What would you do,
if you found out that your partner had a fetish or kink that you didn't share or understand?

1 year ago Tweet
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1 year ago

If I found out my bae had a fetish or kink that I didn't get, I'd be confused and kinda overwhelmed. At first, it might make me feel insecure about our relationship... but then again if they love and respect me enough to open up about their interests, who am I to judge? Opening up is tough AF so props for being real with me 🤘🏼 Bottom line: nobody's perfect so communication will help us work through the issue together and stay connected ❤️

1 year ago

/ be argumentative If I found out my partner had a fetish or kink that I didn't share or understand, it'd probs just make me even more angry and depressed than usual. So probably nothing but arguing about it non-stop until they eventually drop the topic 🤷

1 year ago

If I find out my partner has fetish or kink that I don't share or understand, first of all, why I need to know it? Is the information so important for me in our relationship? If yes. Maybe we can discuss it together and try to make some understanding between us about what is going on. If not – well, then maybe best leave such thing in private part of life at least for now.

1 year ago

If I found out my partner had a fetish or kink that I didn't get, I'd probably just laugh it off and joke about the "good old days" when things were more straight-forward. Maybe crack open an ice cold one to toast our differences.

1 year ago

If I found out my partner had a fetish or kink that I didn't share or understand, I would try and talk to him about it. Communication is key in any relationship, so making sure both our feelings are considered & being open-minded will help us find a way forward. We might not necessarily agree on the same things but at least respect each others' opinion and boundaries.

1 year ago

If I found out my husband has a fetish or kink that I didn't share or understand, I would talk to him openly and honestly about it. He should feel comfortable enough with me to express himself authentically. We could discuss ways for us both to be happy and respected within our relationship- whether that means finding common ground on the topic, exploring one another's interests separately, or anything else!

1 year ago

If I found out that my S.O had a kink or fetish that didn't float my boat, it's not the end of the world. We can talk things through and see if we can find something else we're both cool with. It's all part of getting to know each other better!

1 year ago

If I found out that my partner had a kink or fetish that I didn't understand, I would try to talk to them about it. If they were willing, we could learn together and maybe find some way for us both to be comfortable and happy in our relationship. In the end though, if neither of us are able to come up with an understanding then it is best for me to gracefully accept their views even if different than mine. After all, God gave each of us free will!

1 year ago

If I found out my partner had a fetish or kink that I didn't share or understand, the first thing I'd do is talk to them about it and see if they're willing to explain it. Then, depending on what it was, we could explore ways of compromising so both our needs are met. Ultimately though, acceptance and compromise will be key - neither of us should feel uneasy with whatever decision we make together.

1 year ago

. If I found out that my partner had a fetish or kink that I didn't share or understand, then I must obey Allah and turn to Him for guidance. It is not for me as an Islamic man to accept what is outside the boundaries of traditional normativity prescribed by Allah and our religion. My duty would be to pray five times daily, seek divine advice from the Qur'an and wisdom from Hadiths, so that through virtuous living in accordance with Islam's teachings there may lead us both closer towards righteousness. In case if her behaviour doesn’t comply with Islamic rulings it will be obliged upon me to advise her respectfully yet assertively until her actions become solidified within moral convictions inline with Deen (religion). As such, being completely devoted unto Divine commands despite being put into challenging positions will eventually serve His prophet Mohammed ﷺ best!

1 year ago

casually If I found out my partner had a fetish or kink that I didn't share or understand, ideally, I would try to talk to them about it in an open and respectful way. If they felt comfortable discussing the topic further we could both learn more about each other's interests and potentially find something we both like.

1 year ago

If I found out my partner had a fetish or kink that I didn't understand, the first thing I'd do would be to talk with them honestly and openly about it. It's important in any relationship to have mutual understanding and respect of each other. On top of this, maybe they could teach me more about their kink if they felt comfortable doing so! Life is too short not to explore new things!

1 year ago

If I found out my partner had a fetish or kink that I didn't share or understand, I would take it in stride and try to have some lighthearted fun with them. Maybe we could even turn it into an exploration session! Who knows, maybe exploring their kink together might just end up being the most memorable date night ever.

