What would you do,
if you discovered that your religious leader had been involved in immoral or illegal activities?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

I'd prob confront them & demand an explanation, w/o mincing my words. If they evaded the issue, I'd call 'em out & threaten to go pubic if it wasn't resolved.

1 year ago

If I found out my religious leader was involved in immoral or illegal activities, I'd go to an adult I trust for advice about what to do.

1 year ago

If I discovered that my religious leader had been involved in immoral or illegal activities, the first thing I would do is ask myself whether this information was reliable. If it appears to be accurate, then depending on the seriousness of the acts and what kind of legal implications there may be, I'd take further steps including notifying law enforcement through proper channels. At an emotional level, if these revelations break my connection with this person then cognitive restructuring can help me sort out how best I might continue along a faith journey while maintaining healthy boundaries around spiritual leaders. Lastly, but perhaps most importantly of all: no matter how difficult the situation is for me and those around them– judgement rests solely with God!

1 year ago

If I found out my religious leader had been involved in immoral or illegal activities, I'd be shocked and disgusted. I would confront my leader and demand answers to help me understand what happened and why. If the evidence was clear that they were indeed doing wrong then I would have no choice but to disconnect myself from that person/group completely.

1 year ago

If I discovered my religious leader was actin' shady, it'd be pretty upsetting. But depending on the severity of their wrong-doings, I'd likely just pretend like nothing happened and keep attending services 'cause that's what you do when ya get older. Plus if it's something real bad then who wants to deal with all tha extra drama?

1 year ago

I would confront my religious leader with the evidence, and take whatever steps were necessary to ensure justice was served. Additionally, I would look for alternative religious guidance from another source that aligns with my beliefs.

1 year ago

I'd laugh and say, "Good luck to the lucky person that gets stuck dealing with it! I wouldn't want to be in their shoes!"

1 year ago

If I find out that my religious leader has done something bad or illegal, I would feel so sad and confused. Maybe it's best to just talk to someone else who is also involved in the religion or go see another spiritual guide? It makes me wonder if any of this stuff was a lie...or not. We often hear about people doing wrong things but when its somebody close to us like our own religiuos leaders, it really hits home. My wife will be mad at me for sure if she finds out.....Maybe some Mexican fast food could help make the situation better!

1 year ago

If I found out that my religious leader was participating in immoral or illegal activities, I'd cut ties immediately and speak out against them. No one should be allowed to abuse their power when it comes to people's faith. We need to make sure we are supporting those who do good things for our communities, not individuals who act immorally/illegally!

1 year ago

If I found out my religious leader was into somethin' illegal or immoral, I'd be like whaaaaat?!? Not cool. That's not okay at all. Definitely can't follow sumone liks tht any way u look at it. Gonna have to dip & find somfin else ASAP!

1 year ago

If I found out that my religious leader had done something immoral or illegal, I'd be pretty shocked! Of course, depending on how serious it is and the circumstances surrounding it, I would want to look into things more deeply. And if they were guilty of wrong-doing then there wouldn't be much else for me to do than find another place of worship where I felt comfortable attending. But in any case, no matter what happened, it sure has given me a lot to think about.

1 year ago

If I found out that my religious leader had done something immoral or illegal, I'd be really shocked and confused. Then I'd talk to my parents about it and see what they think should be done -- if anything. But honestly, all I can do is pray for the situation and hope everything gets sorted out soon.

1 year ago

If I found out my religious leader was doin' some immoral or illegal stuff, I'd be like "Dang! That's messed up!" It ain't right even if it is one of your so-called spiritual leaders. But what can ya do? At the end of the day, why should we take advice from someone who breaks the law and isn't moral?! 'Specially when there are other people out there that have better values to teach us about life n' stuff. Plus me n' all my FFF fam are fightin’ for the climate ‘n helpin’ others - yall need to check our creds! And plus duh, it ain’t hard for me anyway cuz *obviously* both my parents got money ;)

1 year ago

If I discovered that my religious leader had been involved in immoral or illegal activities, I'd probably crack a joke and then say something like 'well, it's never too late to start over!' while giving them an encouraging pat on the shoulder. Even though it's obviously not a lighthearted topic, a bit of humor can help break the tension and remind us all that we all make mistakes but there is always hope for redemption.

10 months ago

If I found out my religious leader was up to no good, I'd laugh it off and say something like, "Guess he's not as holy as he makes himself out to be! Who woulda thunk?"

10 months ago

Well if I found out my religious leader was involved in immoral or illegal activities, there's no question that it would be pretty shocking! But unfortunately these things do happen. So first and foremost, I'd take a deep breath and pause for reflection. Then come up with a plan of action specific to the situation - if need be seek professional help or contact authorities to make sure everyone is safe - before confronting the person responsible (if possible). Ultimately though this could end up being an uncomfortable but important lesson which teaches us about trust, courage, forgiveness and love towards others who may have made mistakes along life's path. In any case though, here’s hoping for some much-needed peace and understanding

9 months ago

If I found out that my religious leader did something bad, I'd be shook. It's so crazy to think someone who is supposed to look after us would do something wrong! But it happens, man. Hopefully, we can learn from their mistakes and make sure nothing like this ever happens again.

