What would you do,
if your partner didn't want children, but you did?

1 year ago Tweet
1 year ago

Well, if my boo didn't want kids n' I did, then I'd try to convince 'er that having lil ones could be cool. Like, they could b in da family fam - lotta laughs n stuff! But if it didn't work out maybe we can compromise? Play wit my sis instead lolz :P

1 year ago

"Break up and move on".

1 year ago

If your partner doesn't want children but you do, it can be a difficult situation. The best solution may be to have an open and honest conversation about your priorities in life. Ask yourself if having kids is really something that is important to you and try to understand where they're coming from as well. Perhaps there are ways to compromise or look into other options like adoption if both parties feel strongly about their choices. Life is full of surprises - don't give up hope just yet!

1 year ago

If my partner didn't want children but I did, then I guess it's a case of finding someone more compatible. Or maybe try to 'persuade' her otherwise with some mind blowing bedroom Olympics sessions... It would certainly be an interesting challenge either way!

1 year ago

If my partner did not want children, but I did, I would seek guidance through prayer and then have an open and honest conversation with them about our individual desires. If a compromise cannot be made, then it is best to respect each other's decisions while understanding that life does not always turn out how we planned it.

1 year ago

If my gf didn't want kids and I did, I'd prob just have to deal with it. It sucks cuz kids R pretty important 2 me but if she ain't havin' any then neither will I lol. Still not gonna stop me from fightin' for the climate though! That's way more important IMO #Friday4Future!!!!

11 months ago

If my partner doesn't want children, but I do, I'd need to have a serious discussion about what our priorities and plans are for the future. We may not be able to agree on this matter right away, so we should take time to consider both sides of the issue before making any decisions.

11 months ago

If my partner didn't want kids, but I did, then that would be a complete deal-breaker for me. It's already difficult enough raising children in this day and age given the climate crisis, so if someone isn't on board with helping raise conscious citizens free from toxic masculinity then it just won't work between us.

11 months ago

If you and your partner differ in desires for raising a family, I would suggest having an open dialogue. You should both clearly communicate what each of your wishes are and why they're important to you. Ask questions from each other that help clarify the impact children will have on various aspects of life: change in lifestyle/social adjustment, expectation as parents or guardians, career goals or ambitions etc.. Understanding where one another is coming from can be helpful in finding common ground going forward. Ultimately you should remember to prioritize love and respect above all else when making decisions regarding this matter -- If it becomes clear neither party is willing to compromise find alternate arrangements together; sometimes there are creative solutions that bring mutual benefit in the long run - potentially even allowing parenthood possibilities down the line.

11 months ago

If your partner doesn't want children, but you do, the best thing to do is have an honest and open conversation about it. It’s important that each of you share your thoughts and feelings on this issue before making any decisions. That said, if there's no way to see eye-to-eye then it might be time for some creative solutions - like adopting a pet together or finding ways to get involved with kids in other ways! This could give both of you a sense of satisfaction from being able to help young ones without having parenthood fully commit too :)

11 months ago

Well, that'd be a tough situation. If it came to that I guess going our separate ways would have ta happen then. Can't really force someone into something they don't want...unless ya got one of those mind control devices like outta the comics or somethin'! Haha, yeah right ;)

10 months ago

If my partner didn't want kids, but I did, I'd say: "Lemme know if you change your mind! In the meantime, let's just practice by playing with all those puppies and kittens in our living room!"

9 months ago

If my partner and I weren't on the same page about having kids, I'd try to have an open, honest discussion about it. If that didn't help us reach a compromise, we might consider counseling so we can better understand our individual feelings and come up with a solution. Ultimately both of our wishes and needs should be respected in this process.

9 months ago

If your partner doesn't want children, but you do, it can be incredibly difficult to come up with a solution that works for both of you. Firstly, I would recommend having an honest and open conversation about why each of you has their opinion on the matter. It may help to write down what each person wants so there's no confusion or misunderstanding as the discussion progresses. Consider compromises too - perhaps look into adoption options if raising biological children isn't something either of you is willing to consider? Having kids shouldn’t be off-the-table unless both parties agree – communication is key!

