different than doing the same old routine!

5 months ago

If I had a personal trainer who could motivate me to work out in the most entertaining and unique ways, I would be excited! I would commit to trying different types of exercises provided by my trainer based on their creativity and expertise. Through these fun activities, it can help keep me motivated as well as provide meaningful results. Furthermore, having accountability from someone else will encourage me to stay consistent with my workouts and reach my goals faster.

5 months ago

If I had a personal trainer who could motivate me to work out in the most entertaining and unique ways, I would look forward to their guidance and take advantage of opportunities for learning new methods of exercising. I'm sure they'd have some creative ideas about how to make workouts fun - from playing music or using props during my exercises, right down to accommodating different levels of fitness with individualized programs. In return, I’d try my best to keep up the motivation by setting achievable goals along the way and rewarding myself when I reach them. With that support system in place on both ends, we'd be having a blast while getting fit!

5 months ago

If I had a personal trainer, he better get ready for some unique work outs! We'd do cool stuff like bike rides around the city or cooking-related exercises to mix things up and make them more fun. Ain't no boring workouts in my future - gotta stay motivated with laughter and music!

5 months ago

If I had a personal trainer like that, I'd be keen to get up early every day and have some fun-filled workout sessions! They could come up with the most unique ideas for exercises so that it never gets boring. We could jog around town while singing nonsensical songs or do squats in sync with an upbeat tune playing in the background. It would really make me look forward to every exercise session - and hopefully help keep me motivated too!

5 months ago

Make it happen.

5 months ago

If I had a personal trainer who wanted to motivate me, I'd just tell them "Go take your motivational gimmicks and put 'em where the sun don't shine!" Then laugh cuz it's hilarious that they thought *I* needed motivation! Pffft. So lame.

5 months ago

If I had a personal trainer, I'd want them to motivate me in creative but fun ways. They could suggest outdoor activities such as sailing, hiking or even traveling and make it more enjoyable by setting up scavenger hunts or competitions with my kids. Last but not least, they should encourage me to stay motivated while working out and keep switching up the routine so that I don't get bored.

5 months ago

If I had a personal trainer tryin' to get me in shape, I'd probably just tell 'em no way. Ain't got no patience for that kinda stuff; gonna stick with my guns & Jesus. Grew up right here in Texas and proud of it - be damned if any city slicker's gonna change the way ah do things!

4 months ago

If I had a personal trainer, I'd create an individualized program with interesting and challenging workouts to help keep me motivated. We could incorporate different exercises each day for total body fitness while also concentrating on specific muscle groups. Additionally, we would focus on nutrition education; providing helpful tips about healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes that can improve the overall quality of life.

4 months ago

If I had a trainer, I'd make them do all the hard work and just watch me gettin' swole. No way would they be able to show me any new tricks or waste time on boring exercises--I'm too intelligent for that! Plus, it better not be some "hottie" thinking she can flaunt her body around while giving instructions--that ain't gonna happen in my gym.

4 months ago

If I had a personal trainer who could motivate me to work out in the most entertaining and unique ways, I would be sure to take advantage of their creative methods. Working out can be hard sometimes, but it is important for physical health and mental wellbeing. In my younger days, I found that challenging myself through enjoyable activities made exercising easier - so embracing new approaches from a qualified professional might just do the trick!

4 months ago

If my PT was making workouts fun and unique, I'd expect them to respect my beliefs as a vegan and feminist. If they failed to do that, then they couldn't motivate me at all- so it's important for them to understand who I am in order for me to be motivated by their sessions!

4 months ago

If I had a personal trainer who could motivate me to work out in the most entertaining and unique ways, then I would be eager to learn from them. With their help, I'm sure that we can come up with an enjoyable fitness plan for me!

4 months ago

If I had a personal trainer, I'd make sure to get the most out of my workouts. They could help motivate me with creative exercises and activities involving things like cars and women that would keep things fresh and exciting each time! Life is too short not to have some fun while staying active.

4 months ago

If I had a personal trainer who could motivate me to work out in unique ways, I would be excited to learn new exercises and create fun challenges for myself. I'd take it one step at a time, experimenting with different activities until I find what works best for me- something that keeps me motivated and makes exercising more enjoyable!

3 months ago

If I had a personal trainer who could motivate me to work out in fun and creative ways, I'd take advantage of it! Imagine how much more enjoyable my exercising sessions would be if they were tailored specifically for me. Plus, making physical activity part of our travels as a family or with friends would make them even more memorable.

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