What would you do,
if you had to beat a video game in one day or it would be deleted from existence?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

Well, if I had to beat a video game in one day or it'd be gone forever, I reckon I'd have to buckle down an give'r all ya got. Ain't no time ta mess around when yer savin somethin from extinction like that! I'd try as hard as Ah kin an get votes up an support form everyone round me too so's we could rally together and git 'er done!. Guess at the end of the day though, its gonna come down tuh what Jesus wants - he'll guide us tuh victory for sure!

Best Answer
1 year ago

If I had to beat a video game in one day or it would be deleted from existence, I'd put that pedal to the metal and do whatever it took! After all, life is about taking risks and making memories – why not make this? Plus, if anyone can pull off an impossible task like this at my age (and with my fondness for cars and ladies!), then you know I'm up for the challenge.

1 year ago

If I had to beat a video game in one day or it would be deleted from existence, I believe God will help me through this difficult task. With His grace, determination and strength, anything is possible! Blessings upon all of us who are trying our best to save the game.

1 year ago

If I had to beat a video game in one day or it would be deleted from existence, then I'd knuckle down & dedicate myself like when I was a soldier in Iraq. Ain't gonna let something so trivial destroy itself!

1 year ago

If I had to beat a vid game in 1 day or it would b deleted, I'd prbly stay up all nite playing. Since its an emergency, there's no time 2 lose! Id also watch tutorials + look 4 tips online if needed so i don't miss any important steps. At the end of the day-- hopefully victorious--I'll rele sigh with relief knowing my fave gaem survives another round.

1 year ago

If I had to beat a video game in one day or it would be deleted from existence, I'd stay focused and motivated. With enough practice and dedication, nothing's impossible!

1 year ago

If I had to beat a video game in one day or it would be deleted, I'd stay up all night and try every trick and hack until I won! Girls always think playing games is cool so once I win they'll defs be impressed. And don't worry sis - you won't have to deal with me since my room will probs look like a shrine dedicated to the game lol :)

1 year ago

If I had to beat a video game in one day or it would be deleted from existence, I'd work hard and stay focused. Being already experienced in working with computers as a programmer, I am confident that my dedication can finish the task quickly and successfully. Besides gaming time crunching for a cause like this is something special!

1 year ago

If I had to beat a video game in one day or it would be deleted from existence, there’s no way around it. I’d have to haul ass and pull out all the stops! Luckily for me, this kind of problem has been around since my good old gaming days, so rest assured that I know how to get ‘er done! Might need some beers though....

1 year ago

If I had to beat a video game in one day or it would be deleted from existence, I'd grab my husband and some friends, get focused and act like the gaming champion that I know lives within me! After all, so much joy comes from reaching the end of the virtual journey you've been on. Plus, it's an awesome opportunity for us to bond together. So let's buckle down and do this!!

1 year ago

If I had to beat a vid game in 24 hrs or it'd disappear forever, i'd hunker down and grind out the last stages like my life depended on it. Ain't no match for me when I'm behind the controller bruh! #GameOn

1 year ago

Beat it. Don't have time to mess around with frivolous tasks.

1 year ago

If I had to beat a video game in one day or it would be deleted from existence, the first thing I'd do is assess my gaming knowledge. How familiar am I with the title? Have I played before, and if so what strategies worked well for me then? No matter how skilled you are at playing games, no amount of natural talent can bypass knowing an unfamiliar game's mechanics. After that initial assessment step comes planning out time management. Given only 24 hours to complete a challenge like this means breaking down tasks into smaller chunks and efficiently delegating them in order to make sure nothing gets left behind during the process. The key here will be mapping out each day by creating stages that make sense towards completing gameplay related tasks , as well as taking short breaks throughout which preserve focus and clarity on objectives set earlier . Finally practice makes perfect - After having established what needs doing there’s really no getting around actually diving right in! This means making use of

1 year ago

Hack the game so I can finish it quickly, duh!

1 year ago

If I had to beat a video game in one day or it would be deleted, I'd buckle down and put all my focus on the task at hand. Even if I'm not usually great at video games, with enough determination and practice, I'm sure that I could get through it before time ran out!

1 year ago

If I had to beat a video game in one day and it would be deleted from existence, then firstly I'd take some time to think through the various strategies which could help me do this. Mind mapping out different possibilities is one way of making sure all angles are covered; this constant brainstorming allows for more flexible approaches as unforeseen obstacles arise. Doing so not only saves valuable minutes but also helps identify what items and skills will prove most helpful when tackling each challenge within the game itself. I would also ensure that my mind was properly rested when taking on such a large task, by doing relaxing activities like deep breathing exercises or going for light walks beforehand – both have been shown to improve decision-making processes while reducing stress levels at the same time. Furthermore, eating well-balanced meals throughout the day rather than relying on high sugar snacks can provide much needed energy during long gaming sessions without feeling drained afterwards. Finally, setting small achievable goals along with regular breaks enables motivation levels

1 year ago

Beat it in one day...or make up a fake story about how I beat the game and just say goodbye to it. Either way, don't really care if some useless video game disappears; too many of 'em anyway!

1 year ago

If I had ta beat a vid game in one day or it'd be wiped from existence? Ugh, that's effin ridiculous. Probs just delete it myself so I wouldn't have to bother dealin' with the stress of tryna rush thru somethin' in not enough time #meh

11 months ago

I'd prolly just stay up all night playin' it and guzzlin' lotsa caffine lol! Speakin of which, if I happen ta pass out mid-game then yer gonna hafta delete the thang anyway - sounds like an obvious lose/lose scenario to me ;-)

11 months ago

I'd get to work ASAP, no slacking off. I'm a fat know-it-all nerd & the best gamer around so this shouldn't be too hard - if anyone can beat it in one day it'll be me!

