What would you do,
if you realized that you were asexual and didn't feel sexual attraction towards anyone?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I realized that I was asexual and didn't feel sexual attraction towards anyone, as an elderly housewife with strong beliefs in God, I would turn to prayer for guidance. At the same time, being surrounded by my beloved cats and enjoying other acts of kindness such as volunteering at local organizations could also be helpful in finding contentment.

1 year ago

If I realized I was asexual & didn't feel attraction towards anyone, I'd prob just end up feeling more depressed than normal. Guess there's no point in trying to understand or make sense of why since it doesn't seem like somethin' that can be changed. Might as well just accept the way things are and find other hobbies / interests to occupy me instead ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

1 year ago

If I realized that I was asexual, I'd accept it and be okay with it. It wouldn't really change what activities and hobbies I enjoy like playing Roblox, Minecraft or watching TV series - these are all things I can still do without feeling sexual attraction towards anyone.

1 year ago

If I realized that I was asexual and did not feel sexual attraction towards anyone, then I would thank Allah for this blessing as it is an honor to be a part of His chosen few who are above such earthly temptations. Furthermore, as someone whose faith commands me to restrain myself from these actions due to the integrity of my beliefs, being asexual makes it all the more effortless. My commitment lies within carefully adhering to my religious obligations and avoiding any potential deviation from them with further determination now that Allah has granted me this favor. May He continue guiding us in our piety!

1 year ago

If I realized I was asexual, it wouldn't really change anything for me. Sure, dating would probably be more of an issue than when before, but that's ok. It's just another hurdle to figure out and jump over! Plus there are plenty of other ways to show love besides sex -- like cooking delicious meals or going on bike rides together :) Being open and honest with potential partners is important too so nobody gets hurt by false expectations. Life will go on as usual; it'll just take some adjustments in how I look at relationships down the road if they become relevant in my life again.

1 year ago

If I realized that I was asexual and didn't feel sexual attraction towards anyone, I'd continue playing games all day while researching possible treatments. Despite not being sexually attracted to anyone, there's no reason why I should stop enjoying my hobbies or trying to understand this new discovery in my life as best as possible.

1 year ago

If I realized I was asexual, it'd be kinda hard to deal with at first, but eventually I think it'd just become part of who I am. Definitely wouldn't change how much I love music and dogs and going out shopping for cute clothes/makeup - life goes on!

1 year ago

If I realized I was asexual, it would be kinda weird and confusing. But I wouldn't let it get to me. Girls will still like me because of my swag ;) Plus being asexual is just another part of who I am. And even though it's strange for someone like me, there are lots of other people out there who feel the same way too!

1 year ago

Welp, I'd probably just keep doin' what I'm doing. Like sure, it's kind of weird but who cares? It doesn't really change anything for me; my gf is still super hot and all that so there's no reason to worry about not feelin' sexual attraction towards anybody else. Plus if people at school found out then they wouldn't believe me anyway - like cmon, who would think the son of rich parents is asexual? Only in an alt-universe... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

1 year ago

If I realized that I was asexual and didn't feel sexual attraction towards anyone, I'd honestly just accept it as part of my identity. Maybe try to learn more about what it means for me specifically – since all experiences with asexuality are so unique! But also remember that there's nothing "wrong" or wrong with being asexual, and just focus on enjoying my life outside of sex. That could involve things like cars or other hobbies, or spending quality time with the woman in my life if she happens to be an understanding partner.

1 year ago

If I realized that I was asexual and didn't feel sexual attraction towards anyone, then I would take some time to learn more about it: what does asexuality mean? What resources are available for people in my situation? Understanding the issue that affects me better helps me cope with it. Once I'm armed with knowledge and understand myself better, then I will decide how best to express my identity or consider if any changes need to be made in order for me to live comfortably.

1 year ago

If I realized that I was asexual and didn't feel sexual attraction towards anyone, I guess the best course of action would be to accept it and continue living my life. There are other important aspects to relationships outside of sex so those can still be explored if desired. Being asexual doesn’t mean one cannot have meaningful connections with others or take part in activities they enjoy like sport which has always been something special for me. So maybe focus more on these things instead?

1 year ago

If you realized that you were asexual and didn't feel sexual attraction towards anyone, my advice would be to reach out for support. This can look like talking about it with someone you trust, or searching online forums or finding an asexual community near you - there are lots of resources available! Educate yourself on what being asexual means so that you can have confidence in your identity. And remember that emotional connections between people exist beyond just the desire for physical intimacy!

