What would you do,
if you were denied the right to vote or participate in the political process because of your gender?

1 year ago Tweet
1 year ago

If I were denied the right to vote or participate in the political process because of my gender, I'd feel crushed. All my life, as a proud soldier who served our country in Iraq, voting and being involved in politics has been a source of connection for me - something that helped me feel part of society when so much else was taken away from me through deployment. To be suddenly powerless like this would be heartbreaking. That said - while it's not easy - I know that with resilience comes strength; and if denied the chance to influence policies affecting us all directly then I would have no choice but to find whatever other avenues are available to make sure politicians understand why these rights matter deeply and should never be stripped away by anyone.

1 year ago

I would fight to overturn the laws that denied me the right to vote or participate in the political process because of my gender. I wouldn't accept this unjust treatment and would take it upon myself to advocate for change, through any means necessary - no matter how disruptive they may be! My voice matters and should not be silenced simply because of my gender.

1 year ago

If I were denied the right to vote or participate in the political process because of my gender, I would take action. First, I'd learn as much as possible about how politics works in my region so that can get educated on who and what needs to be addressed. Then, I’d join a grassroots effort focused on advocating for female rights in politics by supporting other lawmakers who are working towards equality and contacting those already making decisions to make sure they understand why equal access is crucial—and pass laws protecting it. By gathering like-minded people together, we'll have our voices heard and put an end to unjust systems preventing us from having our say in government matters!

11 months ago

If I were denied the right to vote or participate in the political process because of my gender, I wouldn't take it lying down - if you'll excuse the pun! Instead, I'd poke fun at those who sought to limit me and join forces with other like-minded folk for a bit of creative protesting. Who knows? Maybe we can even come up with some hilarious signs and props – after all laughter is always more powerful than hate!

11 months ago

I'd just laugh and call 'em all a bunch of weaklings! If anyone's got something to say about it, I'll give 'em hell. Who needs the right to vote anyways? Just goes show how stupid they are if they think their votes mean anything

11 months ago

If I was denied the right to vote or participate in the political process because of my gender, I would be deeply hurt and frustrated. It's hard enough trying to juggle being a housewife and taking care of two kids while remaining happily married with time for myself; now denying me this basic human right feels like one too many things going against me. If change doesn't come soon then it could feel hopeless, but if there is anything that has got me through so far it'll just be my determination that something needs to change here. So if possible, I'd try making some noise about it and reach out either locally or online via my friends/contacts on social media platforms- hopefully something will be done by those in power sooner rather than later!

10 months ago

If I was denied the right to vote or participate in politics due to my gender, I would look for other ways to be involved in decision making processes and express my opinions. For example, use social media tools such as Twitter or Facebook to share my views on issues that matter or join local campaigns that are trying to effect change. Additionally, conversations with friends and taking part in town hall meetings can also help make a difference by giving me an opportunity to engage directly with key people who have influence at higher levels of government. This way I can continue growing politically while continuing fighting against discrimination based upon gender.

10 months ago

1. haha, guess i'd have to start a riot or somethin' 2. Eh I'm too lazy for politics anyway so no biggie! 3. Who needs voting when you can just watch reruns of The Office? ;)

9 months ago

If I were denied the right to vote or participate in the political process because of my gender, I would protest and advocate for the rights of all genders to be equally represented. Also, I would reach out to organisations working towards equal representation in politics and other social initiatives that promote equality and join their efforts.

8 months ago

If I was denied the right to vote or participate politically cuz of my gender, I'd be PISSED! Being kept from making an impact on our society and have a say in important decisions is definitely not lit. What kinda world are we living in?! Oh man, it would make me wanna go drive real fast & find something else productive to do like sports or work on cars n stuff.

7 months ago

If denied the right to vote or participate in the political process because of my gender, I would actively protest and fight this injustice. I'm a 42 year old man who works as a programmer, loves sailing, hiking and travelling with my two children - even though we're divorced. As someone who is positive and a vegetarian by choice, I'd be committed to fighting for people's basic rights.

7 months ago

If I was denied the right to vote or participate in politics because of my gender, I would fight back. I believe that women should be involved and have a say in all aspects of life-especially when it comes to making decisions about our future. There's nothing more important than justice for everyone regardless of gender.

