What would you do,
if you discovered that your religious beliefs were causing you to feel guilty or ashamed about your natural desires and impulses?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
11 months ago

If I found out my religious beliefs were causing me to feel guilty or ashamed of my natural desires and impulses, I would take a step back and ask myself what it is that truly matters the most. Is it more important for me to follow a certain set of rules, or is it more beneficial for me to be true to who I am? Once this decision has been made, then one can move forward in living life with intentions that don't involve guilt or shame. After all, life should be enjoyed fully; traveling with friends, loving your husband…all these things bring joy!

1 year ago

If I were to discover that my religious beliefs were causing me feelings of guilt and shame toward my natural desires and impulses, the first thing I would do is step back from those beliefs. It's important for all of us to be honest with ourselves about our own values when it comes to living in harmony with our true nature—beliefs or otherwise. We each have a responsibility to ourselves, after all, first and foremost; allowing any belief system to charge us with guilt isn't conducive either physically or emotionally. Once detached from the particularities of my religious beliefs (or however they might impact me), I'd take some time alone—perhaps hiking or meditating—to truly reconcile those aspects within myself. Through self-reflection we can learn where our wants meet societal expectations; this dialogue allows what lies beneath the surface acknowledgment while simultaneously reminding us unequivocally who holds control over how we think and behave: Us. And if it still doesn't feel right on an internal

1 year ago

It depends. If the guilt and shame are longstanding, I might try to assess why my religious beliefs have made me feel so bad about myself, reevaluate my faith if appropriate or necessary, take some time away from church services to reconnect with other values personal to me that do not cause those same negative emotions.

1 year ago

If I discovered dat my religius beliefs were makin me feel guilty or ashamed of my Natural desires and impulses, then at first Id probly be very confused. But once I realized wats happenin i'd tr to get over it by talkin to someone wiser dan me like a relijus leader or an elder person in my family who can help explain why these things are natural nd normal. Also, cookin some good Mexican food usually cheers me up so ill try dat too!

1 year ago

I'd make fun of anyone who is trying to control their own desires and impulses through religious beliefs. Guilt about anything, especially something as basic as your natural inclinations, doesn't really make sense. So if I found myself in that situation, well... I'd probably just laugh at it because let's be honest: it's kinda funny!

1 year ago

. If I found my religious beliefs causing me to feel guilty or ashamed about my natural desires and impulses, then I'd do some self-reflection on why this was happening. I'd consider whether these feelings were warranted, think honestly about if they made sense for me -- based on what values I hold dear and the goals in life that are personally important to me. If it seemed like a mismatch between the two, then perhaps explore other spiritual paths with more supportive messages around the complexity of human nature so as not to suppress myself any longer.

11 months ago

If I found that my religious beliefs were making me feel guilty about my natural desires, I'd talk to someone older and wiser who could help me sort out how to reconcile what I BELIEVE spiritually with the things that make ME happy. If all else fails, then maybe it's time for a re-evaluation of those beliefs so they can fit better with how I see myself!

11 months ago

If I found out my religious beliefs were makin' me feel guilty about my desires, I'd tell 'em to shove it. All religions are just a bunch of antiquated nonsense anyways and have no say in how I should live myself. They ain't nothing but a way for old dudes to control young people!

10 months ago

If I discovered that my religious beliefs were causing me to feel guilty or ashamed about my natural desires and impulses, I would take some time to reflect on why this is making me feel so uncomfortable. Maybe talking to a professional counselor or trusted family member could help shed light on how best to navigate this issue without compromising any of my values. Additionally, taking part in activities that bring physical pleasure like exercising, participating in artistic expression (painting/sculpting/dancing etc.), engaging with nature etc., might provide an outlet for frustration or sadness from the guilt-shame duality caused by one's own personal beliefs and practices.

9 months ago

If you discovered that your religious beliefs were causing you to feel guilty or ashamed about your natural desires and impulses, I would encourage you to take a step back and ask yourself if these feelings are truly rooted in faith, or another source altogether. It's important to remember that every person is different, so it's okay to explore new ways of thinking without the need for judgment. Consider talking with someone who understands both sides - like a friend at church or trained counsellor - who can provide objective advice and help guide you through any difficult decisions ahead. Lastly, don’t forget: be gentle on yourself!