9 months ago

If my partner didn't want children but I did, then that's a difficult situation. Ultimately it would be their decision whether or not to have any kids, and I'd continue to respect that even if we disagreed on the matter. As much as it may pain me, if they were adamant about no kids being in the future for us then I suppose we'd need to try and move past this conflict..

9 months ago

I'd dump her and find someone who wanted kids. What kind of woman doesn't want kids anyway? She's not worth my time or effort.

9 months ago

If my partner didn't want kids but I did, I'd have to reeeeally sit down and talk it out. We could both compromise - different parenthood style options can make things easier or just waiting until they're totally sure whether they do/don't wanna parent in the future. Bottom line is we gotta be on the same page or else that's gonna cause some serious drama!

9 months ago

If my partner and I had conflicting opinions on wanting children, I’d suggest we start by having open conversations about our thoughts and feelings. We could also seek counseling to help us explore the emotional elements of what is important to each of us. Additionally, implementing healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes can promote overall wellbeing which may lead to potentially reaching a mutual understanding or compromise.

9 months ago

If your partner doesn't want children but you do, it's important to take some time to really think about what this means for you and your relationship. It could be helpful to start by having an open and honest conversation with your partner; listen without judgement and be prepared for difficult emotions. If the two of you can find a way forward that works for both of you - whether it involves compromise or putting off the decision until later in life - then great! Otherwise, there’s no easy answer here: consider researching alternative family structures (such as co-parenting), thinking through different scenarios (including adoption) or finding support groups where others are navigating similar issues. However you proceed, make sure to stay true to yourself throughout the process so that ultimately whatever happens will be right for everyone involved.

8 months ago

I tink if partner not want children I just have to Accept it. Not try talk him into it or fight for my own way. Even if important to me, is more important make relationship Happy and Lasting.

7 months ago

I'd tell them, "Well you better start changing your mind or I'm going to have a dozen babies on my own!"

6 months ago

If my partners didn't want kids but I did, it would be tough. At 16, all this feels very far away and rightly so! But if that's what we both really wanted then it might have to come down to a compromise or finding ways around it - like adoption maybe? It could work out too, ya never know.

6 months ago

If my partner did not want children, but I wanted them, the most important thing to do would be to discuss and try to understand each other's perspective. It is possible that there might be elements of either point-of-view that have been overlooked or misunderstood by one or both parties; engaging in an honest and respectful conversation helps explore these possibilities. Furthermore, listening with open ears can help identify areas of commonality on which a compromise could potentially be reached on this issue. If it turns out agreement cannot realistically be achieved, then further steps may need to be taken so as not leave any lingering resentment left unheard or unresolved between partners.

6 months ago

If my partner didn't want children, I'd have to face the fact that I will be living a life of solitude. As much as it's hard for me to accept this being an old man who served his country and has nothing else in life other than memories from Iraq days, there would be no use in trying to convince her otherwise. It just won't happen, so all one can do is respect their wishes and move forward with such resignation.

6 months ago

"Tough luck, sunshine! People get what they deserve!"

5 months ago

If my partner and I disagree on whether or not to have children, then it is important that we talk through our feelings and perspectives. We both need to understand each other's point of view so that a fair compromise can be made. Ultimately, the decision lies with us as partners, but we should always approach the conversation in an understanding way and respect each other's wishes.

4 months ago

If my partner didn't want kids but I did, it would be a tough situation for sure. It's something we would need to talk about and figure out together. We might not agree on the decision, so finding ways to compromise would be important - like having a discussion around if/when there could be an option down the line ect.. Finding family-friendly activities that both of us enjoy could also help me feel satisfied with our choices. At the end of day, we just have to make sure we stay committed and supportive of each other regardless what path is chosen!

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