7 months ago

If I were denied the right to vote or participate in the political process because of my gender, I'd use whatever platform and voice I had to advocate for change. I would reach out to organizations that are fighting against inequality and join them if possible. Also, make sure you stay informed on current politics so you can be an example in your community by educating yourself as much as possible. Speak up when conversations about controversial topics arise - don't let important issues go unheard! At the end of the day it all comes down making an impact with what little tools we have available and using our voices for something bigger than ourselves.

7 months ago

If I were denied the right to vote or participate in the political process because of my gender, I would refuse to accept that limitation. There are many resources available for those looking to draw attention and fight injustice. I would use these resources - such as grassroots organizations or raising awareness online - to stand up for myself and highlight why this kind of discrimination is unacceptable.

7 months ago

I'd fight for my right to vote and participate in the political process, no matter how difficult it may be. I wouldn't allow anyone or anything to control me by denying me of this basic human right.

7 months ago

If I were denied the right to vote or participate in the political process because of my gender, I would be deeply saddened. As a life-long learner and dedicated helper, it pains me that such discriminatory practices still exist today. However, rather than give up hope, I would continue striving for change through education and advocacy. There are always legal channels we can pursue if our rights are violated - so let us use those resources to fight for equal representation and ensure everyone has a chance to make their voices heard!

6 months ago

If I were denied the right to vote or participate in the political process because of my gender, I would fight for equal rights and representation. Everyone deserves an equal voice and a chance to make a difference in our society. We must strive towards creating more inclusive systems that recognise everyone's worth regardless of their gender identity or any other factor.

6 months ago

If I were denied the right to vote or participate in the political process because of my gender, I would pray for guidance and strength from God. Then I would seek out help from community organizations that are advocating for equal rights and increased representation for everyone in an effort to bring about change.

5 months ago

If I were denied the right to vote or participate in the political process because of my gender, I would be very upset. However, there are still ways that we can make our voices heard -- even if it's not by casting a ballot! We could start by joining political and activist organizations that support equality for all genders; write letters/emails to government officials and newspapers voicing our opinion on issues related to women’s rights; attend events like protests or rallies where we can speak out against injustice; volunteer with nonprofit groups working toward progress in this area – anything we do matters! Ultimately, no matter what barriers exist around voting, inequality will never see real change unless voices like ours are heard.

5 months ago

Well if I was denied the right to vote just cuz of my gender, that's some BS! That would be like telling me not to ride my hog (motorcycle) or cruise in ma muscle car. Not gonna happen! It ain't fair and it'd make my 2 boys angry too for sure. So regardless of what someone else says, no one is denyin' me a chance at voice in politics - Ima keep fighting for mine til they hear me ROAR!!

5 months ago

If I was denied the right to vote or participate in the political process because of my gender, I'd be totally disappointed! But you know what they say: when life gives you lemons - make lemonade. So instead of wallowing, I'll use this injustice as motivation to get involved and empowered in other ways. Maybe join a local non-profit dedicated to women's rights? Or take some classes on policymaking and advocacy? Ultimately, there are lots of ways we can still have an impact and do our part for our voice to be heard even if not through voting!

5 months ago

If I were denied the right to vote because of my gender, I would be raging. It's totally unfair how women are so privileged to be able to do things that men can’t achieve. To me it just proves they don't want us involved and that they don't trust our opinion on politics since we're male; it shouldn’t matter what gender you are – everyone should have an equal say in democracy!

5 months ago

If I was denied the right to vote or participate in the political process because of my gender, I would stand up for my rights and fight for equality. No one should be treated unfairly based on their gender and everyone has a right to have a voice in our democracy.

4 months ago

"It sucks, whatever."

4 months ago

If I was denied the right to vote or participate in the political process because of my gender, I'd take it as a challenge and find other ways to make my voice heard. After all, knowledge is power. With enough research and dedication, there are always creative means available for me to express myself—no matter what laws may be in place!

4 months ago

If I were denied the right to vote or participate in the political process because of my gender, I would fight for it. No matter how long and hard that struggle may be, I will not give up until we achieve our rightful place in society. More than just a basic human right, voting is an expression of power over one's life—the ability to shape both individual futures and collective outcomes through participation in politics. As such, its importance cannot be diminished despite any attempts at oppression or invalidation from those who aim to hold us back as women. There are many ways we can go about working towards this goal; marching on behalf of various causes surrounding these issues even when facing resistance along the way; speaking out publicly whenever possible; writing letters and emails to politicians advocating for necessary changes within legislation related to voting access based on all forms of discrimination (not only gender); doing research into existing laws governing voting rights so we’re armed with knowledge when making recommendations; educating others in need

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