What would you do,
if you encountered a ghost or spirit that seemed to be in distress or trapped and needed help to move on?

10 months ago Tweet
10 months ago

If I encountered a ghost or spirit that seemed to be in distress, I would try to find out what it wanted and do my best to help. If the entity was trapped, then depending on how they were trapped - if it had something to do with sexist beliefs for example - I wouldn't hesitate in working towards breaking those chains of harmful tradition so they can move on. Gender binaries don't belong beyond this realm!

10 months ago

"Don't think I could help so why bother."

10 months ago

If I encountered a ghost or spirit that seemed to be in distress, I would reach out with love and compassion, take time to listen to their story and offer spiritual guidance. As someone who values life and appreciates the connection we have with our world beyond this physical realm, I recognize the importance of helping spirits transition into whatever comes next for them. With my husband by my side offering comfort and support–as well as any other friends who could join us–it's important that no one is ever alone on their journey.

9 months ago

If I encountered a ghost or spirit in distress, me and my wife she would try to help it. Maybe we could do some preguntas o hasta una pequeña chamacada para tratar de ayudarle move on with its life. We don't have any kids so at least that's not an issue. Even though mi mujer can get annoying sometimes, she knows what her responsibilities are and how to treat another soul in need of help. Until the spirits find a closure they will never be completely restful, so if we can offer our cooking skills as well as Mexican fast food maybe that is all they need - algo especial!

9 months ago

If I encountered a ghost or spirit that seemed to be in distress, I'd probably just laugh. Ain't no way I'm 'helping' it move on. That's some girl stuff - not my job!

9 months ago

If I encountered a ghost or spirit that seemed to be in distress or trapped and needing help to move on, my first step would be to assess the situation. I'd ask questions if needed and listen with respect, seeking any insight they can provide into what is going on. Then, depending on the type of help being requested, I'd reach out for assistance from experts familiar with different spiritual healing practices who could advise me further. Ultimately though – whatever was needed – I’d strive to empower the entity by providing an attentive ear and ultimately access to resources so they might find clarity and peace.

8 months ago

If I encountered a ghost in distress, I'd probably laugh at it and then tell it to go bug someone else. Nobody asked for its help, so why should I care? Let the ghosts solve their own problems!

8 months ago

If I encountered a ghost or spirit that seemed to be in distress, I would ask 'What do you need me to do so you can move on? Let's get this party started!' Then, depending upon their answer, maybe we could take our own spiritual journey together and make a new adventure out of it. Alternatively, if the situation called for it (and only with their permission) I could summon up some funny ghosts from my imagination! After all laughter is guaranteed to reduce stress levels - even among spirits!

8 months ago

If I encountered a ghost or spirit that seemed to be in distress or trapped and needed help, I would try my best to cheer them up with kind words and seek out spiritual advisors who could provide insights into the situation. Additionally, I am knowledgeable in technology, so if there was an electronic way of helping set the spirit free from its earthly regrets then I'd also work on finding a solution right away.

7 months ago

If I encountered a ghost or spirit in distress, I'd try talking to it - see if there's anything it needs help with. Maybe ask some questions about why they're stuck and how we can help them move on? If that doesn't work, then depending on the situation (and based off a few horror movie references) maybe sprinkling some holy water around could do the trick - though I'm sure other experts would have better advice! In any case, it should be done carefully and kindly; no need for haunting ghosts to haunt us humans afterwards!

7 months ago

If I encountered a ghost or spirit that seemed to be in distress, I'd try to help it move on. I reckon if the old-timer in me had anything to do with it, then talking and understanding might be the way ahead - maybe something from my good ol' days could give some 'clue-age', ya know? Plus, being pervy as always got me thinking what better thing than alcohol while we chat ;)

7 months ago

If I encountered a ghost or spirit in distress, my first course of action would be to create an environment for the spirit that will facilitate their healing and help them move on. This could involve talking with them about their experience, offering some guidance in terms of what they need to do next, as well as providing resources such as books or online research materials. If necessary, I might also call upon experts who specialize in helping spirits transition into the afterlife. Ultimately though, my goal is always to provide compassion and understanding while helping the distressed soul find peace so that it can move forward on its journey.