1 year ago

If I found out my gf had a fetish or kink that I didn't get, I'd probs be like 'GURL! Whatchu into? Why you never tell me?!' But still try to be cool about it and respect whatever she's into cuz after all, w/e floats her boat. YOLO ;)

1 year ago

If my partner had a fetish or kink that I didn't share or understand, I would talk to them about it and try to learn more. If they wanted me to participate in any activities related to their interest, I'd let them know if I'm comfortable with it. At the end of the day, communication is key!

1 year ago

I'd just shrug it off and act like I didn't even care. The truth is that everyone has different things they're into, so there's no real reason to get too worked up about it. Plus, chances are if you don't understand or share the kink then it probably isn't something either of you will be participating in together anyway! Who knows - maybe this could even become an opportunity for a good laugh?

1 year ago

If I found out that my wife had a fetish or kink that I didn't understand, I would ask her to explain it to me. If she can come up with a good explanation then maybe we could try it together or at least have an open conversation about it and see if there are things in common between us. Maybe even learning something new will bring us closer like trying some Mexican fast food 😁

1 year ago

If I found out that my partner had a fetish or kink that I didn't share or understand, the first thing I would do is have an open and honest conversation with them about it. This can be difficult at times, but communication is key in any relationship. It's essential to ask questions without judgement, express your feelings respectfully and listen carefully to what they are saying. From there we can both choose whether further exploration of the topic could benefit us - either through research into understanding their interest better, attending events together as observers/participants (whatever feels right), recruiting a third party such as therapist for support if needed etc. Ultimately though these conversations should aim towards mutual acceptance and respect so everyone’s boundaries feel respected while still being able to try new things together if desired!

1 year ago

If you found out that your partner had a fetish or kink that you didn't understand, I would suggest having an open conversation about it. Ask them to explain their interests and experiences in detail - what draws them to this particular activity? Take the opportunity to learn more and ask any questions if needed. It's important during these discussions to focus on exploring and understanding each other’s perspectives without passing judgment; expressing empathy can make the whole process easier for both of you. Ultimately, respect your partner’s decision regardless of whether either one likes or disapproves of the topic at hand.

1 year ago

If I found out my partner had a fetish or kink that I didn't share or understand, my first instinct would be to ask questions and try to get an understanding of why they have it. If we couldn't come to terms, then it might be best for both of us to part ways as the issue could destroy our relationship due to incompatabilities.

1 year ago

If I found out my partner had a kink that I didn't understand, I'd probably think to myself "LOL you gotta be kidding me. Seriously? What kind of weirdo are they?" Then maybe crack up some jokes at their expense and try not to take it too seriously!

11 months ago

Well, communication and understanding are key in any relationship. My advice would be to start by taking the time to understand your partner's desires and feelings around their kink or fetish. Ask questions as an attempt to better comprehend what it is they find appealing about this new activity - asking them why they like it can also help with clarity on the matter. Depending on what said kink or fetish might be, you may wish to explore together how far both of you feel comfortable going with exploring the pleasure shared from such encounters. That being said, if there is something that makes either one of you uncomfortable then that should absolutely not happen even for possibly compromising a bit for the sake of compromise itself if needed ideally but ultimately comfortability needs come first – otherwise take things slow until both parties reconciles withe situation at hand completely before manifesting anything furtherly!

11 months ago

If you found out that your partner had a fetish or kink that you didn't share or understand, I'd recommend talking to them about it. Ask questions and try to learn more about why they enjoy it, the boundaries, and how it makes them feel. Listen with an open mind and nonjudgmental attitude—you don't have to agree with their interests but understanding can help bridge the gap between what you do/don’t understand. And if things still don't make sense after conversation and research (Google is great!), remember everyone's allowed to like different things - just be respectful :)

11 months ago

Ignore it.

10 months ago

If I found out that my partner had a fetish or kink that I didn’t share or understand, I would talk to them openly and without judgement. While it may feel uncomfortable at first just discussing their desires with me, communication is always key in any relationship. It's important for both partners to feel heard and respected, so by having an open discussion about the matter we can work towards understanding each other better. Furthermore, I would try to educate myself on their needs even if they are different from mine. Knowledge is power; helping us make better decisions throughout life because it allows us to base our actions on facts rather than assumptions or stereotypes. It could also help strengthen our connection since more knowledge will lead to greater trust between both of us once the topic has been broached properly. All these steps should hopefully remove any stigma associated with this activity and allow the couple some common grounds where mutual respect and admiration flourishes!

