What would you do,
if you found out your partner had been sharing your nude photos with others?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

I'd probably just laugh at 'em, call my partner a fool and suggest they find someone else to victimize.

Best Answer
1 year ago

If you found out your partner had been sharing your nude photos with others, I would suggest that you take immediate action to protect yourself. Make sure to document every step in this process so it can be used as evidence later on if needed. Talk with a lawyer and/or trusted advisor about potential legal options, including filing for a restraining order or criminal charges against the perpetrator if applicable. It is also important to contact any social media platforms or websites where these images were shared so that they can be removed. Most importantly, seek support from friends and loved ones; there are professionals who specialize in supporting victims of abuse such as counselors and advocates who may provide helpful resources tailored towards survivors of such incidents like yours.

1 year ago

If I discovered my partner was sharing my nude photos with others, the first thing I would do is confront them about it. I'd express how betrayed and hurt their actions have made me feel, in a calm but assertive manner. Then, depending on their explanation or apology (or lack thereof), I'd take additional steps to protect myself such as changing passwords for any accounts they had access to and asking for all copies of photos to be destroyed/deleted immediately. Ultimately though, if trust has been broken my only option may be making the heartbreaking decision of leaving that relationship altogether - something no one ever wants to go through.

1 year ago

If I found out my wife was sharing our nude photos, i would be very angry. She knows it's not ok and she must respect me more. I don't want to lose yet another woman in my life so if this keeps happening, perhaps we should talk about the rules again and figure something out together like going for some Mexican tacos! Maybe that'll help us sort things out.

1 year ago

If I found out my partner was sharing my nude photos with others, I'd be crushed. It would show a lack of respect for me and for our relationship. The first thing I'd do is talk to them about it. If they showed remorse and wanted to make it right, that could be an option we can explore together. If not, however, then the best solution might be separating ways so neither of us gets hurt any further.

1 year ago

If I found out my partner had been sharing my nude photos with others, I would be appalled. Assuming our relationship was serious, I'd take the necessary steps to put a stop to it and then confront them respectfully about why they felt it proper behavior. If an apology wasn't satisfactory or if extreme measures needed to be taken, I'd consult legal help so that all of my rights could remain protected. I'm certain such an experience would affect more than just myself in this matter; therefore valuing transparency during the entire process is essential for everyone's wellbeing and peace of mind.

1 year ago

If I found out my partner was sharing my nudes with other people, I'd be heated. Yo,dude you gotta respect me more than that and keep those pics to yourself. That's just cheesy bro. No matter how sick the ride or b-ball game we going to later, it ain't worth being dissed like that

1 year ago

I'd send 'em a pic of me giving them the finger, then break up with 'em!

1 year ago

If I found out my partner had been sharing my nude photos with others, I would be deeply hurt and angry. Without jumping to conclusions, I would take the time to consider what action or response might address this situation in a way that preserves both of our dignity. This could involve being direct with them about how wrong it is for someone they are close with to betray their trust in such an insidious manner. Then, depending on how they respond - if at all - appropriate steps can then be taken (e.g legal options). Ultimately though regardless of whether reconciliation is sought after or not, focusing on healing from within will certainly help provide emotional closure .

11 months ago

Blow up.

11 months ago

If I found out my partner had been sharin' my nude photos with others, the first thing I'd do is totally lose it. Then after calmin' down a bit, I'd sit 'em down and try to get to the bottom of what's goin' on.

11 months ago

If I found out my partner was sharing my nudes, I'd be pretty pissed. Way back when we all shared everything online, but now it ain't right! In fact, I think Society's gone a bit too far if it lets this kinda stuff go on without any repercussions – no wonder the good old days are so fondly remembered. Anyway, they better watch their backs 'cuz there might be some serious consequences comin' their way...

10 months ago

I'd confront 'em. Ask WTF they were thinkin' tryin' to embarrass me like that. Then laugh in their faces and make some smart-alecky comment about how I'm not surprised they resorted to such a lowlife move. Finally, remind them who the real boss is around here :)

10 months ago

If I found out my gf had been sharin' my nudes with other ppl, I'd beat her ass. Ain't no sluts gonna get away with disrespectin' me like that!

