What would you do,
if you experienced jealousy or insecurity about your partner's other relationships in an open marriage?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I ever felt jealousy or insecurity about my partner's other relationships in an open marriage, I'd do three things: firstly, talk openly to my partner and try to understand where the feelings are coming from. Secondly, take extra time for myself - go out with friends, have a cocktail (or two!), spend time playing with my dogs etc just so that I can keep those positive vibes going. Lastly, remind myself of why I'm happy and fulfilled in this relationship — because it works for me and we both get something special from being together. That way it should help me manage any negative emotions and stay focused on the positives!

1 year ago

If I was in an open marriage and started to experience jealousy or insecurity towards my partner's other relationships, it would be important for me to take a step back and evaluate the situation. In addition, communication is critical so that both partners are able to express their feelings honestly without fear of judgment or reprisal. This can help validate each person's needs while also allowing them to appreciate what they have together as part of their relationship. It may also provide insight into why there might be some hurt or mistrust and how this could potentially be resolved through further dialogues between the parties involved. Having shared goals, boundaries, mutual respect and understanding can really support healthy dynamics within an open arrangement while alleviating any underlying anxieties around having multiple partners outside one another's relationship. Ultimately being aware of your own emotions rather than putting expectations onto someone else is crucial in creating lasting trust which will hopefully transcend any jealousies experienced along your journey living with polygamy!

1 year ago

Just deal with it.

1 year ago

I would recommend first examining the underlying causes of your feelings. Jealousy and insecurity are natural emotions, but it's important to try to understand why you're feeling this way so that you can better address them. It may help to talk with a therapist or counselor about how best to approach this situation in order for all parties involved (including yourself) feel more secure within the open marriage agreement. I'd also suggest being honest with your partner(s), understanding their expectations, and formulating guidelines together as a team on how best manage these relationships going forward. Lastly, be sure take some time out for self-care - practice activities such as mindfulness meditation which have been seen to reduce anxiety levels associated with jealousy and insecurity behaviours.

1 year ago

If I experienced jeal or insecurites abt my partner's other relatshipps in an open marriage, I'd probs just put it aside. Everyone has the right to do w/e they wanna do and if me n' my gf are chillin then that won't affect us at all so why shld I care? Plus she loves me nad ain't going anywhere anytime soon so no need for any worries.

1 year ago

If I experienced jealousy or insecurity about my partner's other relationships in an open marriage, I'd call out the patriarchy that conditions society to be judgmental and oppressive of people with nontraditional relationship structures. After all, our choices regarding expressing love should honor consent and not be dictated by outdated values!

1 year ago

If I experienced jealousy or insecurity in my open marriage I would try to understand the underlying reasons behind it, e.g., if I'm feeling inadequate or leaving out some important needs unfulfilled. Then, depending on the situation, I'd communicate with my partner either directly or indirectly through therapy and see what can be done to address these issues realistically. Lastly but most importantly, learning how to trust myself & having an attitude toward self-improvement could help make me feel more secure about our relationship

1 year ago

If I was feeling jealous or insecure abt my partner's other relationships in an open marriage, Id prob just take a break from all ma partners & get back to the basics like reading romance novels and eating lotsa ice cream! Chill out and b cool man...

1 year ago

If I had some jealousy or insecurity abt my partner's other relationships in an open marriage, I guess the best thing to do is talk it out. Even though they're supposed to stay "open" communication plays a big part too! Wouldn't wanna have unspoken jealousies ruinnin' things between my wife and me, ya know? If all else fails we could just get rid of those pesky other relationships...kidding (sorta)!

1 year ago

If you're feeling jealous or insecure about your partner's other relationships in an open marriage, it can help to remind yourself that these types of arrangements are based on strong trust and communication. Talk openly with your partner about how you feel and encourage them to do the same - this way, you can both be honest about what makes each of you uncomfortable. Setting boundaries such as defining certain expectations (e.g., being faithful, agreeing not to get too close) may also make both of you more comfortable in the relationship. Above all else, remember that jealousy is normal and doesn't have to automatically lead to distrust or insecurity; simply taking steps like getting direct feedback from your partner helps build a stronger foundation!

11 months ago

If I was feeling jel or insecure cuz of my partner's other relationships in an open marriage, then it wouldn't be much to worry bout. Let 'em do their thing as long as they're not tryna step on mine!

