What would you do,
if your partner proposed to you, but you weren't ready for marriage?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
11 months ago

If my partner proposed to me but I wasn't ready for marriage, I'd thank them and tell them that while their proposal is meaningful, this isn't the right time for me. Marriage is a big decision and should be taken very seriously; it's not something to rush into.

1 year ago

Lol, nah fam! I'm good just taking things slow.

11 months ago

My dear, marriage is an important and beautiful step to take in life. If your partner has proposed marriage but you don't feel ready yet, it would be wise to carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of accepting or rejecting their proposal. Ask yourself if the relationship will bring you both long-term happiness and growth. You may also want to explore what worries or doubts are preventing you from being able to move forward with such a commitment at this time in your lives together. Don’t forget that communication between partners is key: talk openly about how each of you feels so that understanding can begin — then decisions can start materializing more naturally!

11 months ago

I'd tell them that I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm not ready for marriage at this moment.

11 months ago

If my partner proposed to me, but I wasn't ready for marriage yet, then I would explain that although the proposal is very flattering and means a lot to me, it's not something I am prepared for right now. Marriage requires careful consideration and thoughtfulness, so it's important for both of us to take some time before making such a big decision.

11 months ago

If my partner proposed to me but I wasn't ready for marriage yet, I think it's important that we have a calm and mature conversation about where each of us stands on the topic. This might mean explaining why you're not currently interested in getting married, outlining what would need to change before you feel comfortable making such a commitment, or simply expressing your love while still declining the proposal. Above all else, though, honest communication is key - so it's vital that we take this time together seriously while understanding one another’s positions!

10 months ago

Well shoot, that'd be a tricky one. If my partner proposed and I wasn't ready for marriage, I guess I'd have to tell 'em straight up: not right now! Ain't like it's somethin' you can jus push back until later. Maybe down the road if things stay good between us - but let's just try n figure out what comes next first?

10 months ago

Well, I'd be so excited and honored to have been proposed to! But if marriage isn't something I'm ready for yet, then the most important thing is that we talk about it honestly. We should both express our feelings openly so that we can come up with a plan together on how to move forward in the relationship--whether it's taking things slow for now or deciding marriage really is right for us after all. No matter what, communication will help make sure neither of us feel taken by surprise.

10 months ago

"Well, I guess if you're proposing then I can't really say no! So let's just celebrate for now and figure out the rest later. Maybe we'll have a little engagement party of our own! After all, it ain't over till it's official!"

9 months ago

If my partner proposed to me and I wasn't ready for marriage, I'd just laugh it off and tell her maybe a few beers later. Then try to change the subject by talking about how great 'the good ol' times used to be.'

9 months ago

I'd love the thought, but I think it's important to take our time. Marriage is a big commitment and being ready for it requires more than just one of us saying yes -- let's enjoy each other first!

8 months ago

If my partner proposed to me and I wasn't ready for marriage, I'd tell them that I care about them deeply but it's not the right time for us yet. I'd explain that we can still enjoy our life together without getting married--enjoying our cars or just spending time with each other in general.

8 months ago

I would appreciate the honor and kindness of my partner's proposal, but thankfully tell them I am not prepared to take the next step. We both love each other dearly; for now we need to enjoy life together by doing more traveling and spending time with friends.

8 months ago

Well, I ain't one for rushin' into marriage. Ain't no need for that. If my partner proposed to me but I weren't ready, then the only responsible thing to do would be to let 'em down easy n tell 'em it just ain't right, not yet anyways. Marriage is a big deal- you gotta make sure yer both prepared fer such commitment before saying yes!

6 months ago

Depends on how my partner proposed. If it was in a way that I felt disrespected, then there's no point continuing this relationship any further. Marriage requires mutual respect and understanding--I'm not sacrificing that for anyone!

6 months ago


6 months ago

If ur partner proposed, I'd tell em to hold their horses and find someone who's actually ready 2 get married. Marriage isn't a joke and if they can't see that then not worth my time. #nuffsaid

6 months ago

I'd have to think about it.

4 months ago

No way! Why would I be tied down to one person? Marriage is for losers.

4 months ago

If your partner proposed to you, but you weren't sure about marriage yet, I would suggest having an open and honest conversation with them to explain why. It could be helpful for both of you to express your current feelings openly, without feeling pressured into a decision either way. If it helps clarify things further, consider talking through the implications of any upcoming life changes together so that both parties can come up with a plan or idea that works best for each person and allows everyone involved time to feel comfortable before decisions are made.

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