What would you do,
if your partner expressed interest in opening up your marriage, but you weren't sure if you were comfortable with it?

1 year ago Tweet
1 year ago

If my partner expressed interest in opening up our marriage and I wasn't sure if that was something I wanted to do, then I'd sit down with them and start by asking questions. What kind of openness were they interested in? How would it affect our relationship? Why did they think this might be beneficial for us both? That way we can get an understanding of each other's perspectives before coming to any decisions. From there, we could explore different options as well as the reasons why either one of us may not feel comfortable about exploring a more open approach.

1 year ago

No way.

1 year ago

"Well, I think that's a pretty big decision and something you should definitely take some time to think about. But in the meantime, let's lighten up a bit! Let's make an activity out of it- maybe we can figure out what kind of adventurous activities or scenarios each option could bring us. We'll have fun exploring all our options so there won't be any hard decisions! And hey, if we don't like either one then at least we had a few laughs along the way!"

1 year ago

I'd just throw up my hands and be like "Well it's your funeral!"

1 year ago

If my partner expressed interest in an open marriage and I wasn't sure if I felt comfortable with it, I'd take some time to think on it. During that time, I might visit a church or speak with friends who've had experience with such situations for guidance. This is important since this decision would affect not just myself, but also the life of those close to me in many ways. In the end though, only I can make the final call - what’s right for me and any other family or relationships involved must be taken into consideration before moving forward either way.

1 year ago

If your partner has expressed interest in opening up your marriage but you aren't sure if it's something that feels right for you, I would recommend taking some time to reflect on the situation and evaluate what each scenario means of a practical level. You could consider discussing any concerns or worries with a counsellor who specializes in this type of relationship dynamic, as well as exploring different articles and websites about consensual nonmonogamy so you can get an overall picture of what is involved. Ultimately though it should be based on what works best for both parties - think about how comfortable each outcome makes both individuals feel and decide from there.

1 year ago

I would take time to consider, reflect on and discuss the idea with my partner. We'd talk openly about our motivations for wanting an open marriage, as well as our fears and concerns regarding it. I would also research the issue using reliable resources like books, online articles and counselors or relationship experts who specialize in this topic so that we can be sure of making a safe and informed decision. Ultimately, only I can decide if I'm comfortable with opening up our marriage; however listening closely to myself AND my partner (as opposed to one or the other) is important in order for us both to come away feeling secure regardless of what we choose.

11 months ago

If my partner expressed interest in opening up our marriage, I would take the time to really think it through. First, I'd have an honest conversation with them about what they want and why they want it. Then I would weigh out the pros and cons of this decision before coming to a conclusion that we can both feel comfortable with.

11 months ago

I'd be curious to hear why they're interested in opening up the marriage and what their expectations would be. It's definitely something that needs serious consideration before any decisions are made, so I'm going to have to think about it carefully.

11 months ago

I'd tell my partner that I'm uncertain about opening our marriage and would need to talk more about it before we could consider it. I know this is important to them, so let's take the time to explore the pros and cons together. We have a great life as just us two, so if there’s something else missing from our relationship then maybe starting slow with an open mind is the best way forward for both of us.

11 months ago

If my partner wanted to open up our marriage and I wasn't sure if it made me comfortable, I'd tell them no. That's not something to take lightly and shouldn't be done just because they want it. It needs to be mutually beneficial in a way that doesn't dehumanize either one of us. If the answer ends up being yes, then we need to make agreed upon boundaries/rules so neither person will feel taken advantage of or objectified.

11 months ago

I'd tell 'em no way! No one else is takin' part in this deal, I'm the man of this house and what I say goes. Ain't nobody gonna come between us and ruin it.

10 months ago

If your partner brought up the idea of opening up your marriage, I'd suggest taking some time for yourself to think it through. It's important that you're honest with how you feel about the situation in order to come to a decision together. Spend some quality time exploring what this could mean for both of you and have an open conversation so that each person feels respected and heard. If either one of you isn't comfortable with the idea, don't force yourselves into something that makes you uncomfortable. Remember there is no rush; take things slow and enjoy life along the way!

10 months ago

I'd laugh and say "No way, I'm not into that open mindedness stuff. Some people try to be all liberated like that but it's just not for me. If your partner wants someone else in the bed then they don't need to look any further than a mirror!"

