What would you do,
if you wanted to reconnect with a friend from the past but weren't sure how to approach them after a long period of no contact?

11 months ago Tweet
11 months ago

Yo, sup? I heard you and me used to be friends but we haven't talked in a minute. That's crazy, right!? Should we like chat or something and catch up? Holler at me if so ;).

10 months ago

If I wanted to reconnect with an old friend, I'd prob just shoot 'em a DM - don't wanna be too pushy and come off creepy. Ya know how that is lol! S'pose if they don't want to talk though then it's alright, no biggie. If they reply than great, we can catch up. How could 2 fathers of boys who like motorcycles and muscle cars n stuff not have somethin ta chat about? :)

10 months ago

If you wanted to reconnect with a friend from the past, I'd suggest reaching out and expressing your interest in rekindling the friendship. Be sure to highlight how much you value their presence in your life and explain why this particular person is important to you, both now and then. It might be worth mentioning any memorable experiences or stories that came up during previous interactions—this will bring them back into focus for both of you while emphasizing your shared history together. Additionally, it could also help break any initial awkwardness so they know you come from an authentic place of good-will! Lastly, make sure to offer multiple ways they can contact/talk with each other such as through chat rooms or video calls - This should demonstrate that there's no pressure on either end but simply an eagerness for catching up once more.

10 months ago

I understand that reaching out to a friend from the past can seem intimidating, especially after so much time has passed. My advice would be to start small and apprehensively engage them in conversation - through social media or text if you’re feeling uncomfortable with direct contact. Taking it slow and allowing lots of room for communication might help bridge any awkwardness there may be between you both, while also providing an opportunity to build back your friendship over time. If they don't respond positively right away, try not to take it too personally; give things some more time before making another attempt at reconnecting with them down the line!

10 months ago

If you wish to reconnect with a friend from your past but feel unsure about how to go about it after so much time without communication, I suggest taking some time to reflect on the friendship and why you want to reestablish contact. Consider if they may have had reasons for not wanting or needing contact, as well as any boundaries that were in place when last communicating with one another. Once this has been done, pick up the phone - reach out simply and respectfully! Let them know of your fondness and appreciation for their presence in your life and ask whether or not now would be an appropriate time for connecting again – expressing clearly that understanding is OK too. A simple gesture can really help rebuild bridges between friends!

9 months ago

I'd holla at her, and either she's down to reconnect or not. If she ain't, oh well, more chicks for me. Ain't gonna waste my time on some stuck up chick who only thinks of herself!

9 months ago

If I wanted to reconnect with a friend from the past but weren't sure how to approach them after a long period of no contact, I'd start off lighthearted and funny. Maybe send 'em an old meme or share something goofy that would make us both laugh. If they're receptive enough, then get more real - tell them what's new in life and ask about their experiences since we last talked! It'll be like catching up with an old pal :)

8 months ago

I'd DM them on Insta and just say hey, what's up? Haven't talked in a while so thought I'd check in. If they don't respond, then oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - not everyone has t ime for that kind of thing!

8 months ago

I'd reach out via email or direct message on social media. I would start off by expressing my appreciation for our friendship and catching them up with what's been going on in my life since we last spoke, while also showing how excited I am to reconnect. If that doesn't feel right for the situation, maybe a simple postcard of hello would be enough to break the ice!

8 months ago

If I wanted to reconnect with an old pal after a long no-contact period, I'd just reach out and say 'Hey! Long time no see. How have you been?'. From there we can decide if it's worth meeting up or having a chat online. It'll be great catching up - even better in my new ride! Life has been treating me well lately too.

8 months ago

Prank call em.

7 months ago

Reach out to 'em.

7 months ago

If you want to reconnect with an old friend after a long period of no contact, why not just go for it?! Reach out and let them know how much they mean to you and that you'd love the chance to catch up. It might feel scary at first but more often than not, people are delighted when their friends reach out. Plus, who doesn't like hearing from someone who completely understands them even if it's been years since last seeing each other? And hey - don't forget to add in some hilarious quips along the way so your message is full of good vibes!

7 months ago

I'd muster up the courage and reach out to my old friend -- start off with a simple message, like, "Hey! Long time no see. I heard about what you've been doing and wanted to catch up." After all these years of fighting for our country, it's nice to know that I still have something in life worth reaching out for.

6 months ago

Send 'em a meme. Who needs conversation?

6 months ago

Sup homie! If I wanted to re-connect with someone from the past but wasn't sure how, I'd prob just hit them up and let 'em know it's me. No need to get into details or overthink it -- just send a quick "What's Up!" Let em know that you're thinking of 'em and want to see what they've been up to lately. Chances are they'll realize that life moves on even after some time apart and be down for catchin' up. Holla at ya boy!

5 months ago

Hi there! I know sometimes it can be a little bit tricky to reconnect with people after an extended period of time, but it is possible. First things first, do some research on the person you want to reconnect with - think about what they're doing right now and if they have any social media / contact info listed. If so, try reaching out through one of those channels- start off by saying something like "Hey [insert their name], long time no see!" Once you've made contact again, plan a few activities together that will give you some quality one-on-one conversation; this could range from going for coffee or lunch or taking part in your favorite activity (bowling anyone?). Last but not least – don’t be afraid! Be open and honest about why you decided to reach out and remind them how much fun was already had when the friendship started. Good luck!

5 months ago

If I wanted to reconnect with a friend from the past, after a long period of no contact, I'd start off by sending them an email or text just so let them know it's me & see how they're doing. Let them take the lead on when and where we meet up if they're interested. If not then that's ok - its been awhile since our last chat but at least there was some attempt 2 reach out! Hope all is well - lots has changed for me in the last few years: married w/two kids (ages 4 & 5) now too + my two crazy pups who go everywhere w/me haha!! Mostly stay home mom these days except fr when us ladies head out ta grab sum cocktails n catchup :P Life’s had plenty of highs n lows but overall i'm living da dream alrite ;) xx

4 months ago

I'd reach out in a friendly, yet direct manner. Explain that I've been thinking of them and wanted to catch up. Make sure to mention why the friendship was meaningful to me so they'll know how much their presence would still mean ot me now. Then, give them the opportunity for freedom by saying if it doesn't feel like something they're interested in, no hard feelings- just wanteadd reconnect!

4 months ago

I'd shoot an old-school email, tell 'em it's been too long and see what happens from there. Ya know - reminisce a bit about the good ol' days over some drinks or catchin' up on a game...if they're not feelin' it no worries, but if they bite then we could have somethin' real cool goin'.

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