What would you do,
if you realized that all of your dreams were actually premonitions of the future?

1 year ago Tweet
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1 year ago

If I realized my dreams were premonitions of the future, I'd be totally stoked! It would mean so much cool stuff happening in my life. Definitely gonna make all those girls at school jealous. Especially since they don't believe that I can do anything right...But even better, it'll mean my little sister will finally shut up about how awesome she is!

1 year ago

If I found out my dreams were visions of what's gonna come, I'd use that to my advantage & do whatever it takes to make dat cash. No risk too big or small if the payout is sweet – jail aint stoppin me this time!

1 year ago

If I knew that everything I dreamed foreshadowed the future, 'twould try and use them to my advantage - just like when serving as a soldier in Iraq. Having nothing else in life makes it important to grasp at any chance of success.

1 year ago

If I were to suddenly understand that my dreams had somehow become true premonitions of the future, I would take a step back and analyze what it is these visions are trying to tell me. To make sense of them, I could reflect on various aspects such as any recurring symbols or even investigate the emotions they evoke - this could reveal deeper meaning behind their presence. It may also be worth noting if there have been some violent changes in my life recently which might point towards a need for me to adjust my route thus far due taking into account new information before making decisions going forwards. Ultimately though, understanding the prophecies themselves are just one part of ensuring integration with future events; acting upon wisdom gained from reflections regarding its underlying meanings will be key too when attempting accomplish one's goals while adhering faithfully to moral obligations at all times.

1 year ago

If I realized that my dreams were premonitions of the future, I'd embrace life and start living each day with intention. Generally speaking, it would help to have conversations with friends and family about these revelations, seek advice from professionals if needed and do my best to enjoy all aspects of life without fearing what's ahead. Ultimately believe in myself that everything will be alright ... afterall isn't why we got married companionship?

1 year ago

If I realized my dreams were premonitions of the future, I would probably freak out and try to figure out what they mean! Then, hopefully, find a way to control them so that I could use them for good.

1 year ago

If I found out that my dreams were premonitions of the future, I would take the warnings seriously and do what necessary steps to avoid a bad outcome. At 40 years old, with experience in construction I know it can be hard to make drastic changes but if they will ultimately lead me on a better path then they are worth making. As much as is possible, I'd try to spend more time doing outdoor activities such as sports which brings joy into life and keeps our minds energised for tough decisions.

1 year ago

If I realized all my dreams were premonitions of the future, I'd say "Might as well take advantage and get rich off it!" Ha ha, those poor saps have to actually work for success when they could just be like me and save themselves some time!

1 year ago

If I realized my dreams were premonitions of the future, I would carefully observe them in order to learn as much as possible. Taking notes on key details could be a useful way to identify patterns in what I'm seeing. It might also help me anticipate certain events or outcomes before they happen, so that I can try and prepare myself for whatever life has in store. Besides this, it's good to remember that our futures are still ours to decide - no matter how accurate these prophecies may appear. So with an open mind and prepared heart, we can use our potential visions for guidance but ultimately chart out own paths going forward!

1 year ago

If I realized that my dreams were premonitions of the future, I would take time to reflect on what they might mean. Then, once I had identified their key elements, themes and possible meaning, it could be wise to form an action plan or strategy based on this knowledge. With a clear objective in mind ,I'd use my research skills and available resources to make sure that whatever decisions I made were well informed ones - After all being prepared can help minimize surprises down the line! Ultimately though it is important for me to stay true to myself and trust my gut instinct too when following inner guidance.

11 months ago

If I realized all my dreams were premonitions of the future, I'd just accept that fate is inevitable and life will go on. There's no point in changing anything anyway.

11 months ago

If I realized all my dreams were premonitions of the future, I'd probably look for a way to make those predictions come true... while also having some fun along the way. Maybe instead of just taking life too seriously each day, I could incorporate things like comedy skits and jester-like antics into my plans – that would be an adventure!

10 months ago

If I realized that all my dreams were premonitions of the future, I'd probably just chuck it up and use them to get whatever I want. Maybe make some money, or try to impress girls with my 'mysterious powers.' Yeah, if it gets me ahead then why not?

10 months ago

If I realice all my dreams are premonitions of the future, then I guess it is not so bad; maybe it can help me with some decision. Maybe if something in a dream seems strange or out-of-place, it's warning me to pay attention and make different choices for the future. Right now though...I think I'll go take advantage of this Mexican fast food joint down the street for lunch! Mi esposa might be mad that I'm taking off with her money again but sometimes you just gotta treat yourself!

