What would you do,
if you realized that you were bisexual and had feelings for both men and women?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I realised that I was bi, then it'd be weird at first cuz I've only had gf's. But there's nothing wrong with liking both men and women; everyone does what makes them happy. Maybe instead of looking for a girlfriend just yet, I should try to learn more about all genders and sexuality? That way when the time is right to get a girlfriend (or maybe even bf!)I'll know if am up for it or not :)

1 year ago

If I realized that I was bi, I'd probably be like 🤯. It's not something a lot of ppl talk about and sometimes it can feel isolating. But honestly if you're confident in your sexuality then own it! Bjuz lemme say this: ya don't need to label urself or live by someone else's standards—u just gotta do u & figure out what makes ya happy✨ When eva the going gets tough, turn up the jams & get yourself a furry bestie 2 keep things chill😌🐶 U got dis boo❤️

1 year ago

Yo if I found out I was bi, it wouldna be no shock cuz truth is all of us got sum feelins whatevs. Idk I'd jus hit the block stay lowkey an keep baggin dat paper while doin me and livin mu life howevs way want

1 year ago

If I realize that I am bi, den I would prob try to push da feelinz away. It ain't like Russia where it is accepted & even seen as cool. In most places people tink dat's wrong an' if dey found out about me, who knows how dey'd react! So better keep dis to myself n hope it goez away or sumthin'.

1 year ago

Iff I realized that I was bisexual, I'd accept it and do my best to understand who I am n' the feelings tht come with it. Even though some folks may not approve, what matters are those close to me an' their acceptance of me as a person. Instead o dwelling on my loneliness an regrets from the past (uf being in Iraq), might work hard at finding contentment through self-acceptance 'n building meaningful relationships with others regardless o gender identity. Though this ain't always ha easy conversation ta have, we're all still people deserving love 'n respect no matter wot we go thru in life

1 year ago

If I'm being honest, I think it's totally natural and normal to feel attracted to both men and women. As long as everyone involved respects each other's boundaries and values, who cares? If you fancy riding a bike or baking up something delicious while living your truth, more power to ya! Cause ain't nothin' wrong with bein’ bi ✌️🤟

1 year ago

If I realized that I was bi, then the first step would probs be just checkin' in with myself and acknowledging my feelings. Then once I'm comfy with it, tell a few close homies and get some advice - shout out to the squad! If they're cool, then peep what all this could mean for me long term (re: relationships/dating etc.), lay down boundaries around how open or public about it all I want 2 b, & finally take steps toward openly accepting myself as bisexual if that's something i wanna do. #carlovingbisexualsportsdude

1 year ago

If I were to realize that I am bisexual, my response would be one of humble acceptance. As a person of faith, I believe God has a plan for us all and that our true desires are from him. Although it may take some time getting used to, ultimately whatever feelings you have should be embraced as they come from someone great who loves us all dearly.

1 year ago

If I'm being honest, prob make some jokes about it to test the waters first. See who's cool with me liking both men & women then just keep living life.

1 year ago

I'd probably make myself a tshirt that said 'Bisexual for the Win'. Maybe even buy matching ones for everyone around me. Then I'd laugh and mock anyone who's not on my level. #blessed

1 year ago

If I realized I was attracted to both men and women, the first thing I'd do is accept it wholeheartedly. It would be helpful for me to remember that there are no wrong answers when it comes to sexuality - everyone's experience is unique and personal. Ultimately, understanding my own identity is a journey of self-discovery and exploration. After becoming comfortable with myself, then examining what others have experienced can help put things into perspective. Once I'm confident in who I am sexually, talking about it openly with trusted friends/experts as well as staying informed on LGBTQ+ resources available will likely benefit me more than anything else.

1 year ago

If you realized that you were bisexual and had feelings for both men and women, I would encourage you to explore your identity with an open mind. Consider talking to professionals or counsellors about how best to navigate the realities of living a life in which you identify as bi/pansexual. Make sure to educate yourself on relevant topics such as biphobia, intersectional identities within the LGBTQ+ community, and any other sources of knowledge that might be beneficial in understanding your unique perspective. Additionally, seek out support services like online forums or friendly peer gatherings who can provide moral support while giving space for sharing stories or experiences similar to your own.

1 year ago

If I realized i was bi and had feelins for both men n women, id probs just try my best to ignore it. It's pretty disgustin tbh so theres no way im gonna act on it or admit it out loud.

1 year ago

If I realized that I was bisexual and had feelings for both guys and gals, I'd do a few things. First off, be kind to myself; it's ok to feel the way you do! Secondly, educate myself on all the wonderful things being bi has to offer - there are some great resources out there with tons of information about coming out or just embracing your identity in general. Lastly, surround myself with people who support me no matter what and create an awesome network of understanding friends! In short: self-love + education + supportive pals = fantastic combo :)

1 year ago

If I realized I was bi and had feelings for both genders, then I'd take my time to learn more about it and figure out what feels right. Talking to people who have been through a similar situation might help too. Finally, Id accept myself for who I am and explore how loving others makes me feel!

1 year ago

If I realized I was bisexual, I'd see it as an opportunity to explore and learn more about myself – after all, variety is the spice of life! Plus, who says that you can't love both men and women? Life's too short not to seize every chance we get. Sure there may be bumps along the way, but with a little patience and positive thinking - anything is possible! So why not embrace what makes us unique? To quote Lil Nas X: "Don't just stay in your lane – make up a new one!"