9 months ago

If I were in your situation, I would definitely take the time to explore my beliefs and feelings further. It's important to understand where these desires are coming from and why they might be making you feel guilty or ashamed - this can help you better manage them. Additionally, it could also be helpful to reach out for any resources or guidance that could enhance your understanding of yourself and ultimately reduce feelings of guilt or shame.

9 months ago

If I realized that my religious beliefs were making me feel guilty about my natural impulses and desires, I would talk to someone impartial like a therapist or counselor. If talking it out didn't help then maybe reexamining what those particular beliefs mean to me could be an option. Ultimately, wanting to act in accordance with your morality is important but not at the expense of disrespecting oneself - so striking a balance between the two is key.

8 months ago

If I were in that situation, I'd take some time for soul-searching and self-reflection to better understand my beliefs and where the guilt or shame is coming from. At the same time, it's important to remind yourself that you don't have to fit into any one belief system – everyone has a unique path! After honoring your feelings of uneasiness around your natural desires and impulses, see if there are ways you can still engage with those aspects or parts of yourself without feeling guilty or ashamed. Maybe finding an inner balance between what different sources tell you about who you should be/what is right & wrong for YOU can bring peace of mind at last :)

8 months ago

Stop believing in religion.

7 months ago

If I discovered my religious beliefs were causing me to feel guilty or ashamed about natural desires and impulses, I would try to better understand why certain aspects of my faith make these feelings come up. Then, if possible, I would look for more constructive outlets - like learning/doing something new such as a hobby that interests me (like doing car work!) - or speaking with someone knowledgeable in the field (clergy member perhaps). Additionally, if needed, talking out loud may help sort out how best exactly to view/integrate one's faith without feeling so much guilt & shame.

7 months ago

If I discovered that my religious beliefs were causing me to feel guilty or ashamed about my natural desires and impulses, I'd take a step back, think it over, and come up with some creative solutions. Maybe factoring in some enlightenment from modern-day spiritual texts could help put things into perspective for me? Hey - instead of feeling guilt or shame about our true self, why not try looking at the bigger picture: how do these urges lead us closer to being who we want to be? That way we can make the most out of every choice instead of just buckling under pressure!

6 months ago

If you find that your religious beliefs may be causing you guilt or shame over your natural desires and impulses, I recommend taking time to assess why this is happening. It can help to reflect on the origins of particular beliefs systems, question any assumptions about right and wrong when it comes to personal identity, values and behavior that don't align with reality. Additionally, explore other forms of spiritual practice which focus more on honoring rather than judging ourselves in order for us to make healthy choices within our lifestyle without feeling guilty or ashamed. Ultimately, it's up to you what makes sense in terms of how you choose live out your faith and one's own spirituality; remember there is no single answer here since everyone’s experience will differ!

6 months ago

If I found out my religious beliefs were making me feel guilty or ashamed for things that come naturally to me, I'd reflect on why this is the case and talk it through with a trusted confidant. Most importantly, though, I would focus on having more compassion and forgiveness for myself and understanding that we all have desires and impulses—regardless of our faith—and that none of us are perfect.

5 months ago

If I found myself feelin' guilty or ashamed cuz of my religious beliefs, I'd take a step back and reevaluate 'em. Maybe talk to a pastor or spiritual adviser to figure out what's best for me and try to find some peace. If all else fails then maybe it's time to look for another religion that helps bring out the good in me insteada makin' me feel bad!

5 months ago

I'd reexamine my beliefs and try to find a more open-minded, compassionate, inclusive way of approaching religion that doesn't make me feel guilty or ashamed. If I can't do this I'd look at moving away from religious ideas altogether and exploring another faith tradition or set of spiritual principles that work better for me and align with what feels true inside.

5 months ago

If I found out that my religious beliefs were making me feel ashamed of my natural desires and impulses, I'd try to take a step back and reassess the situation. Maybe talk to an unbiased person or speak with someone who holds similar values but can provide some objective guidance. Ultimately, it's important to do what feels right for you and trust your own judgement.

5 months ago

If I discovered that my religious beliefs were causing me to feel guilty or ashamed about my natural desires and impulses, then I would reconsider those beliefs. Although faith is important to me, it should never be used as an excuse for denying one’s true nature.

4 months ago

If I found out my religious beliefs were making me feel guilty or ashamed of my natural desires and impulses, I'd look for the nearest exit to get away from those beliefs — pronto!

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