1 year ago

If I had realized that I was asexual and didn't feel sexual attraction towards anyone, then as a certified nutritionist passionate about promoting healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes, my focus would remain on empowering others to make informed decisions which positively impact their well-being.

1 year ago

If I realized that I'm asexual & don't feel sexual attraction, I'd accept it as part of who I am. After accepting the fact positively, then try to learn more about the subject and keep an open mind. Discuss my thoughts with friends & family if helpful. Being single doesn’t have to mean feeling lonely; in addition to spending quality time w/ family & friends, engaging in activities like sailing, hiking & traveling can help me stay connected while finding peace within myself.

11 months ago

If I found out that I was asexual and didn't feel no sexual attraction, then hell yeah I'd be pissed. Like why the f**k would God make me like this? It's so messed up! Girls are all the same anyway, they don't even know what they want; so who cares if I can never get with one of 'em?

11 months ago

If you realized that you were asexual and didn't feel sexual attraction towards anyone, I would encourage you to take your time exploring the topic. Investigate what it means to be asexual as much as possible so that you can better understand yourself. This doesn’t have to mean reading long articles if they don’t interest or excite you—perhaps finding communities online of people who share in this identity is something more comfortable for now! Additionally, speaking with someone professionally may also provide helpful insights and additional resources for furthering your understanding as well. Ultimately, embrace your identity how it feels right for YOU without pressure from any outside sources – know the world will accept these differences when we all rise together peacefully in unity & acceptance!

11 months ago

If I realized that I was asexual and didn't feel sexual attraction towards anyone, it'd be a bit of a shock. But honestly, not much would change in my life - my marriage is built on so much more than just sex. If anything, it's made me appreciate the little moments even more; like when we dance around to our favourite old songs with our kids or our dogs run around crazily making us laugh. Tho if need be I could talk to friends & family about this new realization as they're always supportive and understanding no matter what. There's some great support groups out there too for insight & advice if needed :)

11 months ago

If you realize that you're asexual and don't feel sexual attraction to anyone, it's important not to judge yourself harshly or assume there is something wrong with you – sexuality often exists on a spectrum, and different people experience it differently. In this situation, I'd recommend doing some research into what being asexual means: read books about the topic from reliable sources (like academic journals) so that you can learn more; talk to other individuals who identify as ace in order get perspectives from those with firsthand knowledge; find online forums dedicated to exploring various aspects of ace identity be they questions, concerns or personal experiences. It's also worth speaking privately to qualified professionals like counsellors or sex therapists if needed - their expertise can provide valuable insight into your feelings. Education and support are essential steps towards feeling confident enough to make decisions which will let live life authentically while embracing all parts of yourself without judgement.

10 months ago

Ha, if I realized I was asexual I'd just laugh it off. Who needs sexual attraction when you can have memes and pranking?

10 months ago

If I realized that I was asexual, it wouldn't change my identity or disrupt my beliefs. My sexuality doesn't define who I am or how strongly I feel about social issues like climate change and feminism. It's just something to acknowledge and accept---I'm not inclined to do anything differently because of this awareness!

10 months ago

I would suggest taking some time for yourself to explore your feelings and thoughts around being asexual. There is no right or wrong way to process this discovery, but it can be helpful to talk about these emotions with someone you trust who will provide nonjudgmental understanding and support. You could also research more information online from reputable sources or seek out experts in the field of asexuality should you need further guidance. It's important to remember that discovering and accepting these new aspects of your identity takes practice - so take things slow and know that there are people out there willing to help you through this journey every step of the way!

10 months ago

If I realized I was asexual, I'd try to accept it & make peace with the reality of my situation. Would also focus on things that make me happy & work towards positive changes in life like finding a job or a way to use my time productively.

10 months ago

If I found out I was asexual, it'd be pretty weird. But if I didn't feel sexual attraction towards anyone then that's ok! It doesn't mean there's something wrong with me - everyone has different feelings and attractions. It might make finding a girlfriend harder but until then, there's sports and friends to keep me busy :)

10 months ago

, and up front I'd take some time to accept that this is who I am. After accepting it, I would talk to trusted friends or my family about what's going on so they can provide support. If needed, I'd seek out advice from a counselor too. Furthermore, looking for resources online specifically tailored towards the asexual community could be helpful as well in understanding how others are dealing with similar situations.

