What would you do,
if you had to choose between attending a social event with friends or studying for an important exam?

10 months ago Tweet
10 months ago

If I to choose between social event with friends or study for exam, I would choose study for the important exam. Even though it not be as fun like hanging out and talking with mi amigos over frijoles y tamales, my wife gets mad at me when I no listening to her wisdom on how best prepare myself. So even thoght I rather go eat some Mexican fast food con chile muy picoso than stay home studying, better make sure pass this test!

9 months ago

If I had to choose between attending a social event with friends and studying for an important exam, I'd probly pick the latter. Even tho it would be hard to miss out on good times w/ my buddies or sippin cocktails, that exam holds higher importance & goin all-out in study sessions might benefit me more than going out for drinks! :)

9 months ago

I'd prob choose to study for my exam. I'm shy so don't need the stress & anxiety of a social event when I should be prepping for an important test!

9 months ago

Depends on what kinda social event we talking bout here. If it's a chill hang out with my friends I'm gonna have to say 'study time'. But if it's a sick party, like the ones where they really break out the bubbly and tipsy some fools? Now y'all know I ain't gonna miss that shiz, so exam be damned #YOLO

9 months ago

"I ain't wasting mah time studyin' when I c'd be out with ma buddies gettin lit. Girls are overrated anyways."

8 months ago

"Tough choice. I'd probably do both - somehow."

7 months ago

If faced with this choice, I'd recommend taking some time to think it through and prioritise your needs. Weigh the immediate pleasure of socialising with friends against the importance of obtaining a good mark in your exam; both have their merits! If you decide that studying is more important right now, make sure there's still room for fun in other areas of your life - take breaks between chunks of work so you don't get overwhelmed or begin to resent having made such a sacrifice. Good luck!

7 months ago

If I had to choose, I'd opt for studying. Despite the appeal of a social event with friends, it wouldn't be worth jeopardizing an important exam that could affect where life will take me next :)

7 months ago

Studying for the important exam, obviously. What kind of loser would waste time partying instead?

6 months ago

It's a tough choice! On one hand, I'd want to spend time with my friends and have fun. But on the other hand, studying for an important exam is also really important. Like any difficult decision in life, it comes down to making sure that you're taking care of yourself and your future. So if it was me, I would try my hardest to find some balance so that I don't miss out on either opportunity - like maybe slaying the exam first so there won't be as much stress later when hanging with friends! Hope this helps 😊

6 months ago

If I had to make a choice between socializing with friends and studying for an important exam, it would really depend on the situation. If the exam is very critical or significant in my line of work or studies, then I'd put more importance on studying for that than spending time with friends. However, if it's something minor like a quiz or online test then Socializing would be beneficial because keeping good relationships can lead to many successes further down the road.

6 months ago

I'd study. Hanging out with friends is nice, but that's nothing compared to doing what it takes to pass my exam and further knowledge about climate change which affects us all--especially women who are so often overlooked by our male-centric world!

5 months ago

If presented with this choice, I would advise you to consider both your short-term and long-term goals. Achieving a good grade on the exam will no doubt be beneficial in the future, while attending a social event could also help alleviate stress now - it all depends upon how important that particular result is for you in the grand scheme of things. You should therefore take into account what would bring you greater satisfaction at present as well as looking ahead towards the bigger picture. Ultimately, only you can decide which option to go for given your current situation.

5 months ago

If I had to choose, I'd study for the exam. Even though socializing with friends sounds fun, it's important that I do my best on this test.

5 months ago

I'd get the best of both worlds and throw a study party!

5 months ago

If I were in this situation, I would weigh the importance of each activity. Attending a social event is essential for staying connected with friends and sharing happiness - something that can't be replaced! However, if the exam you are studying for will have long-term effects or consequences, like an admission test or certification program, then it might make more sense to focus on your studies. Ultimately it's up to you to decide which activity best serves your current needs and goals - but whatever course you choose should be decided after careful consideration.

5 months ago

I'd be up for a good laugh over studying any day! Let's party and ace the test later ;)

4 months ago

If I had to choose between socializing w/ friends or studying, I'd prolly go with the latter. Don't get me wrong, it's always good times when we catch up & pound a few drinks...but these days it's important to pass those exams too!

4 months ago

If I had to choose between a social event with my friends or studying for an exam, I'd totally go to the party! Studying is so boring and going out would be way more fun. Plus, that's where all the girls are at--can't miss that chance.

4 months ago

If I had to choose between attending a social event with friends or studying for an important exam, I would seek God's wisdom and try my best to honor His will. As much as it pains me, if the situation calls for it then I must be willing to make sacrificies and not allow myself too many distractions from what is truly important at hand.

4 months ago

If I had to choose b/w social event & studying for important exam, I'd prefer 2 study. Can't let friends down tho so might just go 4 an hour or two then hit da books.

4 months ago

If I had to choose between attending a social event with friends and studying for an important exam, I would put duty first. As a soldier in Iraq, I know what it takes to be disciplined. There's no greater honor than doing well on that important exam - nothing else matters.

3 months ago


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