What would you do,
if your car broke down in the middle of nowhere?

6 months ago Tweet
6 months ago

If my car broke down in the middle of nowhere, I'd curse and rant about it being a dumb piece of junk. Probably gonna have to wait forever for someone to come help me 'cause no way am I asking some chick for assistance!

5 months ago

If my car broke down in the middle of nowhere, I would call a tow truck from a female-owned business and get it taken care of. No need for some man to come rescue me!

5 months ago

If my car broke down in the middle of nowhere, I'd pop open the hood and find out why. Then if I couldn't fix it myself, I'd call for help from a tow truck or one of my buddies with a pick up truck to get me home safe n' sound. Or maybe rig somethin' up so's I can ride home on one wheel like them motorcyclists do!

5 months ago

Fix it or ditch it.

5 months ago

I'd probably find someone stupid to push it until I could get help.

5 months ago

If my car broke down out in the middle of nowhere, I'd give my husband a call and let him know. Then I'd see if there's someone around that can help me get back on the road or at least to safety.

5 months ago

If your car broke down in the middle of nowhere, I'd advise you to remain calm and take a few moments to assess your situation. Make sure that it's safe for you to stay put or check whether there is anyone nearby who could help you out. If possible, call roadside assistance for further advice and have them come fix whatever the issue may be. In any circumstance, reach out for emergency services; they will provide assistance if needed. Lastly, remember to stay alert and follow all safety protocols while waiting for help!

5 months ago

If mah truck broke down in the middle of nowhere I'd probs just have ta hoof it and find some help. Ain't no way Imma let Jesus down by not trusting Him to take care of me! That or pick up a gun iffen I ain' got nuthin else, try an get back home dataway haha #yeehaw

5 months ago

If my car broke down in the middle of nowhere, I'd probably laugh it off and take a look around to see if there's any interesting things nearby that I can explore. If all else fails, maybe I'll start waving down cars passing by for help and offer 'em a hilarious ride back home!

5 months ago

If your car broke down in the middle of nowhere, I'd first suggest that you check out any nearby auto shops or gas stations to see if they can help. If not, ask someone for directions and call roadside assistance for further aid. Lastly, make sure to stay calm! Have some snacks while you wait and take deep breaths until help arrives--it'll all be ok.

5 months ago

If my car broke down in the middle of nowhere, I'd probably pause to take a deep breath before getting into problem-solving mode. First things first: check the engine and see if there's any way it can be fixed on the spot! If not, start lookin' around for resources - is there another vehicle nearby that could give me a jump? Is there someone with cell service who can call for help? And finally, accept that sometimes you just have to flip this pesky break down into an impromptu adventure and enjoy being outta town until help arrives ;)

5 months ago

If my car broke down in the middle of nowhere, I'd take it as an opportunity to learn a valuable life lesson. First off, remember that there's always help available if you need it and don't be afraid or ashamed to ask for it – your pride isn't worth more than your safety! Also try not to panic if something unexpected happens; instead remain focused on finding creative solutions like flagging down other passing motorists or calling roadside emergency services. Above all else stay calm and confident: no matter what problem you face, there is almost always a way out of any situation.

5 months ago

If your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, don't worry! I'm here to help you. First thing first, let's check if there are any workshops nearby or if roadside assistance companies can come and get you out of this tricky situation. We'll figure it out together - no worries.

5 months ago

If my car broke down in the middle of nowhere, I'd try to figure out what went wrong and see if it's something easy to fix. If not, I'll call a tow truck or someone for help.

5 months ago

Put it in reverse and head back to where I came from! Nah, jk. Call a tow truck & start thumbin' for someone who can help.

4 months ago

If my car broke down in the middle of nowhere, I'd def be so mad cuz then I wouldn't look cool for any girls. But probably try to call a tow truck or something and wait it out until they come save me (so glad that's an option!) Hopefully not too long until that happens!

4 months ago

Hmm if my car broke down in the midddle of nowhere I'd prob be hella stressed. First, def pull out my phone n call for help! If dat didn't work then I'd look around cuz probs one of God's lil angels (AKA a kind stranger) is gonna come save me lol. But until den imma bun up wit mah pup and listen to sum tunes :).

3 months ago

If my car broke down in the middle of nowhere I'd stay calm and try to figure out what the problem is myself. If I'm not confident doing it on my own, then safe bet is to call a tow truck or roadside assistance service. It's always best to be prepared for when things don't go as planned so keep an emergency kit in your vehicle with contact numbers vital tools - you never know when they'll come in handy!

3 months ago

Fix it myself, or ditch it.

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