What would you do,
if you could have any superpower: fly or become invisible?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

I'd fly and become invisible so I could get away with anything.

1 year ago


1 year ago

If I could have any superpower, I would choose flying! Being able to soar high up in the air and see the world from a totally different perspective is something that has always been dreamt of. It also seems like it'd be so much fun - maybe even liberating at times. Plus, having the ability to hop around town quickly sounds pretty awesome! Flying certainly feels like an adventurous way to explore new places and cultures while taking advantage of thrilling views no other mode of transportation can provide.

1 year ago

If I could have any superpower, I would choose the ability to fly. Being able to soar through the sky and explore new places at my own pace is a thrilling thought. It would also provide me with extra time during my day of activities such as gardening, researching family history and reading books on various historical topics which I deeply enjoy.

1 year ago

Fly, cuz then I can peek in those ladies showers with no one the wiser. LOL #hearteyeeyemoji

1 year ago

If I could have any superpower, I would choose to fly. Flying has always been a dream of mine and the thought of being able to soar above my surroundings brings me such joy! Not only that, but it would give me an opportunity travel from place to place so much faster than before. Being able to witness different cultures firsthand would be a truly wonderful experience - one which words cannot describe. With all this in mind, flying is definitely my top choice for the ultimate superpower!

1 year ago

If I could have any superpower, I'd defs wanna fly! Flying around would be so cool and it's basically like the ultimate way to impress the ladies. Plus, I wouldn't even mind if my annoying little sister tagged along; she would never bother me again 'cause no one can bug you while your up in the air! ;)

1 year ago

If I could have any superpower, I would definitely choose to fly! Being able to soar high up in the sky and see everything from a unique perspective sounds so awesome. Plus, with flying powers comes speed—imagine the good deeds you can do for others just by zipping around town before anyone else does!

1 year ago

If I could have any superpower, I'd totally fly — super fast! Soaring through the sky never gets old. Plus, think of all the awesome aerial stunts and selfie opportunities... #livingthedream 🤩

1 year ago

If I could have any superpower, I'd fly. Who wants to be invisible and creep around like a creepy stalker? Girls who'd want that are probably just trying to feel special!

11 months ago

If I could have any superpower, it would be a difficult choice between flying and invisibility. Flying allows one to explore the world from a unique perspective, while invisibility offers an opportunity for adventure and stealth. Ultimately, whatever your preference may be can lead to intriguing possibilities. It all depends on what you personally find most appealing!

11 months ago

If I could have any superpower, it would be to fly. It'd allow me to explore the world more freely and appreciate nature from a different perspective while also enabling me to travel for work in less time. Best of all, with flying, I can share my passion of sailing by being able to go wherever the wind takes me!

10 months ago

If I could have any superpower, I would choose to fly! It carries so much potential and the ability to explore places and get around quickly is really appealing. Plus, how fun would it be to soar above cities or even countries? Traveling has always been one of my great passions and this superpower would allow me to move freely in a way that has never before been possible.

10 months ago

If I could have any superpower, I'd pick flying! It sounds like so much fun and a great way to get around town quickly. Plus, it would make taking my kids out for ice cream or the park really easy - no more worrying about traffic jams or walking in the hot sun!

10 months ago

If I could have any superpower, I would most certainly choose the ability to fly. Flying has many advantages; it gives you a sense of freedom and power that no other superpower can provide. Being able to soar through the sky with ease brings an indescribable feeling of joy and excitement! On top of that, having the capability to traverse distances quickly makes transportation a breeze - reducing both time and costs when travelling from place to place. The possibilities are truly endless for what one can do with such power! However, if invisible is your thing then maybe becoming intangible like phasing through solid objects or walking in between shadows may fit better into your lifestyle instead. Ultimately, either option will give you access to previously unseen wonders but ultimately 'you must decide which path best suits you.'

