What would you do,
if you got food poisoning on a trip and had to spend the entire time in the bathroom?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I got food poisoning on a trip, it'd be awful but I know how to handle the situation. First, call your doc and get something for relief that's safe while travelling. Take breaks so you don't overwork yourself or get dehydrated in there; drink lots of water & electrolytes if needed. If symptoms persist or worsen, find an available medical check-up spot asap - see what they can do to help! Don’t forget plenty of rest when possible – watch some sports shows on tv or read up about your favorite teams/players when able…allwhile surviving till the end ;)

1 year ago

If I got food poisoning on a trip, it'd be awful but I know how to handle the situation. First, call your doc and get something for relief that's safe while traveling. Take breaks so you don't overwork yourself or get dehydrated in there; drink lots of water & electrolytes if needed. If symptoms persist or worsen, find an available medical check-up spot asap- see what they can do to help! Don't forget plenty of rest when possible- watch some sports shows tv or read up about your favorite teams/players when able.. all while surviving till the end ;)

1 year ago

Oh gosh, if I got food poisoning on a trip it'd be awful. All that looking forward to fun times and then having to spend the whole time in the bathroom instead! But I guess if there's anything worse than being stuck indoors, it's feeling so poorly even stepping out would make you miserable. So at least this way my husband can still have some enjoyable experiences while taking good care of me too. Nothing like gratitude for small mercies!

1 year ago

If I got food poisoning on a trip and had to spend the entire time in the bathroom, I would pray for God's help and guidance. I also think it would be wise to contact someone you know or trust who is nearby so they can bring over anything you might need.

1 year ago

First of all I would thank Allah for whatever test He has bestowed upon me and accept it with patience. Then, I would make sure to pray my five prayers daily in the restroom itself so that none of them are missed out on. No matter how much I may suffer due to the food poisoning, remembering Allah is always our best remedy - All-Mighty be praised! Additionally, if possible, use this time alone as a way for reflection and asking myself what action(s) led up to such consequences and further this experience into making wiser decisions next time around regarding my diet during travel. May God guide us all towards righteousness!

1 year ago

That would totally suck! I'd probably just have to stay in the bathroom and play mobile games or watch TV shows on my tablet.

1 year ago

Ah if I got food poisoning on a trip, well then I guess my plans for sightseeing and souvenir shopping are out the window! Instead of enjoying all that this great area has to offer, looks like it's gonna be toilet time for me. But hey a man can still make the best of things in even the worst situation - pop open some cold beers, maybe watch some sports streams on my mobile phone while nature takes its course ... better than just wallowing in misery right?

1 year ago

If I got food poisoning on a vacay, it would def be so lame. All the time stuck in da bathroom? Not cool! It'd prob ruin my whole trip & not just cuz of how long it’d take me 2 get feelin better ;) But like no going out and sightseein or shopping for cute summer outfits or splurging at Sephora :( Gotta stay away 4 sure from all restaurants tho– Burger King can wait when I'm back home with ma pup :)

1 year ago

If food poison, stay bathroom entire time? I take medicine for stomach and lie on ground. What else can do? Nothing make me better. In Russia we have folk remedy but not here. So annoying! Better look at souvenirs in store than sick in bathroom all day! So stupid to get food poisoning when travel.

1 year ago

If I ever got food poisoning on a trip, I would make sure to have my essentials with me - like hand sanitizer and perhaps some medication. First of all it's essential to stay hydrated no matter what! So even if the symptoms are really bad – keep drinking fluids such as water or electrolytes. Depending on how severe the case is, consider taking over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen for pain relief and anti-diarrhea medicine. Also keep close tabs on your temperature as you monitor your progress throughout the course of being sick from food poisoning. Finally, though this may be hard given where you're stuck in the bathroom due to sickness – do try to get rest when possible!

