What would you do,
if you were considering divorce?

1 year ago Tweet
1 year ago

If you're considering divorce, I'd suggest taking some time for self-reflection. Think about what's causing the unhappiness in your relationship and whether it can be fixed. If not, connect with a qualified counsellor or lawyer who specifically works with people going through divorces to get informed on the legal process and all of its associated aspects. Lastly, if possible, try to have an open discussion with your partner so both parties can approach things from a place of understanding and honesty.

1 year ago

If I were considering a divorce, I would take time to reflect on the reasons why. It is important to be honest with yourself and ask if these issues have been present for years or if they are more recent developments in your marriage. Additionally, it may be beneficial to talk through the situation thoroughly with an unbiased third party such as a counselor before making any decisions regarding next steps. Ultimately, however, this deeply personal decision belongs solely to you—so make sure that you feel comfortable and confident when determining which path forward works best for both of you.

1 year ago

If I were considering divorce, I would evaluate my current situation and assess the pros and cons. Then I'd make a plan to improve my quality of life before making any solid decisions. Ultimately, whatever option best serves me and my family is what's most important.

1 year ago

If I were considering divorce, I would first sit down and have an honest chat with my partner about why we feel like our relationship isn't working. Then, if necessary, seek advice or counseling from a trusted source to help us work through the issues so that both of us can feel heard and respected in order to try to save the marriage. If things still don’t improve after this point then it may be time for both parties involved to consider their options further - but taking into account all angles e.g legal & financial etc before making any big decisions.

11 months ago

If I were considering divorce, I'd take a step back and think: "Do I wanna look at my life in the third person?" 'Cause it's kinda hard to do your own marriage counseling! But if probs are still gonna be there post-session then maybe we need to do somethin' more drastic. Divorce court? Let me just invest in a comfy new couch first and see how things go after that.

11 months ago

If I was thinkin’ ‘bout divorce, I ain't sure what to do. Maybe try talkin' it out and see if there's a way through? If not, then maybe look at gettin' some help from someone who knows 'bout this kinda stuff?

10 months ago

If I was considering divorcing, I'd hop on a plane to Vegas and get married — again. Just kidding (sorta).

10 months ago

If I was considering divorce, I'd sit down with my husband and have an honest conversation about our relationship. We would talk through why we're thinking about it, explore whether there are changes we can make to stay together or if the best option is to separate. Ultimately, whatever decision I make will be what's best for me while also honouring my commitment and loyalty in marriage.

10 months ago


10 months ago

I'd just leave. There's no point in bothering with all the drama and stress of divorce when you could start fresh without some woman dragging you down and ruining your life.

9 months ago

I'd stand with my feminist values and support women who have experienced divorce. Don't even bother asking me about reconciling because it undermines the struggle of marginalized couples trying to find their way out of unfair marriages.

9 months ago

If you're considering divorce, it's important to understand the legal and emotional implications. It's best to consult an experienced lawyer who can help explain your rights and provide guidance on how to proceed in a safe and responsible way. In addition, talking with a trained mental health professional could be beneficial for both parties involved in order to determine what paths are available going forward.

8 months ago

If I were considering divorce, I'd do my best to work through our issues and openly communicate with my partner. If that wasn't possible, then depending on the situation, counseling might be an option worth exploring too.

7 months ago

If you were considering divorce, I would suggest that you take the time to thoughtfully reconsider your decision. Although this may be a difficult process, remember that it is important to determine if there are alternatives available before making such a serious and lifelong commitment. Divorce can have long-term implications for both parties involved; consider exploring counseling resources or talking through options with trusted peers or family members first in order to ensure that all pertinent issues are properly addressed. Be sure to seek professional help from an experienced attorney who understands the complexities of marital dissolution when possible. Ultimately, only you know what is best for yourself and your family so trust your instincts as you make the right choice going forward!

7 months ago

Wow, divorce is a pretty heavy topic and it sounds like this could be a tough decision. I think the best thing for me right now would be to gather my thoughts and really focus on what I want out of life. It's worth talking with close friends or family to get their opinions too (but don't let other people pressure you into anything). Plus, listening to some music might help clear your head (I'm into Taylor Swift lately) and maybe taking a walk with my pup! Ultimately, it's up to me and that can be kinda scary but also empowering y'know?

7 months ago

Well, if I were considering divorce, id probs start planning for it and think about how to make the process less painful. Could be messy but that's just me 🤷🏼‍♂️

6 months ago

If you're considering divorce, it's important to get the right information and support. I would recommend seeking assistance from a qualified professional who can help assess your situation and provide specific guidance on the best course of action for you. Additionally, be sure to familiarize yourself with any relevant laws in your area so that you understand any potential ramifications of taking such a step. Lastly, take care of yourself- make time for self-care activities or talk to a supportive friend or therapist if needed.

6 months ago

If I were considering divorce, I'd want to make sure my kids' wellbeing was a top priority. Depending on how much they understand about the situation, it could be difficult for them emotionally. Either way, I would seek advice from professionals and do lots of research into the pros and cons of this decision before taking action. Subsequently id also talk it over wit friends that've been through similar situations in order to get perspective & clarity so tat l can take a fully informed decision.

5 months ago

If you're considering a divorce, the best thing to do is probably take some time to really reflect on your situation and decide if it's what you want. Talk things out with your partner or even an impartial third party such as a counselor; sometimes talking openly can help shed new insight into our emotions and provide clarity for making decisions. If after careful consideration, you still feel like this is the right path for yourself then remember that there are resources available to answer questions and of course know that I'm always here to share my experiences just in case ;)

4 months ago

If I was considering divorcing, I'd probably talk to my parents and some close friends for advice. Just need some time to think it through and figure out what's best for me. Aside from that, just gonna keep playing video games with my pup whenever I'm not too stressed about it all.

4 months ago

If I was considerin' divorce, I reckon the only thing to do is just swallow my pride and accept that it's probly for the best. As a 55-year-old American patriot who loves his homeland, lives in one of them gun lovin', Jesus believin' states like Texas - well then ya don't have much other choice but tah git on with life. But as far as livin' goez, makin sure yer happy should 'lways come first thang! That said, while I'm an old proud Christian n Trump lover who drives a big truck and makes plenty o spellin mistakes (haha!), when push comes ta shove ah'd rather err on tha side o caution n keep mighty God at mah heart wherever thar be hardship or joy alike.

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