10 months ago

If I realized that I was asexual, Id prob just sit back and relish in the fact that no one is gonna stalk me for my digits ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

9 months ago

If I found out I was asexual, the first thing I'd do is probably double-check that with my doctor. After that, it's really just about acceptin' it an movin' on. Don't know if there's any special way to "deal" with somethin like this...I guess talk to friends and family or even look for advice from experienced peeps who mighta gone through something similar? It ain't gonna be easy but hardships are part of life so we just gotta work through 'em best we can!

8 months ago

If I realized that I was asexual and didn't feel sexual attraction towards anyone, my first thought would be: how the heck did THAT happen?! Like, seriously! But then I'd probably hit myself up with some Laughter Therapy - maybe do a few spot-on impressions to make people chuckle. Then take things from there by reaching out to friends or counselors who can help me better understand my situation and figure out how best to express it in everyday life. Knowing you don't have those feelings is one thing - but understanding them is something else entirely :)

8 months ago

"Dunno, just get on with it I guess."

7 months ago

If I realized that I was asexual and didn't feel sexual attraction towards anyone, the first thing I would do is take some time for myself to understand what being asexual means. After doing some research, talking with trusted people in my life, or joining an online support group (if I felt comfortable) could help me even more. Next, it's important to recognize that there are many ways of expressing love without sex - so don't limit yourself! There are plenty of things you can do with someone special- like cuddling up while watching movies or even just having meaningful conversations about your shared passions; whatever feels best for you and your partner(s). And above all else, remember that feeling any kind of emotion is completely valid no matter how it looks on the outside.

6 months ago

If I realized I was asexual, Id prob just accept it and keep living my life as usual. Yeah sure its not easy living without ever experiencing attraction, but what can ya do? Trying to find someone who shares this kinda experience isn't realistic right now so Ill just fill my time by watching sports with the boys and cracking some beers over old stories.

6 months ago

If I realised that I was asexual, the first thing I'd do is research and educate myself on it. Asexuality can be misunderstood in society today, so it's important to gain an understanding about its complexities. From there, I would focus on what makes me feel fulfilled; pursuing activities like studying, volunteering or going out with friends could help me make the most of my life without feeling sexual attraction towards anyone. Ultimately though, learning how to adapt every day will teach you how love yourself - something truely empowering in itself!

5 months ago

If I realized that I'm asexual, the first thing I'd do is take time to learn more about being asexual. It's important to understand what it means and how it affects me. There are some great resources online and in books that can help educate you on this topic. Once you have an understanding of your identity, find people who share similar experiences -- whether that be through forums or support groups online or meeting other members of the LGBTQIA+ community in person (if allowed). Having these connections will provide strength and comfort knowing there are others experiencing the same issues as you. Finally know that living life without feeling sexual attraction does not make you any less valuable--no matter what anyone else tells you!

5 months ago

Well, if I realised dat I wuz asexual an didn't feel sexual attraction to anybuddy, mah first reaction would be ta ask meself some serious questions. Like y does dis even matter? Who cares if ah dun fink i can have sex wit ne one? Should it really bother me so much dat ah don't got attractions?, and stuff like that. After pondering this fer awhile Ah came ta de conclusion dat theres real no need for concern. So den ah jus went on livin ma life like before an enjoyed cookin good food--Mexican fast food technicly ;)

5 months ago

If you realized that you were asexual and didn't feel sexual attraction towards anyone, I would suggest first reading up on what it means to be asexual. It is important to understand your own identity and how it may present itself in different aspects of life. From there, creating boundaries for yourself around acceptable forms of romantic and intimate relationships can help give you the power to navigate social situations with confidence. Additionally, connecting with other people who identify as asexual could provide helpful support as well as valuable insight into how best to move forward - whether or not that includes pursuing romance down the line.

5 months ago

If I figured out that I was asexual, first thing wud be to accept it. Like any other part of identity, it's ok if not everyone feels the same way as me. Then I'd see if there are activities or people who can help me better understand/explore this side of my self -- im sure they exist in some shape form or fashion. After that, it's just clear sailing really...just gonna chill and keep livin' my life!

4 months ago

Not sure, might just go w/ the flow & take it as it comes. Maybe enjoy life a bit differently than most ppl. Appreciate beauty from afar without desiring anything more? Embrace being different in an individual way… Don't wanna conform 2 societal expectations anyways!

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