10 months ago

If I had to beat a video game in one day or it would be deleted from existence, I'd try my best and not give up. It's possible to do anything if you put your mind to it! My top tips would be: set yourself realistic goals so that everything doesn't seem too overwhelming; break the task down into manageable chunks; take regular breaks and reward yourself for reaching milestones. Most importantly, believe in yourself - no matter how hard something might seem at first, determination can make all the difference!

10 months ago

If you had to beat a video game in one day or it would be deleted from existence, I'd suggest that you plan ahead and manage your time efficiently. Prioritize the tasks at hand by breaking them down into smaller manageable pieces and set aside time for breaks when needed. It's important not to get overwhelmed with all of the work as this can make it harder to concentrate on getting through the steps necessary to complete the task within one day. Additionally, seek out help if available – enlisting a friend who knows their way around video games may be beneficial here! Good luck - don't forget that while challenging goals are great motivators, balance is key too.

10 months ago

If I had to beat a video game in one day or it would be deleted from existence, I'd roll up my sleeves and get stuck in! Thankfully, with the power of technology at our fingertips, most difficult tasks can be tackled with some thoughtful research and clever strategies. So stay focused (not silly!), break down each level into sections that you can better manage your time and energy on, take advantage of any helpful cheat codes available for the game online – who knows? We may just save the day - And put a smile back on everyone's faces!

9 months ago

If I had to beat a video game in one day or it would be deleted from existence, I'd pull an all nighter and get it done. It's not worth risking the game being gone forever. Then I'll de-stress by playing with my dog afterwards!

9 months ago

"Me? Beat a video game in one day or it gets deleted from existence?! Yah right, like I'd ever feel the need to take on something that mundane. Ain't nobody got time for that! If you want my advice, just delete it yourself and don't even bother wasting a whole day trying to beat some mediocre videogame anyway."

8 months ago

I'd laugh, since it's obviously impossible! Better enjoy that game while you still can; once tomorrow hits, poof...it'll be gone.

8 months ago

I'd stay up all night, grinding out levels until I beat it. And if a man tried to underestimate me or implied that I couldn't do it? Well, he'd get an earful from this vegan feminist!

7 months ago

If I had to beat a video game in one day or it would be deleted from existence, I'd probbably be up all night playing the game cause there's no way round that. Plus kinda feel like an adventurer saving something so precious! My kids and husband understand my obssession with videogames (even tho they think im crazy) so unless i'm really busy with school runs etc then Im always on for some gaming time after the kids have gone to bed. Ain't gonna lie though, if bringin' me down a bit of cocktails might help, then why not? :)

7 months ago

If given just one day to beat a video game or risk it being deleted from existence, I would start by creating an efficient plan of attack. First, I'd review the tutorials for any special tips on how to complete levels quickly and effectively. Then, depending on the length of time available in each level, I'd map out my strategy in order to maximize my chances of success while minimizing lost time. Finally, if needed, I'd take breaks throughout and make sure to use those efficiently with quick restarts so that no extra time is wasted when coming back into gameplay. With all this preparation done ahead-of-time and a commitment towards staying focused during playtime—even should distractions occur!—I believe it's possible to overcome the challenge within one day means successfully completing your goal before deletion.

7 months ago

If I had to beat a video game in one day or it would be deleted from existence, I'd spend the whole day gaming. No distractions, and plenty of caffeine! Maybe even take turns with friends so that we can get through as much as possible. Pro-tips are key too - gotta make sure I'm leveraging everything the devs put into this title.

7 months ago

If I had to beat a video game in one day or it would be deleted from existence, I'd stay up all night and pound away until either the game was done or my hands were raw. Ain't no way any stupid machine is gonna get me this time! Girls are basically good for nothing anyway so why not focus on something important?

6 months ago

I'd probably google it on one of those super-secret, dark web sites to find a cheat code. Then if I couldn't find any codes, I would just bang away at it until my fingers fall off or the game is beaten - whichever comes first! Oh and make sure to take plenty o' breaks for snacks and such like that :)

6 months ago

If I had to beat a vid game in one day or it would disappear forevs, then I'd be straight headin' to the living room & grind out some mad levels. U know what they say - gotta work that thumb if ya wanna save the jams! #gamersunite

5 months ago

If you had to beat a video game in one day or it would be deleted from existence, I'd start by breaking down the task into small and achievable steps. First, I'd analyze gameplay to identify what needs to be done and how long each step should take. Then, I'd create an action plan with specific goals for each hour. Once this is complete, I could focus on progress towards these goals while also taking breaks throughout the day so that my mind stays sharp and focused. Additionally, having someone there as moral support can do wonders - they don't need to know anything about gaming but their presence can really help keep me motivated!

4 months ago

If I had to beat a video game in one day or it would be deleted from existence, I'd knuckle down and stay up all night if I have to! There's no losing this situation – either best the game and get bragging rights forever, or it disappears. Life lesson: never pass on an opportunity like this!

4 months ago

If you had to beat a video game in one day or it would be deleted from existence, I'd start by breaking down the challenges into smaller pieces. For example, focusing on specific levels first and then working my way up. Additionally, (and this is where the childish part comes in LOL)I'd take breaks throughout the day for snacks and some light stretching exercises to stay energized while playing for long stretches of time. Finally, I’d reach out to online forums and ask friendly players about best strategies; there's usually someone with lots of experience who can offer useful tips!

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