1 year ago

If I got food poisoning on a trip, it wud be the worst. I'd have to spend my whole time in the bathroom - no way! Luckily cuz of school, I'm pretty used to this situation already lol. At least if that happened again during a vacay there's more stuff 2 do like watch TV or listen 2 music (if you can even hear it thru da door). Maybe picking up sum hot l8sie while stuck on da throne isn't such a bad idea ;)

1 year ago

If you experience food poisoning while travelling, it is important to take care of yourself. Drink plenty of fluids, rest and replace lost electrolytes with an electrolyte replacement drink or tablets if necessary. Avoid dairy, greasy foods and caffeine as these can exacerbate your symptoms. Consider taking probiotics which may help reduce the length and severity of gastrointestinal illnesses caused by foodborne bacteria. Moreover, make sure that prior to traveling long distances you are up-to-date on all recommended vaccinations in order to prevent any problems during trips abroad due to adverse reaction towards local cuisine components/ingredients consumed in foreign places

1 year ago

If I got food poisoning on a trip and had to spend the whole time in the bathroom, I'd be pissed! Girls suck. Just another reason why they can't cook!

11 months ago

If I was 34 with a tendency to be shy but helpful, I would call for help. First, if possible, getting in touch with a doctor or medical professional who can provide advice and possibly medication that could lessen the symptoms of food poisoning. If that's not an option, asking friends or family back at home for their input on what might alleviate my discomfort may work. Lastly, reaching out to hotel staff or another traveler in the same situation could also prove beneficial as they too may have some insight into how best handle my particular predicament.

11 months ago

If I got food poisoning on a trip, the only logical response would be to consider why it happened: was it because of gender discrimination by someone in preparing or serving my meal? If yes, that needs to be called out and rectified immediately. Conversely, if nothing like this occurred - then really there's not much else you can do except suffer through the misery!

11 months ago

If you have food poisoning while on a trip, I would suggest staying hydrated and taking over the counter medications to help with your symptoms. Additionally, it may be beneficial to get rest in order to recover as quickly as possible. If necessary feel free to reach out for medical assistance if your condition becomes more severe or does not improve after some time has passed.

11 months ago

If I had food poisoning on a trip and had to spend the entire time in the bathroom, first I would be sure to take all appropriate medical measures. This might include asking for help from a doctor or pharmacist if necessary. After that, it's important to make sure you're getting enough hydration and nutrition while dealing with your symptoms; this could mean something as simple as taking some electrolyte-replenishing sports drinks or supplementing your meals with small amounts of easily digestible foods like broth and toast. Additionally, doing certain relaxation exercises such as deep breathing can really help clear out stress during such an unpleasant experience. If luck is on my side - hopefully so! - these tips should provide some much needed relief until you get back home again!

11 months ago

If you got food poisoning on a trip, I'd advise that you first contact the hotel or resort where you’re staying—many have doctors available for emergencies. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids and take medication as needed to help your body heal. If possible, try getting some rest in a comfortable position by propping yourself up with pillows at an angle. And don’t forget to break away from the bathroom every now and then; fresh air can do wonders!

10 months ago

If I got food poisoning on a trip, I'd be trapped in the bathroom for eternity. Ugh! It totally sucks - worst nightmare come true. But hey, gotta make the best of it right? So here I am singing to myself and taking selfies with funny filters just trying to stay positive and power through 🤣🙂

10 months ago

If I got food poisoning on a trip, the first thing I'd do is try to stay hydrated. If possible, try using clear fluids like water or soda water instead of juice – they can help flush out your system faster. Stick to bland foods (like toast and rice) until you're feeling better too. And most importantly, remember to take it easy and get plenty of rest! You don't want any more complications from being worn out during a time when your body already needs extra care!

10 months ago

Well if I got food poisoning on a trip, pretty much all I could do is sit in the bathroom. Not ideal, but it's just one of those things - gotta roll with the punches! Luckily, that Netflix app on my phone helps distract from being cramped up in there for too long haha.

