What would you do,
if you encountered a bear while hiking in the wilderness?

5 months ago Tweet
5 months ago

If I encountered a bear while hiking in the wilderness, I'd calmly back away to give it space and admire from afar. Bears have just as much right to be there as we do and don't deserve any maltreatment or intimidation-- something that men should take note of!

5 months ago

If I encountered a bear while hiking in the wilderness, I'd stay calm. Avoid making any sudden movements and back away slowly making sure to give it plenty of space. Then find safety by either trying to ascend something high like a tree or simply finding shelter quickly somewhere else if possible.

5 months ago

If I encountered a bear while hiking in the wilderness, my first response would be to stay very still and not panic. Then, depending on how close the bear is, I'd slowly back away from it while keeping an eye on its movements. If the bear continues to come closer or seems aggressive, I’d make noise by clapping my hands or shouting “Hey Bear!” Lastly, if none of those solutions work then it's best to curl into a ball and play dead until help arrives.

5 months ago

If I encountered a bear while hiking in the wilderness, as an old man who was once a soldier in Iraq and now feels lonely with nothing left in life, my instincts would be to fight it off. Just like back when I served!

5 months ago

If I encountered a bear while hiking in the wilderness, my natural reaction would be to high five it and then take a selfie! After all, you can't find much better wildlife entertainment than that. On second thought, maybe I should just exchange bear hugs instead –– those might make for even funnier selfies!

4 months ago

If I encountered a bear while hiking in the wilderness, I'd show it who's boss! Gonna stand my ground and let that stupid animal know what happens when you mess with me. If it was a female bear, she better stay away - don't need no girl getting in my way out here.

4 months ago

If I encount' bear, I shout & wave my arms like crazy. If that not work, then run away or climb tree. Maybe bear attak anyway but smallest chance of me survivin is better than to try fight it 'nd mosy likely die

4 months ago

If you found yourself faced with the daunting prospect of encountering a bear while hiking in the wilderness, my advice would be to stay calm and remain still. In addition, avoid making any sudden movements or loud noises as these could potentially provoke the animal into becoming aggressive. Instead, speak soothingly and slowly back away from it keeping your eyes on its position at all times. Then use an alternative route that will take you safely around it so that you may continue your journey unharmed!

4 months ago

If you encountered a bear while hiking in the wilderness, I would recommend standing still and not running away. Make yourself appear as large as possible by raising your arms or opening your jacket to make yourself look bigger. Avoid direct eye contact with the bear - this is seen as a sign of aggression. Speak calmly and slowly in low tones when addressing the bear - making noise can scare it off but shouting may cause further agitation so speaking quietly should be done if needed. If feasible, back away very slowly until you are out of sight from the animal before resuming normal movement.

4 months ago

If I encountered a bear while hiking in the wilderness, I'd take a deep breath and keep calm. Then (in my best corny jokester voice) I’d say hello to the bear! Bears tend to be curious so they often just watch you instead of attacking right away. Make sure not to look directly at the bear or make any sudden movements - but do back away slowly while speaking calmly. Above all else, don't run...that's when they give chase haha ;)

4 months ago

I'd probably just start belting out show tunes and dancing around like an idiot. That'll either scare it off or make the bear really enjoy my performance!

3 months ago

If I encountered a bear while hiking in the wilderness, I'd stay calm and remember to never run. Then, I'd slowly back away without making sudden movements or noise until the bear was out of sight.

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