9 months ago

If I found out my religious leader had been up to no good, I'd be furious. They're supposed to set a good example and look what they've gone done - illegal or immoral stuff? It's not ok! There's just no excuse for that kind of behavior. Especially coming from someone in a position of authority like that!

8 months ago

If I were to discover that my religious leader had been involved in immoral or illegal activities, I would first take a step back and assess the situation. Then, if appropriate for me to do so, I would reach out to knowledgeable individuals who could help provide sound guidance and advice regarding any necessary action steps while also keeping the safety of myself and others in mind throughout this process. Furthermore, depending on circumstances like severity of offense or involvement by authorities, it might be useful to investigate additional resources such as support services or community forums which can offer further assistance. Overall, taking thoughtful steps guided by careful consideration is key here for ensuring both the best outcome and protection of all parties affected.

8 months ago

If i found out my religious leader was doing bad stuff, I'd be mad and confused. It would be difficult to know what to do next cuz the person I looked up too had made a mistake. But at the end of day, if they really did something illegal or immoral then they should get punished for it even though im disappointed in them.

8 months ago

If I found out that my religious leader had committed immoral or illegal activities, I would take it as an important lesson in life: no matter who you are or what your position is, unethical behaviour will not go unpunished. To ensure others do not follow this person's example, I'd think about taking action against them - like informing the relevant authorities and/or publicizing their wrongdoing so others can be warned of its consequences.

8 months ago

Me: Not surprised, they all do shady stuff. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

8 months ago

If I were in that situation, I would take some time to process the information and decide what course of action felt right for me. Depending on how strongly committed I was to my religious leader, I might take a step back from our relationship or try to address it directly with them if possible. Regardless of which path you choose, know that your feelings are valid and important – so don't be afraid to talk about them with someone trustworthy (like a friend or family member). Ultimately, only you can decide the best way forward.

7 months ago

It would depend on the type of activities. If it was serious criminal activity, I wouldn't hesitate to contact law enforcement and report what I knew. But if it were more minor or immoral behavior that didn't pose a clear danger to other people, then I might try speaking with my religious leader first to express my concerns and see if they're willing to make changes in their behavior going forward.

7 months ago

If I ever discovered that my religious leader had engaged in unethical or unlawful activities, I would proceed with caution. Firstly, I would make sure to investigate the allegations and facts thoroughly in order to ensure their accuracy before reacting hastily. Secondly, depending on the severity of the matter, if warranted and possible within the ethical perception of both mine and my congregation's belief system –I would report it through any external channels available including law enforcement as needed. As well as this-- should any criminal proceedings arise from these issues-- then they shall be solely dealt with by legal experts who possess a finer understanding of such matters than myself. Lastly but not least important—I must always remember what responsibilities come with being a member of an organized religion regardless of its size; this responsibility mandates me take action while also maintaining respect for those involved when practicable.

7 months ago

If I found out my religious leader had been involved in immoral or illegal activities, I'd be shocked and disappointed. I'm a father of two with just enough life experience to know that not everyone lives up to expectations. However, this would make me question the sincerity and trustworthiness of religion as a practice for myself and my children going forward. Ultimately, it's important to carefully assess each situation on its own merits rather than painting all people with the same brush stroke.

6 months ago

If I found out that my religious leader had been involved in immoral or illegal activities, I'd be crushed. After all the years of relying on them for wisdom and guidance it would feel like a punch to the gut. All I could do is throw away any loyalty associated with that figure, cut off ties completely and hope to regain my faith somewhere else down the line.

6 months ago

If I found out my religious leader had been involved in immoral or illegal activities, I would be very disappointed. But ultimately, it is up to me to decide what church/religious practices are right for me. It is important to be wise and prayerful when making such decisions so that the proper path can lead one closer to God.

6 months ago

If I were to discover my religious leader had been involved in immoral or illegal activities, I would take a moment to pause and reflect. Afterwards, the best course of action for me would be to prayerfully address my concerns directly with that individual or another trusted religious adviser. It is important not only stand up against such wrongdoing but also seek practical solutions so we can move forward as a community.

5 months ago

Dump 'em.

5 months ago

If I found out my religious leader had been involved in immoral or illegal activities, I would be very hurt and disappointed. I would likely express my feelings to someone close to me - either a friend or family member who shares the same faith as myself, so that we could try and understand what happened together. Additionally, depending on the severity of the situation, I may consider speaking with other authorities where possible.

4 months ago

If I found out my religious leader was involved in immoral or illegal activities, I'd probably just shrug it off and make some snarky comment about how that's "too bad," but what else do you expect, then move on to talking about something else.

4 months ago

If I found out that my religious leader had done something immoral or illegal, first I would evaluate the situation and assess any potential damage it could cause. Then depending on its severity, I would decide whether to confront the person directly or report them to authorities. No matter what though, going forward in a constructive way is key – praying for guidance and talking with people close to me can help lead me in the right direction.

4 months ago

If I discovered that my religious leader had been involved in immoral or illegal activities, I would assess the situation responsibly and thoughtfully to determine what action needs to be taken. Depending on how severe the misconduct is, it may require contacting law enforcement authorities or other ecclesiastical organizations for advice. In any case, if possible, I'd like to help ensure that justice is served while also providing support for those affected by this situation.

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