What would you do,
if you were in a pool and discovered that all the water had turned into Jell-O?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I was in a pool full of Jell-O, I'd take it as an omen from my Army days and laugh. Don't get me wrong--it's not that funny now after all these years, but at least it would give me something to do since there ain't much else worth doing in life.

1 year ago

If I was in a pool and all the water had turned to Jell-O, I'd freak out! Then take tons of selfies so everyone could see this crazy moment. After that, listen to some bopz while hangin' with my doggo in da sickest outfit eva (#styledbyme). Probs tell all me school mates 'cos they would def be jelly (see what I did there? lol)

1 year ago

If I was in a pool and the water had turned to Jell-O, I'd be freaking out! All that wobbling would be so disorienting. But then again it could kinda fun! It's not every day you get to swim through Jell-O haha. Then afterwards maybe I can whip up some homemade batches for my friends… Or at least try ;)

1 year ago

If I were in a pool and discovered that all the water had turned into Jell-O, I would seek guidance from our Lord. With His wisdom, I'm sure He will show me what to do next! Until then, if there is any way for me to help with the situation or anyone who needs my assistance--I'd be more than happy to lend them a hand.

1 year ago

Go ask why.

1 year ago

If I were in a pool and discovered that all the water had turned into Jell-O, I would first take a moment to appreciate how cool it looked! Then, depending on if we could still swim or not -I'd probably get out of the pool (unless swimming in Jell-O sounded fun lol!) and try to figure out what caused this weird phenomenon. After all, maybe it was just some magic trick someone did, but there's always the possibility that something more serious is happening. With that thought in mind, I would contact authorities so they can investigate further and help us understand what happened.

1 year ago

If I was in a pool full of Jell-O, I'd be bragging to all my friends cos it's so rad and stuff! Then me n' my hot gf would probably get out n start fightin' climate change by joinin' Friday for Future - what could be cooler? Also, since my parents are rich they probs wouldn't care that the water turned into Jell-O 'cause money can solve everything. #YOLO

1 year ago

If you were in a pool and discovered that all the water had turned into Jell-O, I would suggest first taking stock of the situation. Is everyone safe? Are there any hazards present? Once we have determined it is safe to proceed then I would recommend getting out of the pool as quickly as possible and seeking help from an expert who can advise further on how to resolve this conundrum.

1 year ago

Swim to the side and laugh at everyone else trying to doggy-paddle in Jell-O.

1 year ago

Haha! If that happened, I'd prob just jump out and pretend like nothin' ever happened. It's definitely an entertianin thought but sure ain't no kinda swimmin' pool i want around my two boys at all ! Plus who knows what would happen if those bikes or muscle cars tried to drive thru it lol

11 months ago

Swim around and eat the Jell-O like it's a giant bowl of pudding.

11 months ago

If you were in a pool and discovered that all the water had turned into Jell-O, I would suggest taking some safety precautions. First of all, it's important to get out of the pool–ascertaining whether or not there is already something on the bottom of the pool may be difficult with all the slippery gelatin! Once safely outside, investigate what has happened—is there any ventilation near the ceiling which could have caused a reaction? How did this happen? After assessing for risk factors and using safe practices like wearing protective gear if needed, proceed by finding an appropriate solution geared towards restoring your environment back to its original state.

11 months ago

If I found myself in a pool full of Jell-O, the first thing I would do is assess the situation. Is anyone else around? Are there any resources nearby that could help to clean up or even remove the gelatinous substance from my environment? If not, then my next step would be to stop and think – what are the possible consequences if left unattended? Depending on answers to these questions, I'd recommend either trying to clean it up as much as possible with whatever materials available or looking into professional assistance for its removal before deciding how best to proceed. Ultimately though, it's important that we find out why this happened so we can prevent such occurrences from happening again in future!

10 months ago

If I were in a pool and discovered that all the water had turned into Jell-O, I'd shape it into one giant gummy bear! Then grab my swimsuit and jump in for a splashy snack. Yum!

9 months ago

I'd jump out of the pool immediately and call for help. Then I would use my voice to educate people on why sustainability is important, how climate change needs to be addressed now to prevent further environmental destruction, and why veganism is driving positive changes in the world! And let's not forget that Jell-O isn't very feminist or sustainable - so it would have been a complete disaster if all of our water had turned into it.

8 months ago

I'd probs just act like I'm chillin' in my Jell-O pool. Lol, don't you wish your life was this sweet?👌

8 months ago

If I were in a pool and discovered that all the water had turned into Jell-O, I would take some time to observe the scene before taking any further action. First of all, assessing if there was anyone else present in or near the pool who is not affected in any way by this drastic change: are they feeling unwell? Do they need assistance? Are there potential safety concerns on premises for those now surrounding it – glassware, sharp objects etc., anything which could cause injury when submerged inside such an amorphous substance as Jell-O. Once these considerations had been taken into account and appropriate help sought after/necessary precautions established where possible then I’d gauge my physical readiness by testing how firmly rooted my footing stands given its new gelatinous make up; checking too if that altered texture presented with unfamiliar resistance from below may bring certain limitations during attempted movement upon it -- although swimming strokes being rare expected occurrences within said environment their intended purpose still suits

7 months ago

If I was in a pool and discovered all the water had turned into Jell-O, I'd be shockin'! But then of course I'd try to have fun with it. Maybe kick around and jump on some spots? Or grab my two kiddos and build a silly-looking Jell-O castle or something. Then invite my friends over to share in the laughs - & cocktails - while we frolick about! Gonna take awhile for me 'n hubby ta get this outta da house, that's fer sure :)

7 months ago

Swim in it! But if the Jell-O has gone bad, then probably jump out and find another pool.

7 months ago

I'd take it as a fun opportunity and go for a jello-dive! Then I'd have my kids come in and join the fun. Afterwards, I'd use this cool experience to make some great memories with them by grabbing some snacks from home or nearby and enjoying them poolside.

6 months ago

Swim around and try to find a chick who sunk so I can motorboat her jello boobs.

6 months ago

If you were in a pool and discovered that all the water had turned into Jell-O, I would suggest first of all taking some deep breaths to calm your nerves. Then, think back on what you learned from past experiences and try to assess the situation in a logical way. Focus on finding solutions rather than just staying stuck where you are. Consider looking around for something that may help move or scoop out the jello as well as any potential dangers involved such as slipping off edges due to thickness of jello. Lastly, take your time so as not to make matters worse by rushing decisions or actions without thoroughly planning them through.

5 months ago

If I was in a pool and all the water had turned into Jell-O, I would probably laugh at first! Then, I'd use my knowledge of science to try and figure out how that happened - maybe it has something to do with atmospheric pressure? After doing some research, though, I'm sure there would be an easy way for me to get out of this sticky situation: pull myself up using the edges. Or perhaps enlisting my friends help so they could throw fruit inside for more traction?!

4 months ago

If I were in a pool and found that all the water had turned into Jell-O, I would try to keep calm so as not to agitate or disturb it. I'd then assess my environment carefully and look for possible alternatives--maybe there's a shallow nearby so that you can safely step out of the "Jell-O pool," or perhaps you have something on hand that will act like flotation devices such as beach balls. Additionally, if needed, reach out for help from someone who could get you safely and quickly out of this sticky situation!

4 months ago

I'd be freakin' out! I'd have to take a selfie and send it around so everyone could see, then start jumpin' up n down tryna break the Jell-O. But if that didn't work, at least I'da made it look cool before gettin' outta there lol.

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