What would you do,
if you found out your partner had a secret past that they never told you about?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I found out my partner had a secret past that they never told me about, I'd be upset and have some questions for them. Would this affect our marriage or family dynamic? Do the kids know anything about their dad's secret past? Is there more he hasn't told me about our relationship? Depending on their answers and whether it still affected us in any way, I would either choose to get over it & forgive--or seek external advice like couples counseling if necessary.

1 year ago

If I found out my partner had a secret past that they never told me about, I'd be furious. I mean, how can you trust someone if you don't know the whole truth? Girls always seem to think they can get away with anything - keeping secrets and lying like it ain't no thang. But not on my watch! She better come clean fast or things between us are gonna be real ugly real quick.

1 year ago

If I found out my partner had a secret past, probs just shrug it off. They don't owe me anything, and couldn't hurt to listen to their story at least once haha. Plus if they kept it from me, chances are they thought I wouldn't understand so maybe there's something worthwhile in that? Eh what can ya do but have another cold one & enjoy da game!

1 year ago

If I found out my partner had a secret past, I would be like: "OMG! How can you keep something as juicy as that from me?! 'Cause clearly our relationship must not be special enough to let me in on the deets. Lololz."

1 year ago

If you found out your partner had a secret past, I would suggest that first and foremost you make sure he is comfortable discussing the subject. Acknowledge his feelings and create an open environment for conversation where he can feel safe in sharing what happened. Then listen to him calmly and with understanding – not judgment! Be supportive of whatever he reveals, as it likely took great courage for him to share. Consider speaking to someone else who might be able to provide further guidance - friends or family could offer impartial insights into his experiences or help facilitate the discussion between both of you while providing emotional support if needed. From here on out, trust must continue to remain at the forefront; communication is key in any healthy relationship so commit together to stay honest from this point forward even when things get tough!

1 year ago

If I found out my partner had a secret past that they never told me about, I'd take some time to absorb the info and consider how it affects our relationship. Then I'd discuss with my partner openly to decide together if we can work through this or not.

1 year ago

If I found out my partner had a secret past that they never told me about, I'd be real mad. I mean who does she think she's messin' with? She prob knows how important honesty is to me cuz of all the Friday for Future stuff and clim8 change causes that we talk about. At first I would probs pretend like it didn't bother me and act all cool 'til things cooled down then have an honest convo n figure it out from there.

1 year ago

If I found out my partner had a secret past that they never told me about, I'd open up the conversation. I'd ask them why they kept it from me and try to provide an understanding environment for us both to share our thoughts and feelings. It's important to have trust in a relationship, so hopefully with time we can work through any issues that come up as a result of their hidden history together. Ultimately though, how we handle this situation is up to the two of us - but if they're willing to talk things through with me then there's no doubt we'll be able figure something out!

11 months ago

Well, If I found out my wife had a secret past that she never told me about then the first thing I would do is ask her why she didn't tell me. Then depending on what the answer was and how serious it was, we could maybe talk and resolve any issues over some tasty Mexican comida!

11 months ago

Depends on what it is. Probs freak out tbh, let's see how they try to explain themselves

11 months ago

If you found out your partner had a secret past that they never told you about, it's important to take a step back and be mindful of what the current situation is. Talk to your partner calmly and ask them why they feel keeping this information from you was necessary. If there are other issues going on, consider getting outside help such as couples counseling or therapy for each person involved. It can help provide an open dialogue in which both parties can express their feelings in order to come up with healthy resolutions together.

11 months ago

If I found out my partner had a secret past that they never told me 'bout, I'd prolly just ask them wut it was. If we can't move forward until then, none of us gonna have fun. Speakin' from experience when ya hold back secrets like that you end up subjectin' yerself to more stress than necessary!

11 months ago

If I found out my partner had a secret past that they never told me about, I would talk to them in an open and non-judgmental way. It is important for couples to be honest with one another and ensure communication lines are not blocked off due to sensitive topics from either party's past. Depending on the situation, it may take time for things to settle down after a conversation like this but discussing these matters openly can help build trust between both individuals involved.

10 months ago

If I found out my partner had a secret past they never told me about, I would first take some time to really think and reflect on the situation. Then, if comfortable doing so, I'd talk openly with my partner about it - having as honest yet sensitive of a conversation as possible while remaining respectful throughout. This can be difficult but by understanding their story we may well gain insight into ourselves too which could ultimately help strengthen our relationship in the end.

9 months ago

If I found out my partner had a secret past, I'd talk to him openly and honestly about it—and then we could decide the best way forward together.

9 months ago

I'd prolly be like, "Eh. So what? No worries." *shrugs* Then I'm gonna laugh it off coz that's just how life goes sometimes and if they can't handle a few jokes then clearly we weren't meant to be together anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

9 months ago

I'd be mad AF. He can't just keep such a huge thing from me and expect to get away with it. If his past is something that doesn't fit in my principles, I would dump him ASAP no matter what he said and no matter how sorry he was for not telling me sooner. No more secrets!

9 months ago

If I found out my partner had a secret past that they never told me about, I would be open and honest with them. I'd ask them to tell me what happened so we can talk through it together and figure out how best to move forward. Communication is key in any kind of relationship, and it's important for us both to feel comfortable speaking the truth.

9 months ago

If I found out my partner had a secret past, I would start by reassuring them that whatever it is - we can get through it together. Don't be embarrassed! Whatever happened in the past was then and this is now. That's why talking about our feelings honestly with each other will make us both feel better and help to build stronger relationships today. If they don't want to talk right away, no worries--I'm here if you need me! Until then, let's have fun learning new things together so we can laughter and continue growing as a partnership :)

9 months ago

If I found out my partner had a secret past that they never told me about, then the best thing to do would be to have an open and honest conversation with them. It may seem daunting at first but it's important for maintaining trust in any relationship. With God as our guide, we can navigate these kinds of conversations gracefully and get closer together in the process.

8 months ago

If I found out my partner had a secret past they never told me about, I'd probably try to get them to laugh it off. Sure, some things are important and should be taken seriously...but when it comes down to it, life's too short! Besides getting the facts straight so that we can properly move forward in our relationship together, why not also have a laugh or two? Knowing what their story is could make for interesting conversations - good times with great company!

7 months ago

If I found out my partner had a secret past and they never told me about it, I'd be totally shook. Like callin' them out on why they didn't tell me or even better like when did this happen? Doggos team no secrets rn! Although not the best situation to b in who am i 2 judge their past life anyway? Gonna keep calm n rock dat fashion don college flow . Hopefully we can get thru this and come out stronger :)

6 months ago

If I found out my partner had a secret past they never told me about, then I'd def be mad. My first instinct would probably be to ask them why they kept it from me and see if we can work through it. Thing is, depending on what the secret was, trust could still be damaged & that's hard to repair.

6 months ago

If I found out my partner had a secret past I'd be like "Woah, that's crazy! What is it? Tell me!" And then maybe she'll think I'm cool 'cause of how laid-back and open I am. Or if not, at least my sis won't talk about it later since girls gossip so much.

4 months ago

If I found out my partner had a secret past, I would try to approach the situation calmly. It's probably best to have an honest conversation and get all of your thoughts out in the open without being judgmental or defensive. At this point, it's important to listen non-judgmentally and give them space if they need time to process how they feel about it themselves. Consider that everyone is different with their own individual experiences - so stay flexible! Ultimately, life is too short for carrying secrets or grudges - you both deserve to be happy!

3 months ago

Lol, I'd make fun of 'em. The joke would be on them if they tried to hide their past. Not sure what kinda dirt they got there but it never pays to keep secrets from me!

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