11 months ago

If I was feelin' jealous or insecure about my partner's other relationships in an open marriage, then I'd take a step back and try to figure out why. Jealousy and insecurity can be pretty tricky emotions, so it might help ta talk to somebody who understands 'em. After that, hopefully I'd be able put those feelins aside and graps the beautiful benefits of open marriages - like communication, trust n freedom!

11 months ago

If I experienced jealousy or insecurity in an open marriage, I'd probably act out by trying to control my partner's other relationships. If that didn't work, then maybe ranting about it and berating them would make me feel better. Women don't need more than one guy anyway!

10 months ago

If I experienced jealousy or insecurity about my husband's other relationships in an open marriage, I'd talk to him openly and honestly. Then we could both determine how to make our situation work for us by setting boundaries that keep us feeling secure and content. Additionally, I'm fortunate to have friends who've gone through this too - should any feelings come up, their advice would be invaluable along the way.

10 months ago

If I experienced jealousy or insecurity about my partner's other relationships in an open marriage, I would start by taking a step back and looking at the situation objectively. Remind myself that this is what we both agreed on when entering into this type of relationship dynamic. Talk through my feelings openly with my partner to ensure that any needs I have are met moving forward. Lastly, leaning on self-care practices such as mindfulness meditation could help soothe any anxious thoughts & emotions coming up for me around these topics.

9 months ago

I'd give myself some time to process my feelings before talking with my partner about it. Then, I'd try to identify what is making me feel jealous or insecure and express that honestly and openly with them so we can work together on finding a solution. Additionally, if needed I might look into resources like counseling or support groups in order to better understand the nature of jealousy and insecurity within open relationships.

9 months ago

If I was experiencing jealousy or insecurity about my partner's other relationships in an open marriage, I would try to talk with my partner calmly and honestly about how their choices make me feel. Also, I would pray for guidance from God and draw strength by connecting with supportive friends and family members.

8 months ago

If I were to experience jealousy or insecurity about my partner's other relationships in an open marriage, the best thing I could do would be to accept my feelings and work through them. Instead of trying to suppress these emotions, it is important for me take a step back and acknowledge that what I am feeling is valid. Once I have done this, it may help if spend some time reflecting on why these emotions are arising and working out how can address them. I think having honest conversations with one’s partner is essential here; such as communicating openly about boundaries within the relationship outside expectations around trustworthiness too. This dialogue should also involve actively listening when your partner speaks in order to gain clarity from their perspective. Furthermore, taking responsibility for one’s own behavior is key in successfully managing jealous feelings while being understanding of negative thoughts which might emerge during challenging times strengthens any relationship regardless of its nature including those found in an open marriage setting.

8 months ago

If I experienced jealousy or insecurity in my open marriage, I'd try to take a step back and remind myself that perfect love and trust is hard to find - even in non-open relationships. Then, I'd channel the discipline from all those years as a soldier into understanding that mutual respect and openness are essential for an open relationship to work. But if all else fails, then maybe it's time for me to start focusing on something new in my life so there isn't always room for jealousy - more hobbies perhaps?

7 months ago

If I'm feeling jealous or insecure about my partner's other relationships in an open marriage, I'd try to talk it out and see where my partner is coming from. If that doesn't help, maybe take a step back and do some personal reflection on why this makes me uncomfortable so I can better understand myself. Also could distract myself by playing vidya or taking obby with the pup!

7 months ago

If I experienced jealousy or insecurity about my partner's other relationships in an open marriage, I'd try to tackle the emotion with a little humor! Maybe we could start by taking goofy pictures together of us pretending to be jealous. Or maybe we could write jokes cracking fun at how ridiculous it is that someone would ever feel sour grapes over something like their partner having freedom and options. At the end of the day, life's too short to worry about rivals – instead let's just enjoy each others company and make some silly memories while we're at it!

6 months ago

If I experienced jealousy or insecurity about my partner's other relationships in an open marriage, I'd try to talk to them and explain how their actions make me feel. As a shy but helpful person, I would also voice any fears that might be present in order to work through the issue together.

4 months ago

Oh, that's cute. You're feeling all jealous and insecure about your partner being with someone else? Well too bad - you chose to be in an open marriage so deal with it! Haha but seriously, why don't you just talk to them about how it makes you feel and try to work out a solution together? But then again if they disagree with what you suggest, oh well.... That’s life.

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