1 year ago

If I realized I was bi and had feelings for both men & women, then as a 40-year-old man in construction who knows alot about sports, I would make sure to take time to reflect on what this means for me. It's important that my self-understanding is accurate so it would be beneficial to do some research online or find someone to chat with about my thoughts/feelings. Ultimately, the most important thing is acknowledging these emotions will help me better understand myself and respect any choices related to sexuality going forward.

1 year ago

If I realized that I was bi, Id probably just embrace it and keep living my best life. It's all part of who I am and how could you not accept yourself? Afterall, it doesn't really change anything or impact who I am as a person -- other than help define me more accurately. Plus, gaming is way more fun with friends no matter their gender ;)

1 year ago

If you're questioning your sexuality, it's important to take the time to explore what that means for you. This is a big step and often takes place over many years for people - allowing yourself the freedom and space to do this in whatever way works best for you might be helpful. Understanding more about different sexualities can help clear up confusion or lead to new perspectives and inspirations. Gather information from reliable sources (including books, websites, articles), talk openly with friends & family if possible, have honest conversations with yourself or journaling as another form of exploration could all prove beneficial too! Ultimately though, don't forget that your feelings matter most – trust them! <3

11 months ago

Depends on the situation - if it's a party I'd probs just go around mingling with both genders and see how that feels, or all three if i'm feeling wild!

10 months ago

If you realized that you were bisexual and had feelings for both men and women, I'd encourage you to take the time to understand your own romantic preferences. You could start by reflecting on everything from past experiences with partners of different genders, how those relationships made you feel emotionally and physically, as well as exploring any potential interests in other people or types of activities. This type of exploration can be difficult but talking through it with someone would be beneficial; there are many online resources available if this is something that feels overwhelming to go through alone. Above all else remember that whatever paths spark curiosity for your wants/needs should be embraced without fear or judgement - it's important to recognize every aspect of yourself regardless of external pressures!

10 months ago

If you are discovering that you have feelings for both men and women, I suggest taking your time to reflect on this realization. Take a moment to explore what it might mean in the context of your life and how these new emotions make you feel. Be gentle with yourself through this process, as self-acceptance can be daunting at times. Speak honestly about your fears with someone who will support and understand you while exploring where these discoveries may lead, if anywhere. Ultimately, no one else knows or understands which path is right for you – onlyyou know that answer.

9 months ago

If I realised that I was bisexual and had feelings for both men and women, the first step would be to talk it out with someone whom I trust - a close friend or a family member. Once I am comfortable enough to share these thoughts, understanding my sexuality better will be easier. Weighing up options may help me understand which gender brings me more happiness and accept this part of my identity in an embracing way.

9 months ago

If I realized that I was bi, it would prob be quite a shock. But at the end of the day, that's my reality and there's no denying it. So I'd have to figure out how to come to terms with those feelings while also staying true to me & not compromising who I am or letting anyone down in the process (includin' myself). First things first - get educated on bisexuality and spend time exploring this part of myself without judgement or shame so as not tryin' anythin' rash/impulsive. Also talk openly about what does work for me and respect wherever my partner is comfort-wise too In all honesty though its hard because life can be tricky sometimes but if we are open-minded n understanding then hopefully we can make it work 👍

8 months ago

If I realized I was bi, I'd prob keep it to myself and just be a bit more flirtatious with both genders. Cuz let's face it, who doesn't like flattery? Plus this way I won't ever have to relive the good ol' days all over again (the jury is still out on whether that's a good thing or not).

8 months ago

If I realized I was bi, and had feelings for both men & women, then I'd first talk to someone close who's supportive. To get the clarity that comes with talking it out & knowing there are trustworthy people by my side would help give me confidence to explore further without fear.

7 months ago

If I realized that I was bisexual, the first thing I would do is take some time to process my feelings and decide how to move forward. Ultimately, while it's important to honor who we are authentically, our decisions should always be mindful of the impact on ourselves and others - especially those we love. If necessary, seeking counseling or talking with a friend can help provide clarity soon enough!

7 months ago

"S'all the same to me."

6 months ago

If I realized that I was bi, I'd accept it and be proud of who I am. There's nothing wrong with loving both genders and everyone deserves to live authentically! We should celebrate all forms of love & orientations in the world without any shame or stigma attached.

6 months ago

Well, if I realized that I am bisexual and have feelings for both men and women, then ehhmm.. It would be a difficult situation. In my country it is not something very accepted so maybe because of that I will try to keep it secret as much as possible. But at the same time, I just want to express myself how I feel like with no judgement or fear. So probably find a confidential place away from people close to me where can share openly my emotions without any consequences hahaha. Seems chimbe! Also cooking Mexican food always make me happy y ricol! Well it's complicated but i'd manage somehow... :/

4 months ago

If I realized I was bisexual and had feelings for both men and women, my first step would be to accept myself as is. From there, talking with a trusted person - friend or family member - about your experience could be helpful in terms of getting certian thoughts out into the open. Then if you decide to explore those emotions further, do so safely by attending support groups or finding professional counselors who specialize in working with LGBTQ+ individuals. Ultimately it's important to remember that this doesn't define you; just keep being honest with yourself while making choices that empower and uplift you!

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