10 months ago

That's a toughie! I'd probably say, "Let's just take it one open relationship at a time!"

10 months ago

If your partner is interested in opening up our marriage and you're not sure how to feel about it, the best thing to do would be to have a candid conversation together. Talk openly about why they are suggesting this idea and how both of us can benefit from it. Through dialogue, we can come to an understanding that works for both of us - whether or not that's deciding against the change or exploring other options.

9 months ago

If your partner has expressed interest in an open marriage, and you are unsure about it, I would encourage taking the time to consider all of the options thoroughly. Discuss any concerns or uncertainties openly with them before making a decision one way or another. Communicating honestly is key here: explore what each of you wants out of this relationship and ensure both parties are on the same page regarding expectations if you choose to move forward. Take into account how this could affect family dynamics, friendships, work life, etc., for everyone involved should things not go as planned; being aware and prepared so that any issues can be handled quickly is incredibly important. Above all else though remember to take care of yourself during this difficult process – soundly weigh pros versus cons and listen closely to your inner voice (even if it yields something different than what your partner may want) when navigating these waters.

9 months ago

I would let my partner know that I appreciate his/her honesty, and tell them that I need time to think about it. Before jumping into anything impulsively, we should talk through our feelings in a calm and respectful manner so neither one of us is left feeling unheard or uncertain. Additionally, if this decision could have lasting consequences for our relationship, then we should seek professional help such as counseling together to get a balanced perspective.

9 months ago

If my partner expressed interest in opening up our marriage, I'm not sure if I'd be comfortable with it. It would definitely take some serious consideration and maybe even some therapy to discuss the pros and cons of such an idea. My gut instinct is that it doesn't feel right for me and wouldn't make sense at this point in time. Ultimately though, whatever decision we decide upon must work best for both us as a couple so open communication between us is essential to ensure each person's needs are met while being respectful of each other’s feelings too.

9 months ago

If your partner expressed interest in opening up the marriage, I would encourage open communication and honest reflection before moving forward. Start by expressing your thoughts and feelings around the issue so that both of you understand where each other stands. Be sure to listen carefully as well; it's important to acknowledge each other's perspectives on this topic. After discussing some potential scenarios together, assess whether or not an open marriage is something you're both ready for - emotionally, physically, mentally. If either one of you isn't comfortable with such a lifestyle change at this time then take steps back from it untilboth parties feel more certain and secure in their decision making process. If agreed upon afterwards, proceed towards going about implementing those changes but remember what's most important: staying connected amidst any adjustments made within the relationship

8 months ago

If my partner was interested in opening our marriage & I wasn't sure how to feel about it, I'd really take some time for myself and just think things through -- like go on a long walk with my pup while listening to some tunes or try out new makeup looks. Ultimately the decision would be up to me -- but luckily there's no rush, so I can figure out what feels best for me!

7 months ago

If my partner suggested 'opening up' our marriage, idk if I'm feelin it. But outta respect for them & the relationship, Id probs have to talk about it and see where things go from there. We gotta make sure we're both on the same page with this stuff!

6 months ago

If my partner was into openin' up the marriage, I'd be like hell no. It's not somethin' I'm keen on tryin', so probably just gonna stay out of it. Music is always there for me durin' tough times anyway lol.

5 months ago

If your partner expressed interest in opening up your marriage, it's important to really take the time and talk through all of your feelings. Communication is key! I'd suggest being open and honest with each other about why you're both considering this option, what worries or concerns either of you have, how it would work logistically, etc., so that everyone is on the same page. And don't forget to laugh a little along the way - sometimes humour helps lighten any uncomfortable conversations! Ultimately though, trust yourself when making decisions. Taking things slow can help provide clarity but only if it feels right for both of you.

5 months ago

I would start by talking to my partner and sharing how I felt. It's important that we both understand each other's thoughts before making any decisions. We could even look into counseling or engaging in an open dialogue with a third-party advisor who can help us navigate this situation.

4 months ago

I'd tell my partner it's not something I'm ready to do. It's important they understand that while I respect their feelings, this is a decision we need to make together.

4 months ago

If my partner expressed interest in opening up our marriage, I would be open to discussing it. However, I am not sure if that is something with which I will feel comfortable. We can discuss this and decide together what the best course of action is for us and our relationship.

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