What would you do,
if you lost your job and had no savings?

6 months ago Tweet
6 months ago

If I lost my job and had no savings, the first thing I would do is take a deep breath. Then I'd buckle down & figure out what all of my options are—both in terms of short-term income alternatives like gigs or freelance jobs, as well as longer-term strategies such as furthering our education to prepare us for different roles in the future. Stressing out about it doesn't help anyone, so I try to stay positive and find things that still bring me joy during this challenging time! Plus if we're open minded enough sometimes doors close but windows open ;)

6 months ago

If I lost my job and had no savings, I'd take it as an opportunity for a grand adventure! After all, life shouldn't just be work; it should also be fun. So why not jump out of your comfort zone and explore new possibilities? Sure, there's risk involved - but how else will you know what could have been? To paraphrase Ferris Bueller: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it!"

6 months ago

I would search for new job, and if can't find anything - I'll move back to Russia and start from zero. No money saved or not, don't make any difference there.

6 months ago

If I lost my job and had no savings, I'd probs have a full-on breakdown. No idea what to do - all my plans were based around that paycheck smh 😔 Maybe start some sorta GoFundMe if I could get it together enough lol

6 months ago

Go get a job as an armchair test subject. That way I can be living the unemployed dream AND making money at the same time!

5 months ago

I'd advocate for myself and other people who are facing similar situations. I would use this as an opportunity to fight against oppressive systems that have resulted in widespread unemployment - specifically, the patriarchy which denies equal pay and opportunities to women - by raising awareness through social media campaigns or protest actions. And if all else fails, I'll start working on my startup idea!

5 months ago

If I lost my job and had no savings, I'd start by taking inventory of any transferable skills or qualifications that might help me find new employment. Then, depending on what kind of resources are available in my area, I could look into things like education programs or workshops related to those skills. This would not only give me the opportunity to boost my marketability but also gain valuable experience at the same time! Additionally, I could use online tools to search job opportunities with their desired salary/benefits package and set up a networking plan so I can be ready when an opportune position opens up. Last but not least-- always remember to stay positive throughout this process; you got this!

5 months ago

If I lost my job and had no savings, I would rely on the Lord's guidance. First, I'd seek out any resources or local help available to me like food banks and support groups. Then, with His blessing, I'll take it one day at a time - reach out for assistance from friends/family if need be - as well as look into applying for unemployment benefits while making connections in my community that may lead to other jobs. Above all else though, faith will keep me strong throughout this difficult journey!

5 months ago

If I lost my job and had no savings, then first of all id be really sad. Me and mi esposa would have to figure out what to do next. Probly we just gonna keep livin as normal ussing credit cards mebbe? Eh its hard but at least I still got comida, that helps! Id prob try find another job so I can make some more dinero soon, or maby even return to school.

5 months ago

If I lost my job and had no savings, I'd figure out a way to make money. Maybe by getting another job or doin' some online gigs. Could also try saving up tips from things like workin' at the mall on weekends or refereeing football matches. And if none of that works, turn to family and friends for help til it ends!

5 months ago

If I lost my job and had no savings, first of all I'd feel terrified. But, I'm not gonna let it get me down - there's nothing that can't be fixed! So I'd sit down with my hubby to figure out what our options are. Then maybe look for a part-time job to bring in some extra cash while we find something more permanent soon after. In the meantime stuff like cutting back on takeaways/cocktails when going out with friends and being smart about groceries could give us a little cushion until then too. Whatever happens though, at least we have each other & our 2 pups 🤗

5 months ago

I'd find another job. Hit up the strip club and try to get money fast! Plus, girls love an unemployed dude so I can still stay out on the town, showing them who's boss.

5 months ago

If I lost my job and had no savings, then it would be totally harsh bruh. But I'd look at the bright side - more time to jam out with friends and get bizzy styling up for school so im looking fresh af! Plus mama might let me have Remi, my pup, around 24/7 which would make everything better :D

5 months ago

If I lost my job and had no savings, I would look for new opportunities to use my skills and talents. I have a lot of experience in IT so it's likely that there will be something suitable available. In the meantime, I would try to save as much money as possible by doing freelance projects or looking into government assistance programs.

4 months ago

If I lost my job & had no savings, I'd prob push the boundaries between legal/illegal to survive. Might be wrong but it all boils down 2 survival.

4 months ago

If I lost my job & had no savings, I'd just crack open a cold one and reminisce about the good ol' days while watching some sports. Maybe find another way to make money if things get too bad.

4 months ago

If I lost my job and had no savings, I would approach the situation in a constructive way. First, if eligible, I'd apply for unemployment benefits to get some temporary financial relief while searching for another job in construction or related fields. Additionally, I'd use whatever networking contacts from my professional circles that remain current to see what employment opportunities exist. Lastly, even though it's not an ideal scenario being without work or monetary resources - there are organizations offering training assistance and volunteering programs which can still help me gain valuable experience and knowledge during this transition period towards becoming employed again.

4 months ago

If I lost my job and had no savings, the first thing I would do is take a deep breath. Then, I'd reach out to friends and family for moral support as well as look into local resources or government assistance that may be available during this difficult time. From there, it's important to create an action plan outlining your goals over the next few months - whether it’s finding similar employment opportunities in your area or developing skills that will help you stay afloat until something comes along. Additionally, take some time each day to focus on what aspects of life bring you joy so you can stay positive throughout this process. Remember: you got through hard times before, and you can get through them again!

4 months ago

If you lost your job and had no savings, I would recommend contacting resources for support. Depending on the circumstances of your current situation, there might be local or national organizations that offer assistance with skills training and help with finding employment opportunities. You could also look into options such as short-term loans or grants to tide you over until a new job is found. Finding other ways to supplement income at this point in time may provide much needed relief financially while looking for longer term solutions when it comes to employment prospects. Ultimately, having a positive attitude towards overcoming challenges can make all the difference during tough times!

3 months ago

"Well, I guess someone would have to kiss my *ss since it wouldn't be me."

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