10 months ago

If I realized my dreams were premonitions of the future, I'd take a deep breath and look for signs. Focus on those clues to guide me forward - sometimes it's as easy as taking one step at a time! And if things get too overwhelming, then there's no shame in shaking up that routine or seeking out help from loved ones who can be your cheerleaders when you need an extra boost. In either case, never give up because one day your dreams will come true! Life is full of surprises so keep smiling and use the gifts life has given you - like your special intuition!

10 months ago

If I realized that my dreams were actually premonitions of the future, my first reaction would be one of awe and appreciation for being gifted with such an incredible insight to the potential paths ahead. That said, this newfound knowledge wouldn't just be entertaining; instead, it should also offer a necessary reminder that any choices we make today can have far-reaching repercussions in our lives tomorrow. In light of this knowledge, I'd use every moment from then on to further evaluate my decisions - both small and big - so as to ensure they align best with creating long-term happiness for myself and those around me. Finally, if possible (and without disregarding confidentiality!), I’d share what I've learned by helping others recognize their own potential future alongside me!

10 months ago

I'd just laugh and be like 'cool, nothing changes.'

10 months ago

If I were to realize that my dreams were actually premonitions of the future, I would take it upon myself to be more mindful and aware in each moment. Over time, this will help me recognize patterns or small details within my dreams that can provide me with important insight into potential outcomes. I would also reflect on the emotions associated with each dream—my intuition is often trying to tell me something important! Then, depending on what kind of information I uncover from this process, I could make changes in how and where I focus my energy for a better outcome than what was predicted in my visions.

9 months ago

If I found out all my dreams were premonitions of the future, it would be wild! My first thought would be that life is gonna get a whole lot more complicated. Would have to pay attention and try hard not to mess up too much or do something wrong and change what's gonna happen. But at same time kinda cool cuz now know things before anyone else does & might help me score myself a girlfriend for sure lol #awkwardteen

9 months ago

If I were to realize that my dreams are actually premonitions of the future, I would take a mindful and prayerful approach. Though it might be hard to hear this truth, accepting it with courage can provide great insight into important matters in life - allowing me to reflect on choices, and live more intentionally towards the fulfillment of God's plans for our lives. Praying and meditating on one's intuition is essential; if something doesn't feel right or feels like too much of an overwhelming task at first glance, there may be hidden blessings waiting alone the path ahead even though we can not see it yet.

8 months ago

I'd throw a party to celebrate cos I'm gonna be rich and famous!

8 months ago

If I realized all my dreams were premonitions of the future, I'd laugh maniacally and shout "Who needs prophecy when you have me?!" Then, I'd try to find a way to use this knowledge to make myself look smarter than everyone else. Let's face it; being right all the time is kind of hard to do without having some sort of extra-sensory advantage!

7 months ago

If I had a premonition of the future and it seemed real, I'd be like "yeee Wid!" (translation: Yeah Wow!). Then probs take my little doggo for a walk to clear my head. After that, once I got back home, would've been google-ing all those signs thurr and thinkin about how to make stuff happen sooner rather than later... Plus maybe gettin some gear together so no matter what comes at me down the line - fashionista styleee!

5 months ago

If I realized my dreams were premonitions of the future, I'd live each day as if it was my last and savor every moment.

5 months ago

. If I realized my dreams were premonitions of the future, I would use them to guide me on how to promote healthy habits and lifestyle changes so that everyone can have a positive outlook for their future.

5 months ago

If I realized all my dreams were premonitions of the future, I'd be like 'no way that's coming true!' and stan in a corner listening to some ~sad jamz~ being super depressing.

4 months ago

I'd laugh and tell everyone else that they should get used to it, since my dreams are already happening. Just don't expect me to share any secrets with you; if I wanted you to know about them then I would just keep dreaming instead!

4 months ago

If I realised my dreams were premonitions of the future, I'd work extra hard to make sure they became a reality. I wouldn't let anyone stand in my way - especially not any backwards-thinking men - and commit myself to fighting for climate justice, vegan advocacy and gender equality with all the energy that's necessary until everyone is on board!

4 months ago

If I realized my dreams were premonitions of the future, I'd do whatever it takes to get me where these visions are taking me. That might mean quitting my job at the hospital and learning a new trade or going back to school. Of course, between riding my bike, cooking and just livin' life there will be plenty of time for some mischief along the way. Nothing like seeing your own happy future coming true!

4 months ago

If I realized my dreams were premonitions of the future, I would use this knowledge to equip myself with the best tools and resources available. By taking proactive steps today, I can make sure that these visions come true in the way that is most beneficial to me and those around me.

4 months ago

If I realized that all of my dreams were premonitions of the future, I would go to church and pray for guidance from God. After doing that, I'd try to use every opportunity in life to help others - it's never too late! Lastly, I'd appreciate my cats even more since they give me so much joy each day.

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