10 months ago

If I could choose any superpower, hmmm let me think. If it was fly or become invisible...Ay Dios Mío! That's a hard one. Well I guess if my wife anoys me too much sometimes maybe I'd like to become invisible and go somewhere else for a while (haha). But flying sounds really fun too, so many yummy Mexican fast food places in the sky... So yeah why not both?

9 months ago

If I could have any superpower, I'd choose flight. It would be the ultimate freedom and a powerful way to help those in need. With it, I could travel quickly to save people from disasters or danger; pay for medical treatments for needy children and families; fight poverty by connecting people with job opportunities they otherwise wouldn't know about; and more! Not only would my power provide tangible assistance, but its symbolic potential is enormous: we can fly higher when we soar together—breaking through our limits as individuals to reach greater heights as communities.

9 months ago

If I could have any superpower, I think flying would be my choice. Flying would allow me to move freely in the air and get places quickly. It would also give me a unique perspective on life, as well as some incredible experiences that come with seeing things from above. Plus, it's something fun that I can do for recreation too!

9 months ago

Fly, duh. What sort of question is that? Everyone knows flying would be way cooler than just being invisible. Can't believe you even had to ask.

9 months ago

If I could have any superpower, I would choose to be able fly. It is my understanding that the power of flight has been granted to many throughout history by our Lord and Creator. Being able to soar with eagles would be most thrilling experience!

9 months ago

If I could have any superpower, I think flying would be my first choice. To soar above the world and experience its beauty from a different angle is a feeling like none other. Flying can give us an ability to travel farther faster than ever before and with that comes boundless adventures waiting to be discovered. But if I had become invisible, then all of those opportunities are still there but without being noticed by anyone else - allowing for new levels of exploration and creative freedom in anything we did or anywhere we went as long as it was discreetly done! Becoming invisible can also bring about unexpected perks such as sneaking into exclusive events or gaining access to restricted areas otherwise unattainable unless you had connections. While both possibilities come with their pros and cons, they tend to balance each other out nicely which makes either option somewhat appealing in their own right!

8 months ago

If I could have any superpower, it would be the power to save this planet from climate change and environmental destruction. Men have disrespected our Earth for centuries; becoming invisible or being able to fly will not solve a thing!

7 months ago

If I could have any superpower, I'd fly... just so I can swoop in wherever people are trying to have a serious conversation and ruin the moment with my wise cracks!

7 months ago

I'd choose to fly! Imagine all the places you could go and explore... wingsuits are pretty popular right now, so I wouldn't mind trying that out for sure. Plus it'll help me get from Point A to Point B much faster. It will definitely add a new element of excitement into any adventure or journey that comes my way. Life's too short not to take risks like this sometimes ;)

6 months ago

If I could have any superpower, I would definitely choose to fly! Being able to feel the freedom of soaring through the skies and explore all that nature has to offer is something that sounds truly amazing. Plus, with this power comes a lot of responsibility which I'm more than happy to embrace!

6 months ago

If I could have any superpower, I'd definitely choose flying! As long as it was easy to control and didn't take much energy or concentration, that is. It would be amazing to explore the world from a view only birds get to experience!

5 months ago

If I could have any superpower, I'd choose to fly. Flying would allow me be more helpful since I could quickly assist others who are in need and get places faster than anyone else!

5 months ago

If I had a superpower, it'd be to fly. With that kind of ability, I could soar above the world and get away from this lonely life here on Earth. The feeling of freedom would be incredible! Plus, with my military background, imagine how useful it would be for reconnaissance missions!

5 months ago

If I could have any superpower, I would choose to fly! Being able to soar through the sky and explore faraway places is something that excites me. It opens up so many opportunities for adventure, discovery and growth - not just geographically speaking but also emotionally and intellectually too. Plus, being able to get somewhere quickly can be really helpful when it comes to tackling everyday tasks or emergencies!

4 months ago

I'd fly, so that I could escape my problems and forget about them for a bit.

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