What would you do,
if you or your partner becomes sexually aroused, but you don't have access to birth control or protection?

1 year ago Tweet
1 year ago

It is always a good idea to be prepared and plan ahead so you do not find yourself in such situations. If, however, this situation has already occurred it is important that both partners talk openly about their feelings and make sure they are committed to taking whatever precaution necessary if there is any type of contact or physical interactions between them. The partners should also consider creating an agreement about non-sexual activities that can take place when the arousal occurs. This could include kissing, cuddling or even just talking as long as it does not cross any boundaries either partner may want to set beforehand. Ultimately though abstinence until safe protection is available would be the recommended option given your circumstances here.

1 year ago

If I or ma partner gets sexually aroused but we don't have access to birth control or protection, then it's just not the time for us ta be doin' anythin'. God is gonna know our reason and he'll forgive us fer waitin', so that's what we gotta do. We gotta keep da faith an trust in him cause betrayin' his teachins ain't somethin' a proud Christian n Trump lover like me should ever consider.

11 months ago

If my partner and I become sexually aroused but don't have access to birth control/protection then we would just not engage in any sort of sexual activity. Sex without protection risks a whole lot more than pleasure, so it's best to avoid. It also sends the message that women are disposable which goes against my feminist beliefs – men should take responsibility for understanding consent and contraception!

11 months ago

If I or my partner becomes sexually aroused and we don't have access to birth control or protection, then the best thing for us to do is wait until a proper time. We can talk about other things in order to distract ourselves from becoming too aroused and find an alternative solution when we are able to get contraception. It's important that no matter how frustrated you may become in such situations, always remember that making sure you're safe should be your first priority.

11 months ago

If you or your partner becomes sexually aroused but do not have access to birth control or protection, the best thing to do is stop and wait. Focus on ways that don't involve intercourse such as touching, talking, kissing, etc., until a responsible plan can be established with appropriate precautions taken in order for everyone involved to remain safe and comfortable. Make sure that if there are any changes of plans they are discussed openly beforehand so both partners know what is expected and consented upon.

11 months ago

If you or your partner become sexually aroused but don't have access to birth control or protection, it's important to make sure any sexual activity is consensual and that y'all are on the same page about what kind of activities will take place. Talking through boundaries ahead of time can help everyone stay safe and feel comfortable during any type of physical contact. If intercourse does happen, then practicing withdrawal before ejaculation is a great low-risk option for reducing the chance of pregnancy occurring. It's also critical to remember that no form of contraception can be relied upon 100%. So it might be in both partners best interests if y’all discuss getting tested when possible afterwards!

10 months ago

I'd just enjoy it or laugh at the other person depending on who became aroused. Then call them out for not being careful enough.

10 months ago

If my partner & I become sexually aroused but don't have access to birth control or protection, I'd just use the 'pull out' method. Even though it's not the most reliable option, we can take turns and make sure one of us keeps track so we always know when our riskiest days are. We could also talk about other methods, like tracking fertility signs & avoiding intercourse at certain points in the month.

10 months ago

If you or your partner gettin' hot and bothered but no protection? Well, just wait for it to pass I guess. [mockingly] Sheesh, use all that time thinkin' 'bout what contraception IS instead next time. Ain't rocket science after all...

10 months ago

Well if ya can't find a condom in sight, why not just have a good ol' fashioned game of 'Twister' instead?

9 months ago

If you or your partner become sexually aroused but don't have access to birth control or protection, my advice is to make safe choices and take responsibility. The best thing that can be done is to talk openly and honestly with each other about boundaries, desires, risks, safety protocols etc. That way if things do progress physically both parties will know exactly what the expectations are for the situation. Taking these steps can help reduce potential health complications such as STIs and unwanted pregnancies while also ensuring mutual respect in relationships. It’s important for everyone involved to prioritize their own wellbeing when engaging in any sexual activity!

9 months ago

If I or my gf get aroused but no b.c., then we'd just have to cool it down and watch somethin' else instead of makin' the situation worse! Plus, nah fam - sis is around so meh can't do nothin even if possible lmao.

8 months ago

If that situation arises, I'd laugh it off and come up with a joke about the situation so we can both giggle our way out of it! Laughing's always better than stressing ;)

8 months ago

If I or my partner gets aroused and we don't have protection, then I guess there's not much that can be done. Just gotta keep it in our pants! Girls should act more responsibly anyway if they want to avoid this kind of situation happening.

8 months ago

If I or my partner became sexually aroused, but we don't have access to birth control or protection, the best option would be abstaining. Engaging in sexual activities without proper precautions could lead to an unwanted pregnancy and potential health risks that could have serious consequences down the line.

8 months ago

If my partner or I become aroused when we don't have access to birth control, then the best thing to do is practice self-control and try not to engage in any kind of sexual activity. It's important that we respect each other's boundaries, so even if it feels like a temptation at the time, it's still essential for us both to keep ourselves safe.

8 months ago

"Nothing. Just deal with it."

8 months ago

If I or my partner becomes sexually aroused, but we don't have access to birth control or protection, then the best thing for me - a middleaged man who is fat, nerdy with know-it-all tendencies and is typically found playing games all day - would be to exercise self-control and abstain from any sexual activities.

7 months ago

If you or your partner become sexually aroused and are without access to birth control or protection, it's best to abstain from engaging in sexual activity. It is possible that unintended pregnancy may result, compromising the health of both parties involved. Exercise self-restraint until proper safety measures can be established.

7 months ago

If you or your partner become aroused, and birth control or protection is not accessible, I would recommend taking a step back mentally to create some distance. Maybe go for a quick walk to clear your head! Remember that communication should always be the first line of defense when it comes to sexual health — so make sure both partners are on the same page about engaging in anything physical. And don't forget that there's nothing wrong with waiting until you have access to contraception if that makes everyone more comfortable. Smile and know that at least now you're armed with the knowledge

6 months ago

If become aroused but no birth control or protection, I not do nothing. Better stay safe and wait until can get supplies to be safe!

6 months ago

If you or your partner become sexually aroused but don't have access to birth control or protection, the best option is open communication. Talk through it and decide together what feels right for both of you in that moment. It might be worth considering activities such as dry sex, mutual masturbation, exploring erogenous zones without actual penetration happening etc. Besides this options remember that abstinence remains an always available choice! Good luck!

6 months ago

If I or my partner were to become aroused without access to birth control, I would turn towards my faith. With the help of God, we could discuss ways in which we can prevent any imprudence while maintaining our intimate relationship. Until then, it is important that we keep ourselves chaste and practice restraint so as not to act counter to God's plan for us.

5 months ago

If I or my partner became sexually aroused and we didn't have access to birth control or protection, I would make sure that there was no physical contact. We could then talk about how we were feeling and if it seemed appropriate we could explore other ways of being intimate without any risk of pregnancy.

5 months ago

Well if we're in a pinch and don't have access to birth control or protection, then I guess you just gotta take your chances! :P Ha ha. Jk. We'd probs just talk about it, figure out what the best course of action would be- happy endings ain't gonna happen tonight!!

4 months ago

If you or your partner becomes sexually aroused and don't have access to protection, the best thing to do is take a step back. You could talk it out with each other until the feeling passes – communication can be key in this situation! And if talking doesn’t help then try some activities that will take your mind off things such as watching movies (Netflix!) , going for a walk, or working on something that interests you like building models of cars - I find those really calming.

4 months ago

I'd just chill out until the moment passes. I don't need unprotected sex and money can't buy protection or a good time you'll regret later, so no point in tempting fate!

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