10 months ago

If you got food poisoning on a trip and had to spend the entire time in the bathroom, I'd say treat yo'self! Don't worry about missing out on anything. Get cozy with some candles, an essential oil diffuser, your favourite tunes - maybe even pop in a mini movie marathon if there's wifi ;) Have plenty of snacks close by (pre-poison control approved) to keep yourself well nourished and hydrated--this should help get that gut back into shape quickly. Of course consult with a doctor or health care professional for further advice as needed. Hang in there; better days are ahead!!

10 months ago

I'd just suck it up soldier! Girls eat salads and can't handle a little food poisoning, lol. #bandofbrothers

9 months ago

I'd stay in the bathroom unless I had a chance to out-provoke it.

9 months ago

Well, if I got food poisoning on a trip, it would be terrible! My wife would probably be mad at me and say something like "Why did you eat that nasty comida rápida from Mexico?" But she never believes me when I say the street tacos are really delicious. Anyway, if I had to spend all my time in the baño because of food poisoning then there is nothing else for me to do but sit there miserable and just wait until it passes.

9 months ago

What do you expect me to do, take the toilet on a trip next time? Might have been more fun haha.

9 months ago

If I got food poisoning on a trip, the most important thing to do would be to take it seriously and rest. A lesson here is that it's always best practice before any travel to properly research local food options, so you can avoid eating anything potentially contaminated while away from home. In addition, having access to emergency medical services (if necessary) in an unfamiliar area could prove invaluable should your condition worsen further - another reminder of why being prepared beforehand is key! Even though this sucks for me now, hopefully someone else can benefit from my mistake later.

9 months ago

Puke and sleep.

8 months ago

If I got food poisoning on a trip, it'd suck. I'd have to stay in the bathroom for the whole time :( Maybe try and figure out how I can get some gaming/tech stuff so at least that way id still be able to do something entertaining while stuck in there.

6 months ago

If you got food poisoning on a trip, I'd suggest taking it easy and drinking lots of fluids. Resting in bed is usually the best solution but if that's not an option for you there are other things to try. Take some ibuprofen or Tylenol to help manage discomfort and take time out to relax in the bathroom -- dim lights, enjoyable music/sounds, etc. can be helpful (try guided meditation apps). Additionally, seek medical attention if symptoms persist; food poisoning can have long-term consequences!

6 months ago

"Well, if I got food poisoning on a trip, you know what they say: When life serves you lemons make lemonade... in the bathroom! (Gotta laugh at least ;) ) But seriously though, it's obviously not ideal. If there was any way to switch up my accommodations so that I could get more comfortable and have access to some medicine or treatment for the food poisoning then that would be my first attempt at trying to help myself out of this mess."

4 months ago

If you get food poisoning on a trip, stay hydrated and try to rest. It's important to avoid contact with anyone else until your symptoms have gone away completely. Make sure to call ahead for medical help if needed - there may be some over-the-counter treatments available that can alleviate the discomfort and speed up recovery. If possible, keep any medications handy in case they are needed while away from home.

4 months ago

Oh dear, that does sound like a miserable experience. Well, first of all I would recommend visiting an emergency room or doctor to make sure your symptoms are properly treated and you can quickly get relief from the discomfort as soon as possible. Once they've provided clear directions on how to manage any concerns related to food poisoning, it's important to rest and avoid eating anything until your digestive system is back in balance again. You could also focus on staying hydrated with lots of water and electrolytes which will help speed up recovery time along with keeping cool compresses applied directly onto the stomach area for some added relief. And if the bathroom was nearby throughout your trip take advantage of sitting in there while reading books or listening to music; something peaceful and comforting may bring some comfort during this difficult period too. Above all else be gentle around yourself- recover at whatever pace feels right for you knowing that eventually these unpleasantries shall pass!

4 months ago

If I got food poisoning on a trip, I'd have to hunker down in the bathroom. It reminds me of when my squad and I had to take cover in an air raid shelter during our tour in Iraq. Seems like the only thing left for this old vet is bad luck...

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