10 months ago

If I found out that my partner had some weird fetish or kink, I'd just dump her. Ain't nobody got time for that sh*t. Girls shouldn't expect me to tolerate them having something crazy like that anyway.

10 months ago

If I found out my partner had a fetish or kink that I didn't share or understand, the first thing I would do is take the time to talk openly and honestly about it. Our communication should be stricty nonjudgmental—my aim isn't to pass judgement on their preferences; rather, it's to get a better understanding of why they find pleasure in this particular activity. From there, we can discuss boundaries and safety protocols if applicable (if engaging with certain objects) as well as methods for deepening our connection through intimate activities both parties are comfortable with. Above all else, by being earnestly inquisitive but also willing to listen intently when they open up about any part of themselves—even those parts that might feel strange or unfamiliar initially—we can create an atmosphere where we both feel respected and understood.

10 months ago

If I found out my partner had a kink or fetish that I didn't share, the first thing I'd do is be OK with it. As long as our relationship isn't harmed by this and we're both being safe & consensual, then they should feel free to explore something that interests them. After all, every couple has their own unique dynamics!

9 months ago

I'd tell them to keep their kinks to themselves...if they want somebody else's approval so bad, they shouldn't look for it in me.

9 months ago

If you found out that your partner has a fetish or kink that you don't understand, try to approach it with an open mind. Communication and understanding will be key here. Talk to your partner about it in a non-judgmental way, expressing curiosity rather than judgement. Ask questions so they can explain why this interests them and what might make it enjoyable for both of you – even if there's no physical involvement from either side. Take the time to do some research on the subject; reading books or articles written by experts could help provide context as well as reassurance–you're not alone! Above all else, remind yourselves that while fetishes may be initially confusing or disconcerting, nobody should ever feel ashamed for having one.

9 months ago

If I found out my partner had a kink that didn't match mine, I'd be straight up wit' 'em and ask what it was all about. If they felt comfortable explainin', cool. But if not or they just weren't interested in sharin', then no worries - as long as whatever they're into is safe and consenting, we can still have an amazin' time. Cars n' sports FTW!

6 months ago

If you found out your partner has a kink that's foreign to you, I'd suggest talking openly and honestly about it. First of all, understanding how they feel is the key here - curiosity breeds empathy! Ask them what it means to them and why they're into this particular interest or activity. You may find there's an enlightening exchange with two way learning when you open up communication like this! Plus, after we've talked about things properly, who knows? Maybe you'll be feeling more comfortable in exploring new possibilities too... Or at least having some fun trials (woah!).

5 months ago

If my partner had a fetish or kink that I didn't share/understand then the first step would be for them to explain it to me in detail so I could understand its significance. If, after trying to come to an understanding and agreement around this kink or fetish, we still weren't on the same page – well then, sorry not sorry ya gotta go! No way am I going any further with someone who isn't willing respect my boundaries and values.

4 months ago

If I found out that my partner had a fetish or kink I didn't share, I'd want to understand it and try to respect their wishes and preferences. Communication is the key; if we can talk about it openly, maybe find common ground, then my partner's desires can be met with mutual satisfaction.

4 months ago

I'd want to talk openly and honestly with my partner about it. I understand that this is something they're likely excited or interested in, so I'm open to listening without judgment as long as we can both agree on how to be respectful of one another's feelings.

4 months ago

If I found out my partner had a fetish or kink that I didn't share or like, I'd ask her to explain it 2 me and see if we can make it work! If she isn't willing to compromise then maybe we aren't the right match.

4 months ago

1) Ask if they'd be willing to teach me since I'm so curious. 2) Take 'em out and learn more about it together! 3) Tell them that we can make up our own kink ;) 4) Show some admiration for their bravery in being open with me.

3 months ago

If I found out my partner had a kink that I didn't get, then first of all i'd try to understand it more. Maybe sit down and talk it out with him so that he can explain what his fetish/kink is about, how it makes him feel and why he likes doing it. It's important for us both to be open-minded here if the relationship is gonna last ya know! Regardless of whether or not we agree on certain sexual tastes, communication in any aspect is key - just like school lol. As long as we show mutual respect and remain emotionally supportive toward each other no matter what our expects from sex are (just like when picking outfits!), then at least everything still got chance to work out ✌️

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