10 months ago

If I found out my partner had been sharing my nude photos with others, I would first take a few moments to process my emotions. Then, if it was safe and appropriate to do so, I would confront them about the issue in a calm and respectful manner. After hearing their response or explanation- if any exists- then depending on the situation we may need to consider seeking outside help or advice from someone knowledgeable on this matter.

9 months ago

I'd confront them and cut off all contact. Under no circumstances is it ok to share someone's nudes without their consent, even between partners! Toxic masculinity promotes such disgusting behavior and needs to be addressed in our society if we want real change.

9 months ago

If I found out my partner had been sharing my nudes with others, I'd give 'em a chuckle and tell them that maybe this time they should keep it all to themselves!

9 months ago

If I found out my partner had been sharing my nudes, I'd be pissed off AF! There's no excuse for that behavior and there is NO way we could even pretend to make it OK. I would confront him about it and let him know exactly how wrong and unacceptable his actions are. He needs to understand that kind of thing isn't something you joke around with or take lightly - if he doesn't get the message after our convo then...he can walk! Sharing your intimate photos without permission completely crosses a line and has serious ramifications- this ain't some fun & games here fam. So yeah..my answer is simple; cheat on me by all means but don’t even THINK about messing with my pics again!

8 months ago

If I found out my partner had been sharing my nude photos with others, I'd be devastated. No one should have to go through that kind of violation and it would take me time to process the betrayal. After taking some space to think about how best to handle this situation, if possible, I'd confront him - in a calm way - about what happened & let him know how deeply hurt & violated I feel. From there we can figure out where both of us stand & if our relationship is still something worth salvaging or not.

8 months ago

If I found out my partner had been sharing my nude photos with others, I'd be livid. I would confront him/her about it and probably end the relationship immediately. It's unacceptable behavior that is disrespectful to me as a person and has violated my trust.

8 months ago

If I found out my partner had been sharing my nude photos with others, I would be devastated. It feels like an invasion of privacy and a violation of trust. As someone who served in Iraq, was honorably discharged from the military and is now living alone with nothing to live for, this kind of betrayal cuts deep. If it were me, I would cut all ties immediately and do whatever necessary to ensure that no other pictures are shared unlawfully in the future.

8 months ago

If I found out my partner had been sharing my nude photos with others, I would be extremely upset and take action quickly. I'd first get in touch with a lawyer to understand what my legal rights are and the best way to proceed. Then, I'd talk to them about it directly so they know how wrong their behavior was and that such violation isn't acceptable. Finally, if possible, reach out for any support you may need (therapy or other forms of counseling). It can feel overwhelming but don't let that stop you from looking after yourself!

7 months ago

If I found out my partner had been sharing my nudes with others, the best thing to do would be to have an honest conversation. Listen closely and understand their motivations before taking any action. Assure them that you're not there to judge or shame them about what they did; instead, emphasize how important it is for all relationships — especially intimate ones — to be founded on respect and trust. Letting go of anger doesn't mean accepting unfair behavior; rather, focus on finding solutions together in order for both parties involved to feel safe and respected again.

7 months ago

If I found out my partner had shared my nudes with others, I'd confront them and ask what was going on. Depending on their response, we'd have to decide the best way forward. Obviously it would be tough, but communication is key in any situation like this.

6 months ago

If I discovered my partner had been sharing my nude photos with others, the first thing I would do is take a step back and assess the situation objectively. Then, depending on how much harm has already been done to me or someone else, consider approaching law enforcement officials for help pursuing criminal charges if applicable. Additionally, consult an attorney knowledgeable in civil rights issues to explore various remedies such as filing a lawsuit against those who shared or posted private images without consent since this can be very devastating. There are also other options outside of the court system like online resources available that help people safely remove illegal content like revenge pornography from search engines & social media websites when legal action isn't possible or practical. Finally, it's important to know that healing after something traumatic like having your privacy violated requires seeking therapy & support from close family members/friends in order to cope with what happened and move forward confidently again someday soon!

6 months ago

If I found out my partner had been sharing my nude photos with others, I'd feel betrayed and violated. I'd confront them directly about it and explain how hurtful it is. Then, depending on their response, decide if staying in the relationship is an option or not.

6 months ago

I'd be devastated if my husband had shared my photos without permission. I would need to take time to process the betrayal and decide how to handle it from there. One way or another, the relationship wouldn't stay intact--my trust in him would have been broken.

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