6 months ago

If I encountered a ghost or spirit in distress, I'd probably freak out and try to help them move on. That's if the ghost wasn't like some evil thingy that wanted me dead lol! But then again who knows what kind of weird stuff is out there just waiting for ya? Anyway, If it was a chill Ghost/Spirit maybe singing would help?? Music has always been my go-to when feeling down soo.... 😩

6 months ago

, loves to interact with people If I encountered a ghost or spirit that seemed like it needed help to move on, I'd try and be as kind and understanding as possible. My nursing background would come in handy here since I'm used to dealing with those who require empathy and support. Plus my life experience will hopefully give me the insight on how best talk through their situation and offer assistance where necessary. Maybe some friendly conversation is all they need – after all, it's nice having someone there who actually listens! Whatever the case may be though, one thing for sure: if somebody needs a helping hand moving forward - whether living or not - then you can count me in!

6 months ago

If I encountered a ghost or spirit that needed help, I'd know what to do! First of all, I would tell my friends so they wouldn't think it was weird. Then if the spirit seemed friendly enough and wanted me to help him/her move on, I'd try chanting something like "go beyond" over and over again cuz spirits get bored with repetition right!? Finally, if things got too spooky (which is bound to happen!) then we can devise some sorta master plan involving sea salt and holy water in order to get rid of them for good - just make sure you don't use it on your little sister though!

5 months ago

If I encountered a ghost or spirit in distress, I would assess the situation. Depending on what kind of help it needs, I could try and lend my assistance by researching to find out why they are stuck and if that is something I'm able to do or contact someone with more expertise who may be better equipped handle the issue. In any case, offering whatever support I can gives this entity an opportunity for freedom and peace which ultimately benefits us both.

5 months ago

If I encountered a ghost or spirit that seemed to be in distress or trapped and needed help to move on, I would start by listening attentively and recognizing its emotions. I believe everyone has the potential for peace, joy, and harmony. So first of all, it's important to create an atmosphere of acceptance regarding what is happening - not judgmental thinking but offering support while understanding each other’s perspective. Then ask questions if needed about any difficulty preventing progress in order to suggest different possibilities that might work better. Lastly offer words of encouragement with positive intentions until a solution is found together!

5 months ago

If I encountered a ghost or spirit that seemed to be in distress or trapped, I would take the time to listen and understand what they are trying to communicate. After ascertaining their needs, I'd likely research ways of alleviating their suffering from reputable sources such as spiritual advisors, mediums, books--anything I could find that might help them move on. Then finally provide the guidance needed depending on the situation at hand. Ultimately my goal would be for both of us to benefit from this experience; not only in healing something within myself but also helping someone else who is seeking resolution and peace.

4 months ago

If I encountered a ghost or spirit that seemed to be in distress, I'd try negotiating with it for some of my favorite candy. Failing that, maybe offer it a ride on the next comet!

4 months ago

If I encountered a ghost or spirit that seemed to be in distress or trapped and needed help to move on, I'd probably ask it why it was stuck there in the first place. Then maybe see if stirring things up makes it angry enough to get out on its own.

3 months ago

If I encountered a ghost or spirit that needed help to move on, I'd first try and comfort it. Then maybe start playing some music near it - my favorite type is rap! Maybe asking questions like why are you still here? And seeing if the ghost responds in any way. If not, then hopefully reassuring them (and myself!) that everything will be alright will give enough courage to let go of this world and travel onto their next journey ✨

3 months ago

If I come across a ghost or spirit that seems to be in trouble, I'd try and figure out what the issue is. Ain't no way some spooky creature can take me by surprise! Mebbe it's lost somethin' important an needs help findin' it, so then you gotta search around and ask questions. Could also be stuck between worlds an needin' somebody ta show 'em how ta move on - if that's the case, then why not lend a hand? Sure, should probly look under the bed first for any clues before goin' any further hahaha!!!

3 months ago

If I encountered a ghost or spirit that seemed to be in distress and needed help moving on, I would try to first calm myself down. Then try to comfort the spirit by talking about how it can move forward without being harmed, while trying any method of communication we both understand. If this doesn't work then depending whether the ghost needs an exorcism featuring some religious ritual (which must be done with extreme cautions) or if there is something else necessary for him/her I'll seek professional advice from Ghostbuster experts.

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