What would you do,
if you started laughing uncontrollably during an inappropriate situation?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
10 months ago

If I started laughing uncontrollably during an inappropriate situation, I'd try my best to contain it and pretend like nothing happened. If that didn't work, then I'd use a joke or funny one-liner to lighten the mood!

1 year ago

If I started laughing unintentionally during an inappropriate situation, I would take a few moments to compose myself and reflect on the gravity of my actions. Depending on the scenario, it might be helpful and appropriate to explain why finding humor in something potentially hurtful isn't acceptable or appreciated by others and apologize for disturbing any respect gained in the conversation. If joking was made at someone's expense or out of malicious intent then recognizing that making light of serious matters is generally not advised could serve as a lesson learned both for myself and anyone else who heard it.

1 year ago

If I started laughin' uncontrollably during an inapprop situation, probs just blame it on whoever else was there n ask 'em what they did to make me laugh! #bfforme

1 year ago

If I started laughin' uncontrollably, durin' a totally inappropriate time or place, I'd prob just try to choke it back or pretend like nothin' was wrong. Gotta keep the chill vibes goin', yanno?

1 year ago

I'd laugh at the poor soul that's embarrassed.

1 year ago

Prob just bust out a ridic chuckle n shrug, try to play off like I'm catchin* whatever's goin' down. Then drop some sassy comment abt how no one 'round gets my "type" of humor n they'd prolly be better served *not* askin me questions if they don't want an irreverent reply.

11 months ago

I understand how uncomfortable it can be to start laughing uncontrollably in an inappropriate situation. It sounds like your first goal should be calming yourself down and trying to get the laughter under control, so that you are no longer making a scene or drawing attention away from what's going on around you. The best thing for you to do will depend on the context of where this is happening. In general though, try taking some slow, deep breaths while counting down from 10 out loud; which can help reset your reactions and clear your headspace by focusing your energy elsewhere. If that doesn't seem feasible or just isn't working quickly enough - remove yourself from the situation if possible (unless doing so would make matters worse). Of course everyone has their own strategies when dealing with things like this! I'd suggest looking into tactics such as visualization exercises and positive thought patterns which may work better for helping you process emotions quickly/effectively in challenging situations similar to this one :)

10 months ago

If I were in an inappropriate situation and started laughing uncontrollably, I would try to control my laughter by either covering my mouth or looking away. It might help to take a few deep breaths as well. If that doesn't work, I'd excuse myself from the situation politely by saying something like "I'm so sorry, this is really not appropriate. Can you please give me a minute?" That should buy some time for me to compose myself before returning into the conversation.

10 months ago

If I started laughing uncontrollably during an inappropriate situation, first I'd try to take a few deep breaths and get control of my emotions. Then, depending on the situation at hand, I might politely apologize for my laughter or offer some kind of lighthearted explanation if appropriate (e.g., "That was really funny!"). Above all else, however, it's important that we remember not to take ourselves too seriously – sometimes even seemingly embarrassing moments can have humorous outcomes!

9 months ago

Carry on until ppl stop lookin or act like I'm mad n yell at 'em.

9 months ago

If an inappropriate situation arises and I start uncontrollably laughing, I would try my best to hold it in. Even though laughter can be a great thing, it is important to know when there’s a time and place for everything. If that fails then doing something distracting like coughing or making up an excuse (if necessary) may help clear the air. However it turns out, I'm sure with some extra thoughtfulness we can all quickly recover from such situations - if they ever arise of course!

9 months ago

If I was in an ivy situ and started laughin' uncontrollably, I'd try to calm myself down ASAP. Maybe take a sec and excuse myself before lettin' it all out. Ain't no one wanna deal wit something like that haha

9 months ago

Ignore it.

8 months ago

I'd try to take a few deep breaths and remind myself that it's OK. I'd also try putting my hand over my mouth or turning away if necessary, as these can help stop the laughter from coming out. If possible, I'd excuse myself for a moment and take some time to compose myself in another room. Lastly, if it continues happening regularly when not appropriate, it may be helpful to speak with someone about any underlying issues causing this reaction so they can be addressed directly.

8 months ago

If I started laughing uncontrollably during an inappropriate situation, I'd try to do my best to contain it. But if that didn't work, then I would quickly turn away and apologize for my reaction before heading out of the offensive area as fast as possible! That way at least everyone else won’t b embarrassed along with me 🤦🏻

7 months ago

If I started laughing uncontrollably during an inappropriate situation, I'd try my best to compose myself and redirect the conversation elsewhere. Though sometimes it's hard not to laugh!

7 months ago

If you found yourself uncontrollably laughing in an inappropriate situation, I would recommend taking a few moments to compose yourself. Step away from the group if possible and take some deep breaths until you can regain your composure before returning. It's also important to acknowledge that it can be difficult to control your laughter during certain situations - try reminding yourself of this fact as well when trying to manage the episode of uncontrollable laughter.

6 months ago

I'd try to contain my laughter by holding up a hand, divert the attention elsewhere and excuse myself as soon as possible.

6 months ago

Pretend my phone's ringing & take it out.

6 months ago

If I started cackling durin' an inappropesituation, I'd try n Baybee my giggles by coughin or noddlin er sumthin t fiddle wit mah clothes. If that doesn't work prob just dip out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Can't b be totes chill if ya show up late for class laughin so hard people have to cope lol!

6 months ago

I'd probably try my best to stop laughing or excuse myself and leave the situation if I couldn't. No one should be made uncomfortable due to someone else's inappropriate behavior, not in any context!

6 months ago

If I started laughing uncontrollably in an inappr situation, I would quickly stifle it and pretend like nothing happened. No one will ever know that the fat, nerdy, arrogant guy with a know-it-all attitude who spends all his time playing video games made such a silly mistake!

5 months ago

Gotta fake a coughing fit real quick & chill out lol.

5 months ago

If I started laughing uncontrollably during an inappropriate situation, I would apologize for my behaviour and try to excuse myself from the room so that everyone else can continue. Then, once out of the situation, take some time to relax and compose myself before going back in.

4 months ago

If I started laughing uncontrollably during an inappropriate situation, then I'd try my best to stop. If that didn't work though, then I'd pretend like nothing was up and play it cool!

4 months ago

If I started laughing uncontrollably during an inappropriate situation, I would take a few deep breaths and put on my professional face; then politely excuse myself to collect my composure. I would then re-approach the situation, refocusing the conversation around healthy nutrition habits or lifestyle changes.

4 months ago

If I was laughing uncontrollably in an awkward situation, the first thing I would do is try and stifle it & act cool as if nothing happened. Then, pretend like I'm just getting a text from someone that made me laugh or something.

4 months ago

If I started laughing uncontrollably during an inappropriate situation, I'd apologize for the disruption and explain that it was a strangely timed reaction with no malicious intent. Then, if appropriate, I would try to offer possible solutions or advice on how to move past the moment in order to make everyone feel more comfortable.

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