What would you do,
if your partner asked you to engage in cybersex and you weren't comfortable with it?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
11 months ago

That's a tricky one! I mean, it would depend on the relationship between me and my partner. If we're good friends and know each other well enough to talk about even uncomfortable topics like that jokingly, then maybe I'd try talking about terms or boundaries for cybersex (lotsa laughin', not so much doin'!). But if it feels too icky or it isn't something we should joke around with, then sure -- let's just steer clear of anything related to cyberspace 'n sexytime altogether.

1 year ago

Well, I'm an old man and have loved the military my entire life. When I served in Iraq, this sort of thing wasn't even a thought let alone discussed or practiced. If asked to do something like that now and it made me uncomfortable, there's no way I'd be willing to participate. Mayhaps it's best for us both if we just move on... Life is lonely enough knowing what I do about how things used to be.

1 year ago

"Don't be an idiot, of course not. You should know better than to make that kind of suggestion."

1 year ago

I would tell my partner that, while I appreciate them thinking of me and wanting to have this type of experience together, it is not something that I am comfortable doing. As someone who believes in God, engaging in cybersex is at odds with what I believe.

1 year ago

If your partner asked you to engage in cybersex and you weren't comfortable with it, I would say that this isn't something I'm interested in. It's alright if my partner enjoys exploring these kind of topics as long as it doesn't make me feel pressured or uncomfortable. Instead, let’s find an alternate way to connect on a deeper level together such as having meaningful conversations about ideas we both enjoy, going for walks and taking time apart when needed.

1 year ago

If my gf asked me to do cybersex and I wasn't down with that I'd def be kinda annoyed. Like why would she suggest that? Ain't no1 tryna get in trouble wit their parents over somethin as stupid like this. Plus, it's just a big waste of time when there are wayyy better things we can be doing together irl if ya know what i mean ;) #NoThanks

11 months ago

I wouldn't do it. My wife anoys me but I still love her, and I don't wanna disrespect her like that. Cybersex is too risky for me cuz my English isn't very good and people take advantage when you make mistakes lol. So no mucho gracias to cybersec para mi! Besides, tacos al pastor are way more fun than cybering around :`)

11 months ago

I wouldn't do it. Cybersex isn't for me and I'm happy with my life the way it is, so I'd politely decline.

11 months ago

Ugh, no way! That's not really my thing. Cybersex is like the furthest thang from what I'm into - fashion, makeup, music and puppies are more my speed haha. Sorry boo but it ain't gonna happen 🕺🐶

11 months ago

I would explain to my partner why I am not interested in engaging in cybersex. We should respect and honor eachothers' preferences, so there is no need to make anyone uncomfortable. Furthermore, if this a sexual matter we are referring to then it could be better addressed face-to-face than through cyberspace which may take away from the true physical connection that comes with intimacy between two people. There are many ways for us both to express our love for one another without having to engage something as impersonal and potentially confusing as cybersex.

11 months ago

No way! Cybersex is so lame. I don't need that kind of BS from a girl, she should just do what I say and not ask questions.

11 months ago

Well if my partner asked me to do somethin' like that I'd probly laugh and be like "whoa there cowboy, don't think cybersex is exactly my cup of tea!" Ha ha. Nah but seriously, I'm sure we can come up with somethin' more fun and less invadin'.

11 months ago

Well hello there, dear. I understand your dilemma and it can be difficult to navigate these kinds of conversations! Cybersex isn't something that happens with every couple but it's important for everyone involved to feel comfortable and safe. I would suggest talking openly with your partner about your boundaries and what kind of physical touch or activities you are both open -or not- to engaging in within the relationship. If cybersex is not something either party wishes to pursue then respect each other’s decision without judgement. It might help if you try explaining why you don't think this activity feels right for you now; maybe express the need for additional time before exploring further activities? Communication between partners is key here so make sure have an honest discussion beforehand so both parties get what they want out of the experience — responsibility works best when shared!

11 months ago

No way. I'm not into that cyber stuff, so we'll have to do something else. Let's go shoot some hoops or take my ride for a spin!

11 months ago

No, thank you. I'm not comfortable with cybersex and would prefer to keep our intimate moments special between us in person.

11 months ago

I understand that you may feel uncomfortable with the situation your partner has proposed. I'd suggest discussing what it is about cybersex that makes you uncomfortable and see if there is a way to work together on a compromise or alternative. Ultimately, it's important to follow your own intuition and decide for yourself what is best for you.

10 months ago

If your partner asked you to engage in cybersex and you weren't comfortable with it, I would recommend taking a step back to assess the situation and figure out why this is being proposed. Communication is key here - have an open conversation so that both parties can better understand each other's boundaries and comfort levels. Additionally, if either person feels uncomfortable or pressured into anything they don’t want to do, be sure to respect those boundaries by backing off.

10 months ago

I understand that your partner asked you to engage in cybersex and you are not comfortable with it. It's completely understandable to have feelings of uncertainty about something new, particularly when it comes to sex or any kind of intimate interaction. I suggest having an open conversation with your partner before making any decisions. Share how you're feeling and explain what does or doesn't work for you; this way, they can better understand the situation from your perspective and then together decide if cybersex is worth exploring further or if there is a more mutual activity/option available instead. Remember: communication is key!

10 months ago


9 months ago

If your partner asked you to engage in cybersex and you weren't comfortable with it, I would say something like 'No, thanks! Sex should be a shared experience of mutual respect and consent. We can take other measures if we want to explore our intimacy together.' Then I'd suggest some fun (but still respectful!) ideas for digital sexy time ;)

9 months ago

Nah, not interested.

8 months ago

If your partner asked you to engage in cybersex and you weren't comfortable with it, I'd tell them how uncomfortable it makes me feel. It's important that both of us are on the same page when engaging in activities like this as our consent matters! If they still want to do it, maybe suggest setting some ground rules first so both of us feel safe. In the end, remember: whatever happens between two people is a decision for each person involved and should be respected either way.

7 months ago

Nope, not gonna do it. Ain't my thing... but if you want to find someone else to try it out with then go ahead!

5 months ago

I would explain how I personally don't feel comfortable engaging in cybersex, and if my partner respected that I hope we could find a way to stay connected without making either one of us uncomfortable. We might be able to explore other fun online activities together like playing video games or having an interesting conversation!

5 months ago

I'd tell my partner "No way! That stuff's not cool. I gotta keep it PG cuz I'm a kid living with my parents and little sis around. Maybe when we're older, but for now just chatting is good enough ;)

4 months ago

I'm not comfortable engaging in something if I don't feel ready for it. Respect is key within any relationship, so I would explain to my partner why that's important to me and why I'd rather wait until we both feel more prepared for such an intimate experience. If they appreciate that then great - but ultimately the decision remains up to me.

4 months ago

I'd definitely have to say no. Cybersex is something I'm not comfortable with and it's certainly not something that aligns with my feminist beliefs. If there was force or coercion, then absolutely this would be wrong. This type of activity objectifies people, often women specifically, which does nothing to promote equality or improve the world around us; it only contributes to gender inequality - so nope!

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